I thought that except for me and the fire monkey, all the rest of the people were killed in the sandstorm, but now it seems that the fact is not what I thought.

At least Li Xin, the little nurse Ouyang Ye, and Wei Hang who had clashed with Wang Gang were alive.

It's just that their current situation is a bit miserable.

Although they also survived the sandstorm, they unfortunately fell into the hands of the company people, making them all like slaves, extremely embarrassed.

However, it was also thanks to Li Xin and Ouyang Ye's disheveled looks, otherwise, with their looks, they might have been reduced to the playthings of those foreigners.

"How could it be them!"

Fire Monkey has lowered his voice as much as possible, but I can still hear his surprise.

"Then shall we do it again?"

"of course yes!"

I thought about it for a moment, and it is absolutely necessary to do it, otherwise it would be difficult for us to survive in this desert area.

But now, the safety of Li Xin and the others had to be considered.

So I had to make some changes on the basis of the original plan.

"You go around to the back first, and after I do it, you find a way to take Li Xin and the others out of here first, and wait for me on the other side of the lake. If I don't come back before dawn, you can figure it out Bar……"

After I finished speaking softly, the fire monkey was stunned for a moment, looked at me, then at Li Xin and the others who were bound hands and feet, nodded to me after some hesitation, bent over and began to forgive.

And I set up my gun and stared at everything in the camp intently.

After about half an hour, the sky was completely dark. It was a moonless night, only the bonfire and a few lamps in the camp gave off bright light.

Although the people in these companies are well-equipped, their awareness of prevention is a bit weak.

Not half of them stood guard, most of them sat lazily around the campfire, chatting and laughing, probably they would not have thought that someone would secretly point a gun at their foreheads in such a ghostly place. Bar?

The three of Li Xin were tied up and thrown in the corner where the camels were resting.

I guessed that the fire monkey should be in place at this time, so I immediately aimed at the forehead of a strong man squatting by the campfire.

The moment the gunshot rang out, the head of the strong man who was about to get up exploded like a watermelon.

After staggering a few steps with his thick body, he fell on the sandy ground, twitching from time to time,

All of a sudden, the few people around the campfire panicked. They quickly got up and raised their guns, but at this time, I was not idle.

The distance between me and them was only 30 meters, and in my eyes, they were not even as good as rabbits scurrying around.

Immediately afterwards, I fired several shots and shot people.

However, one of the shots was shot crookedly, and the bullet flew out of the man's neck. Although the blood gushed out from his neck, he did not die, and it seemed that such a serious injury was on the body, but His actions were not affected in the slightest!
In less than ten seconds, two of them died and three were injured, and only three of them were still fighting.


Among the three people, the one wearing sunglasses seemed to be the leader. He cursed a few words, untied a ball from his waist, and threw it in my direction.

This guy also has grenades!
I hurriedly retracted my gun and planned to change my position, but just after I ran a few steps away, I heard a bang behind me, followed by a shock wave that pushed me away by more than one meter.

After the shock wave passed, I fell to the ground and coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Mad, what kind of grenade is this that is so powerful?It was just impacted by the aftermath of the explosion, so it felt like my internal organs had been displaced, and I didn't even want to move my hands and feet.

If possible, I even wanted to just lie on my stomach like this and have a good sleep here, but the reality shattered my beautiful thoughts.

Da da da.

Before the smoke and dust cleared behind me, the sound of gunfire came, and the sound of bullets passing through the air above my head made my scalp tingle.

Light machine gun?The equipment of these guys is really good...

I gritted my teeth and worked all my strength to get up. My limbs were so sore, which made me wonder for a while, if ordinary people were hit by the shock wave of the explosion, would they die directly?

The people behind me were shooting crazily. Under the suppressed firepower, I had no strength to fight back. I could only bow my waist and wait for a certain distance. After they finished shooting, I tried to find a way to deal with them.

Pooh!Suddenly, a bullet that grazed the tree trunk changed its trajectory and directly hit my thigh.

My nerves shrank suddenly, and the severe pain almost didn't let me get over it all at once.

But I didn't want to be beaten into a sieve, so I could only endure the pain and slowly move towards a safer place. Compared with the gunshot wound on my thigh, the pain from the shrub cutting the skin is nothing. When the rough bark of Populus euphratica lay down, the whole body seemed to fall apart.

There was a faint sound of cursing from the camp in the distance, which made me feel a little bitter in my heart.

Sure enough, one person is still too reluctant...

Not to mention that they are well-equipped, and all of them are seasoned players. They don't panic and quickly counterattack when they encounter problems. Although I have already played [-] points of vigilance, I still suffer.

Suddenly, I remembered Fire Monkey, and I don't know if he took Li Xin and the others away...

I was thinking about climbing up with one hand on the tree. Even though my leg hurts and hurts, but my task is not completed yet. Now that I have made a move, I will wipe out all the remaining gringos.

Otherwise, even if Li Xin and the others were rescued from them, without any supplies, the number of people would increase and they would die faster.

fuck it!

I endured the pain, bent down and hid myself in the shadows, bypassed the area where the grenade exploded just now, and dived towards the camp again.

But what I didn't expect was that there were only two corpses and three half-dead people left in the camp, while the leader and the other two who were not injured were gone.

Where the hell did they go?
I looked around, anxious and calm at the same time.

They probably entered the Populus euphratica forest and planned to find me out, and they will return here sooner or later. All I need to do is to wait for the rabbit.

Then I looked towards the place where the camels were.

Although the camels were tethered, perhaps they were frightened by the gunshots and explosions just now, and they all seemed a little restless.

But I breathed a sigh of relief.

Under the camels, except for a few broken ropes, there were no shadows of Li Xin and the others. It seemed that the fire monkey had rescued them.


But the familiar voice that followed made me nervous again after I had just relaxed.

Those people are back!

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