I'm calling out Eve's name, trying to find her.

But what I didn't expect was that the fire monkey suddenly asked me not to speak very nervously.

I was wondering what he meant, but under the searchlights, I soon knew why!

But at this moment, I can clearly see a figure walking out from an open room door.

The man's clothes looked very old, and he looked like a sailor from World War II, or a member of the navy.

His clothes have been eroded by time and become tattered.

His face has also been rotted into disrepair, and his facial features can hardly be seen clearly. He can only vaguely see some bones and rotten flesh. The visual conflict is very strong and very disgusting.

If we looked at it at first glance, we would definitely think that it was a corpse.

But now, under the light of the searchlight, we can clearly see that he is moving!
More precisely, he was walking!

He walked very slowly, and his posture was very strange.

Probably because the muscles on the body are rotten, the walking of this thing is very different from that of normal people. It seems to be dragging its body by its bones to move.

"What exactly is this?"

Just taking a look, a huge fear emerged from the bottom of our hearts.


Such a word emerged in our hearts at the same time.

Could it be that there are actually zombies?

And just now the fire monkey stopped me from making a sound because of this guy.

However, what makes me wonder is, how can the fire monkey judge that this guy is sensitive to sound, not to light?
"I've seen this thing!"

What the fire monkey said surprised me a bit.

I only know that he is an older special soldier, and it seems that this guy is also a person with a story.

"That was ten years ago. I went to a certain no-man's land on the border of Western Xinjiang to perform a special mission. There, we encountered this kind of thing. This thing is indeed similar to the common zombies in film and television works, but it is different. Unfortunately, it is only sensitive to sound, probably because it has no visual organs."

"However, unlike the zombies in film and television works, their means of attack are teeth and claws, but they can't eat people. It's just that their teeth and claws contain strong toxins. Once they are bitten, they will be parasitic. Killed by insects, very similar to Zonda."

Not long after the fire monkey fell, we saw more and more zombies coming out of the corridor outside.

Roughly estimated, there are only a dozen of them.

There is no doubt that these terrifying things were all induced by my shout just now.

This made me feel a little guilty, but I still had more doubts in my heart.

Where did Eve go?

Didn't I just see her shadow in the room?
Why did she disappear after we came in? Could it be my eyesight?
"The number of a dozen or so is not too much. We can't stay trapped in this room and use flamethrowers to kill a path!"

We carefully observed the situation outside with the searchlights, and we determined that the number of zombies should not be too many, so we discussed the result.

"Everyone has just seen that the transparent monsters outside can distort the light, so I guess that the person Zhang Qi is looking for is not in this position. The position we saw is biased, so she may be in this area. Other rooms in the dormitory area!"

The fire monkey said calmly.

His words made me nod my head, which is also possible.

In this way, Eve probably heard my shout just now, but she has no way to answer me now. Let's rush out of this corridor and look around, maybe she will guide us through the light.


The fire monkey took a look at all of us, turned on the flamethrower first, and rushed out!

The sound of our footsteps quickly attracted the attention of those zombies, and they rushed towards us quickly, with creepy roars from their mouths.

Fortunately, although these monsters look scary, our strength is very strong. Under the protection of high-strength protective clothing, it is difficult for them to tear through our defenses, and our flamethrower can cause great damage to them. harm.

The only ones who are more dangerous are probably teammates with damaged protective clothing.

The corridor we are in is relatively narrow, and Abu and I almost blocked most of the dangers one after the other, but it also reduced everyone's risk factor a lot.

In no time, we were through the hallway.

And at this time, there was indeed a faint light coming from the door at the end of the corridor!
And the light keeps flickering.

I believe that this is most likely Eve signaling to me.

Because, the fire monkey said, the frequency of the flickering light is like playing Morse code.

"Don't leave yet, everyone stay at the door and see what she wants to say!"

The fire monkey shouted loudly, and Abu and I hurriedly stood in front to stop the zombies that kept coming.

"She seems to be saying: sos, there is a string of numbers, 0281!"

The fire monkey deciphered it for a while, and then he had the answer.

Sos naturally means to ask for help, and 0281, we guess, most likely refers to the room number.

On both sides of the corridor where we are at the moment, there are house numbers on the top of each room, for example, the nearest ones are 0113, 0112.

According to the arrangement of numbers, Eve's room is probably in Room 81 on the second floor.

However, since this is the case, there is also a problem.

What we see through the door in front should be the light on the same floor. How did she transmit the light here from the room on the second floor?
With doubts in mind, we hurriedly opened the door in front of us.

After the door was opened, there was still a dormitory corridor behind.

On both sides of the corridor, there are still rows of doors.

This made us feel a little surprised. Since they are all dormitory corridors, why is there a gate here?Isn't this superfluous?

But it soon occurred to us that the door might have been installed later.

For example, what happened on this ship made the people on one side of the gate change, such as becoming zombies, so the people on the other side had to build this gate to block those people.

Of course, it is more likely that they already knew that the people on the other side of the door would mutate. Before they mutated, they built this door in advance, just in case!

But it's a pity that this door doesn't seem to be able to stop the plague, or the spread of the so-called zombie virus.

After we opened the gate, the closed doors suddenly opened, and with terrifying roars, a group of more powerful strange zombies rushed towards us.

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