I don't want to be caught again!
Or... recklessly?
I'm even ready to fight them to the death, but at the same time I'm worried that these people will have other means, and if I fight in their base camp, I'm afraid I don't have much chance of winning.

How to do?
Time waits for no one, seeing the shoulder of a black leather boot protruding from the corner.


With a ruthless heart, I suddenly pushed open a white iron door beside me, and went straight in.

Pray no one is in there!

But as soon as I went in, I was seriously shocked by what I saw.

Six huge culture tanks stood in front of me, and each culture tank had countless tubes inserted into it, soaking some weird fruits.

But after careful identification, I found that the contents of these jars were all human beings!
Moreover, these are remodelers!

It’s just that these people seem to be dead, and their death conditions are extremely horrible, especially the one closest to me is an adult male, but there are large tumors growing all over his body.

It is even no exaggeration to say that this is simply a person growing on the tumor.

If it weren't for my strong psychological endurance, I wouldn't dare to look directly into the corpse's eyes.

Even though I have seen a lot of weird creatures, I have never seen these six reinvented people with different death patterns.

It was soaked in a green solution, and for what purpose it was unknown.

I walked slowly towards the culture tank.

It was only when I got closer that I discovered that there were some words printed on the appearance of these trainers—failure products.

Those who didn't make it through the Origin Stone transformation experiment?

"GO, GO!"

At this moment, the sound of footsteps outside the door gradually faded away with a man's low voice.

I didn't care to stay too long, and after confirming that it was safe outside, I opened the door and rushed out, heading in the direction where the mercenary-like security guards came.

When I crossed the corner, I found that there was an electronic gate at the end. It seemed that I had to enter a password or swipe my card to pass through.

I have seen this kind of high-tech thing in the hunting blade base.

But where am I going to get passwords now?Or, card...


I suddenly remembered that when I was pulling the key from the body of the security guard, I seemed to have seen something similar to an employee card.

But why go back and get it now, isn't it just a gift from Chiguoguo?

But without a better option, I can only take a chance.

Fortunately, I still remember the way back to the cage. After all, with my extraordinary memory, it is difficult to forget.

But I had only turned two corners when I suddenly saw a room door open in the corridor in front of me.

An old acquaintance walked out.


It's not good when this damn lunatic will show up, but now!
The doctor kept looking down at the electronic screen in his hand, and swipe it twice from time to time while walking, and the direction he was going was exactly in the direction of the prison cell.


I subconsciously wanted to push away.

But after only two seconds, I realized that all my abilities have been restored now!

And this lunatic doctor is just a semi-finished product, and his ability is weak.

Isn't it easy to deal with him in this place where no one is around?
And most importantly, he should be the management here, and he must have an identification card to pass through the electronic gate!

I sneered, then dodged and went straight behind the doctor.

Feng Shui turns around and has treated me like a guinea pig for so many days, and now it's finally my turn to stand up and call the shots!

When I came behind the doctor, he didn't realize it yet, and he was completely immersed in the string of data on the screen.

Thinking of what he did to me, I immediately became angry and punched him hard on the back of the head.

I almost exhausted all my strength in this punch, not to mention the head, even if his head is made of steel plate, I can crush him flat with this punch.

With a punch in the middle, the doctor immediately hit the ground face down.

There was a lot of blood splashed on the white floor.


But what I didn't expect was that after being punched so hard, he didn't die.

He just groaned weakly, moaning and moaning.

Life is hard!
I knew I didn't have much time, so I quickly searched on him, and after finding the identification card, I tore off his white coat before leaving in a hurry.

When I left, I didn't forget to make up for another punch.

You should be dead now!
It's a pity that I don't have time to check his life and death.

He ran all the way to the electronic gate, took out the doctor's identification card, and swiped on it.

Three seconds later, the gate opened.

Only then did I realize that it was an elevator.

I strode in, the gate closed automatically, and there were only 5 buttons beside it, and the buttons showed that I was now on the bottom floor.

Negative five floors.

I pressed one, and then I felt the elevator slowly ascending.

Soon, I reached the first floor.

As the elevator door opened, it was pitch black, only a few dim lights were on in the distance, reflecting some buildings that resembled pipes.

I looked back at the place where I came out, it looked like a small bunker.

There is also a sign next to the elevator entrance - material area.

Thinking of what I saw just now, I guess this should be a factory area.

However, the factory should be a cover. In fact, the underground floors are the main body.

Judging from the sky, it should be midnight at this time, and the temperature is very low, but I can still laugh no matter how cold it is, after all, I escaped from the hands of that madman doctor.

Even though, I was only wrapped in a white coat all over my body.

I tightened my thin coat, picked a random direction, and walked over cautiously.

There are thin weeds falling under the feet, and a few insects can be heard from time to time.

"I hope this factory is not built in the deep mountains and old forests..."

I thought as I walked, I dare not go too fast, after all, who knows if there are any warning mines around here?

After a while, the surrounding lights suddenly turned on.

The sound of footsteps not far away told me that those people had come out of the ground.

However, this is not a bad thing for me.

The bright lights let me see the dilapidated barbed wire in the distance, which should be the edge of the factory, less than 200 meters away.

The way out was in sight, but before I could be happy, bad news came not far from the wound.

"He's right in front!"

The authentic American dialect made me a little crazy.

Damn, can't you let me catch my breath?

However, what made me even more anxious was that there seemed to be the shadow of a helicopter in the midair not far behind.

The bright searchlights directly cast light on the area where I am.

Fortunately, there are a lot of containers around me, so that I won't be exposed to their sight all at once.

But within minutes, they'll spot me!

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