I wanted to swim along the light source, but the oxygen in my lungs was exhausted, so I had no choice but to swim to the surface of the water first, and after a few breaths, my mind gradually became clear.

Suddenly, I realized something was wrong.

Where is Fire Monkey?

Although it's so dark here that you can't see your fingers, the space is not big. If the fire monkey comes out of the water, I should be able to feel it, at least I should be able to hear the sound of water.

However, apart from the sound of my breathing, the silence here is a bit scary.

Got it!

I quickly took a deep breath and dived into the water again. At a glance, I saw the light from the fire monkey's flashlight, which was about four meters underwater.

He actually sank deeper than me?Then what was that blurred light and shadow I saw just now?
But at this time, I didn't have time to think too much, so I could only swim to the fire monkey.

He puffed his cheeks, frowned, and pointed to his legs. I understood that he was saying that his legs were cramp.

I nodded at him, took his arm, and finally swam to the surface before my oxygen ran out.


The fire monkey took a long breath, and his blue face gradually returned to normal. He motioned for me to let him go, and then he came to the edge of the corridor and tried to climb up, but he struggled for a long time, but only caused a few splashes.

"It's useless."

A few minutes later, seeing that he still didn't give up, I had no choice but to stop him, "Save your strength, if I'm not wrong, there may be a way out underwater..."


The fire monkey didn't believe it at all, he looked at me in disbelief, "Don't be kidding, you don't know how deep the bottom is? You may not be able to sink to the bottom even if you drown. We don't even have diving equipment now, and you still want to find a way in the water ?”

"Then do you think you can go up there?"

I pointed to the slippery corridor and continued, "When I was in the water just now, I saw a bright light coming in from the other end. The exit is probably there. If we don't try it, we can only stay here and wait." Die! How long do you think you can last in this cold water? An hour? A day?"

Hearing this, the fire monkey was slightly taken aback, then pursed its lips, and was silent for a long time before gritting its teeth.

"Well, I'll listen to you!"

He said and handed me the flashlight.

But I didn't intend to use it, so I turned off the flashlight and put it in my pocket.

Then, I dived into the water first, and the fire monkey followed me.

I didn't dare to slack off for a moment, after all, I'm not a fish, and I couldn't stay under the water for too long, so I hurriedly searched for the trace of the light group after entering the water.

Fortunately, it is not difficult to find the light in the dark water. In just a few seconds, I saw the light in the distance, faint and blurry.

At the bottom of the water, except for the faint light, all other places are shrouded in darkness, and most importantly, the light source is still quite a long distance from us.

The cold water is taking away the heat in my body crazily. Coupled with the consumption of oxygen, I can last at most 2 minutes and it is already the limit.

And the physical condition of the fire monkey is worse than mine, so we must speed up!

But after a few minutes, I realized that the distance between us was much larger than I expected.

My mind has already started to feel a little dizzy, and the feeling from my lungs seems to be splitting. This once made me want to give up and end my life.

But I'm still swimming with all my strength, all by another thought that's growing like a weed in my heart.

I have to live!
And at this moment, I felt something poking my right arm, but I could only see a vague black outline when I looked back.

Is it a fire monkey?He was waving at me desperately?

I had to stop, turned on the flashlight, and saw the livid face of the fire monkey, with a relieved smile on his lips.

It is very similar to Yang Hui's smile before she died.

Is he telling me he's done and leaving me alone?

No, if you want to go, you have to go together, the way of life is in front of you, how can I leave him and live alone!If I really leave him at this moment, then I will live in guilt for the rest of my life.

I grabbed the fire monkey's arm violently, but he swung his arm vigorously, just not wanting to drag me down.

But after all, he was already at the end of his rope, and he couldn't hold on anymore, he just struggled in vain for a few times and then became silent.

I wasted some more time, my body was even more tired, and I had to drag another person to swim at this time, and the weight of nearly [-] catties doubled my pressure for a while.

How far is it?

Just 1 minute, for me now, is longer than a year. What supports me to swim is only a faint desire to survive.

What I saw in my eyes was a white light.

Is it because I'm dying, my pupils are dilated, causing my eyes to take in more light...

This was the last thought on my mind before I fainted completely.


Suddenly, the sound of water rang in my ears, and at the same time, a scorching and strong light stimulated me, which made me unable to open my eyes, but I breathed the long-lost air in my nose.


The feeling of fresh air filling my lungs made me groan.

It feels so good to be alive!
I put one hand on the shoulder of the fire monkey, and patted his face, but unfortunately there was no response, and I could only float in place, and make plans when I could open my eyes.

After a while, I was finally able to squint and see my surroundings clearly.

This place should be an oasis, and the place where I am is the lake in the center of this oasis. The lake is not big, and many shrubs and Populus euphratica grow along the shore. The hot sun shines down on my head, but it makes me feel a strange comfort. .

I was exhausted, but fortunately I was only a few meters away from the shore.

After going ashore, I carried the fire monkey to the bushes on the shore, avoiding direct sunlight, then laid him flat on the ground, and pressed his chest hard.

He hadn't been drowning for a long time, he was just comatose due to severe hypoxia, and he was definitely rescued.

"Cough cough... vomit..."

As soon as I pressed it a few times, the fire monkey sat up straight suddenly, took a few deep breaths, then turned around suddenly, half-kneeled and put its hands on the ground, coughing and spitting out several saliva.

Afterwards, he lay face up on the ground, stared at the sky dryly, and murmured, "I'm still alive...alive..."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head slightly, showed me an apologetic smile, and said, "I owe you my life again...I'm afraid it will not be clear in this life. If I were a woman, I could still promise you with my body. Too bad I'm a guy..."

"Actually, we should all thank a woman."

After I said this, the smile on the fire monkey's face disappeared.

The atmosphere of relief and joy in the rest of our lives has also become heavy, as if a dark cloud weighed on our hearts.

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