Seeing those monsters attacking us with strange sounds, we also opened fire and attacked frantically.

However, there are too many monsters, and their concealment is also very strong. Even though our firepower is fierce, they still get close to us, and some teammates are injured.

We quickly discovered that the damage of the bullets to this thing is very limited. Many times the bullets pass directly through their bodies. Although some blood will flow, they cannot stop their actions.

We speculate that the injured area may be too small.

Cold weapons do more damage to this thing.

So among us, Abu and I played a very important role. The other team members are used to using guns, and the level of cold weapons is much worse than ours.

If it weren't for me and Abu, I'm afraid the whole army would be wiped out today.

"Don't stand still, fight and run!"

The fire monkey shouted loudly.

Indeed, I also found that these monsters are coming from all directions. If we continue to stay where we are, I am afraid that we will be completely overwhelmed by them sooner or later.

Abu and I covered everyone from left to right, and went deep into the ghost ship.

This deck is only about the size of a few basketball courts, so it's actually not too big, but at this moment, we've been walking for a long time at a position of more than ten meters!
We seem to have fallen into a sea of ​​ghosts at this moment, the strange screams are deafening, and the transparent ghosts can't be cut down no matter how hard they are.

Now I understand a little bit why we couldn't shine on Eve's face with the searchlight before and see her face clearly.

However, since our searchlights couldn't shine through, how did Eve's figure penetrate these guys and fall into our eyes?
There are still many questions in my mind, but at this time, there is no time to think more.

"That room is in front of us, we will most likely be safe in it!"

Finally, at the cost of a companion's life, we came to that cabin!
I saw Eve from this cabin earlier.

Therefore, we boldly guess that this cabin should be safe.

At this moment, the cabin is still not lit, it is pitch black, and there is a faint smell of terror, but in our eyes, it is a safe house.


With a loud roar, I split the transparent monster blocking the way with a sharp sword in my hand, and finally came to the door of the house in one step.

But what surprised me was that there was a rusty iron lock hanging on the door of this cabin.

This kind of lock is a typical old Western-style lock, which can only be locked from the outside, not from the inside.

Looking at the lock, it seems quite old and has gone through countless years.

After seeing this thing, many questions immediately arose in our hearts.

The lock obviously can only be locked from the outside, so after Eve went in, did someone else, or even something else, come over and lock her in?

Was she unable to come out because she was locked up?

Time is running out now, those transparent monsters are still attacking us crazily, and I can't think about it, so I quickly raised the long sword in my hand and slashed towards the big lock.

The quality of this big lock is actually very good. Even though my bone sword is very special and my strength is very strong, but when the sword is struck, there are only cracks, and it did not directly shatter.

I quickly raised my sword and slashed for the second time.

In the time it took for me to slash twice, my companion had already been seriously injured for covering me.

A team member's protective clothing was torn by the monster's blue blood, and the skin of the entire right hand was immediately carbonized, and the blackness looked extremely terrifying.

This shows that the blood of that thing is actually some kind of strong acid!
Now we understand why some people were burned to death, because the result of being burned by strong acid and carbonized by flames is very similar. When we roughly checked the corpses, we made a misjudgment.

After all, no one would have imagined that such a large area of ​​strong acid would be poured into this weird ship!

There are also corpses that strangled themselves to death, which we have not encountered yet.

But we suspect that it may have something to do with those continuous scary sounds.

Even if this transparent monster is not a ghost, in our eyes, it is no different from a ghost.


There was only a muffled sound, and I finally smashed the big lock to pieces.

I was overjoyed when I saw this, and quickly pushed open the door of the cabin.

The door of the cabin has not been used for a long time, and the joint is probably rusted. When I pushed it hard, it made a strange creaking sound.

I don't know what's going on, but in this environment full of screams and screams, the creaking sound of opening the door is extraordinarily loud, as if it sounded directly from our hearts.

With weapons in hand, we rushed in quickly.


As soon as we entered the door, we quickly closed the door. We also noticed that there was an iron bolt inside the door, and we quickly closed the door.

After doing all this, we used the searchlights and found that the light in front of the door was no longer distorted, and the weird screams were far away from us. Only then did everyone feel relieved and heaved a sigh of relief.

We turned our heads and began to observe the cabin.

First of all, this cabin is empty, there is no one there!
Eve wasn't even here.

From the outside, it looks like a crew's dormitory, a simple double dormitory with a bunk bed, a table with drawers, and a few chairs.

Moreover, it seems that no one has been here for a long time, and it is full of dust everywhere.

But to my delight, I still found some traces of man-made activities, very new.

There was no dust on one of the chairs and some slight signs of use on the table.

More importantly, I noticed that there was a door with a round window on the side of the cabin.

The glass window on the door has been wiped clean.

We carefully shone the searchlight on the glass window and looked out.

But behind the small door, there is a corridor.

The gloomy and narrow corridor was empty, and there was nothing there. On both sides of the corridor, there were rows of doors. Some of these doors were open, and some were closed.

From our vantage point, it is difficult to see what is inside those open doors.

It was pitch black everywhere, and there didn't seem to be any light source here except our searchlights.

"Eve? Where are you?"

I yelled loudly, and I wondered if she hid in another room?
But what I didn't expect was that just after I finished speaking, the fire monkey covered my mouth nervously.

"Don't talk, it's dangerous!"

He said with his lips, waving his arms exaggeratedly, but he was careful not to make a sound.

His actions made all of us nervous and our hearts beat fast!
What did the fire monkey find?

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