Suddenly, I remembered that woman.

The woman who dedicated her life not to be a drag on me.

If it wasn't for Yang Hui, I would have followed reason when I was in the Loulan Imperial City, ignored the fire monkey, and looked for a way out by myself.

I was desperate and risked my life to save the fire monkey. Maybe it was because I subconsciously felt that if I could save the fire monkey, I would feel less guilty towards Yang Hui...

"you're right……"

The Fire Monkey lowered his head and said shyly.

I also feel bad, but the dead cannot be resurrected, it is useless to just immerse yourself in sorrow, and we still have a long way to go.

"You rest first, I'll go and see if there is anything edible around me."

After finishing speaking, I walked into Populus euphratica forest.

When I went ashore, I already found that there were no fish and shrimp creatures in the lake, so I could only put my target in the Populus euphratica forest, hoping to find some food in this place full of thorny shrubs.

But here is a desert, and the number of organisms is extremely scarce. I searched for a long time, but only found a small red berry the size of a bean, and there were only a few of them.

This little thing...isn't enough for my teeth.

I looked at the half-handful of berries in my hand and sighed slightly.

In the past few days, I only drank a small amount of water and didn't eat anything. I relied on my body to burn fat to support my movements. My hungry and empty stomach was so numb that I couldn't even feel it.

I don't want to die of hunger in the end, it would be too aggrieved to die like that.

But when all my thoughts were lost, suddenly, there was a sharp pain in my ankle. I looked down and saw that it was a half-meter-long snake hiding under the bushes.

Its camouflage color is almost integrated with the surrounding environment. If I didn't accidentally step on its tail, I probably wouldn't be able to find it.


God finally favored me once, and while feeling a little bit emotional, I bent down and twisted off the snake's head, then buried the snake's head in the sand, and then walked back with the snake's body twisting constantly.

Although this half-meter-long snake doesn't have much meat, it can barely satisfy its hunger, which is better than eating nothing at all.

When I saw the fire monkey lying by the tree, I shook the dead snake in my hand and greeted him.

"Look what this is..."


Before I could finish speaking, the fire monkey turned its head and made a silent gesture to me.

Um?have something?
I was shocked from the bottom of my heart, I knew very well that with Fire Monkey's character, he would never make such a big fuss under normal circumstances, he must have discovered something extraordinary.

I couldn't help but slowed down and walked towards him slowly.

After walking to his side, I looked in the direction he pointed, and I finally understood why he was so nervous.

On the other side of the lake, there are people!
Two foreigners, one tall and one short, were fetching water with plastic jugs. They carried guns on their backs and were well-equipped. Such people are rare in China.

The fire monkey and I looked at each other, and we both saw the shock in each other's eyes.

There is no doubt that [-]% of them are from the company!

How could we run into them here?Could it be that we are already very close to the West Queen Mother Palace?Or, the direction from the ancient city is opposite to the direction we want to go, and now we have met the people behind us, the company's staff?

Many suspicions sprouted in my heart, which are all possible.

We lost a lot of materials and instruments in the previous sandstorm, and we couldn't tell where they appeared.

And I'm afraid I've been on the company's blacklist for a long time. Once these people find out, I'm afraid we won't even have a chance to fight back.


Judging from the degree of equipment of these people, their supplies are definitely beyond our imagination.

If we can get enough food, medicine and other things from them, our next trip will definitely be much easier, at least we won't die of thirst and starvation in the vast desert.

After those people got the water, they turned around and walked into the Populus euphratica forest on the opposite bank, disappearing.

"It's really unlucky to have a leak in the house when it rains overnight."

The fire monkey let out a long breath, and sat down with his back against the poplar tree.

"Don't you think this is a good thing..."

"A good thing? It's not bad if you don't get caught by them. Is this a good thing?"

The fire monkey looked at me in disbelief.

"of course."

Later, I told Fire Monkey what I thought, but in return he shook his head frantically.

"The only weapon we have now is the gun on your body, and you shouldn't have many bullets, right? There must be a lot of them, and in terms of weapons alone, we are not their opponents at all. What is the difference between their idea and courting death?"

"But if we don't work hard, we won't be able to get out of the desert at all. Even if we stay in this oasis, no one will know that we are still alive, and we will all die sooner or later."

I said calmly.

The fire monkey stopped talking, and he seemed to be struggling, but he finally nodded his head with difficulty,
"What do you want to do?"

"Sneak attack."

The two of us only have one gun, with one and a half magazines left. Of course, it is impossible to fight recklessly with the company's people, but the enemy is open and we are in the dark. If we play tricks, there is still a high chance of success.

Just wait until it gets dark so we can get going.

It is almost noon now, and the remaining time is just enough for us to take a rest and recover some energy.

The fire monkey and I shared the dead snake and the few berries equally. The skin of the berries is tasteless, but the seeds are spicy after eating. The snake didn't have much meat, so it tasted a bit unsatisfactory, but It's better than nothing at all.

Then, we started a long waiting time.

When the evening was approaching, I saw a wisp of cooking smoke rising from the Populus euphratica forest on the other side of the lake. At this time, the sun was setting and the sky was getting dark, which happened to be a good time to sneak past.

After greeting the fire monkey, I took the lead and walked around the lake to the opposite bank.

The sand here is very soft to step on, and the sound is very small, which is just convenient for us to move around, but the knee-high bushes around us are a bit in the way, because the dense barbs on the bushes will always catch clothes.

When it was almost completely dark, we finally came to the opposite bank.

In the Populus euphratica forest here, there is a small open space, six tents are distributed in a semicircle, and a small pot is placed on the campfire in the center.

In addition, I counted it carefully. There are eight people from the company and six camels.

"Do you do it?"

The fire monkey squatted aside and said softly.

"hold on……"

I signaled him not to act rashly. After all, it's not completely dark yet, so it's too early to act.

Just when I had just finished speaking and turned my head, I suddenly found that another man came out of one of the tents, holding a rope in his hand, and pulled out a man and two women, three Chinese!

The most surprising thing is that I know all three of them!

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