It seems that the natives like Tana call this transparent monster a ghost?
Is this thing really a ghost?

Or some kind of unknown creature?
Those who can be cut by swords and bleed, can't be counted as ghosts, right?
We looked at each other and felt a little strange, but the fire monkey carefully took a sample of the drop of blue blood with a dropper, and saved it, preparing to take it back for research in the future.

"Since there is such a ghost, we need to be more careful in our next actions. Everyone, pay attention to the surrounding lights and see if there is any distortion!"

That thing moves silently and is transparent, but it is not completely defenseless. It has a different density from air, so light entering will cause distortion and refraction. This is the only way we can find it. .

In vigilance, we continued to move forward. Along the way, there were more and more corpses under our feet. The situation of these corpses was very strange.

Many people looked as if they had just died. What was particularly strange was that some had wounds on their bodies, and the blood had almost been lost, but there was no sign of decay at all, and they became a fresh mummy.

The causes of their death are all kinds of strange, some seem to be bitten to death, which is the most common, we suspect that those big rats did it, and some were drowned, burned to death, and even strangled themselves.

Seeing these corpses makes us feel quite heavy. It's not that it's a pity that the company's people died, but that their losses are so heavy, which shows that the danger here is extremely high.

Just when we were at a loss, we found that there were bursts of voices suddenly coming from in front of us.

The voice was in German, and it was two people who seemed to be communicating.

We followed the source of the sound to find it, but saw a pile of dead bodies in front of us.

"Be careful, it may not be real people talking, but some kind of mirage, you can listen to what they are saying."

Fire Monkey frowned and said.

We listened for a while, feeling very disappointed.

I don't know much German, but the Fire Monkeys do.

As they listened, they translated for others who did not understand.

What these two people talked about was not a confidential matter, and there was very little useful information, almost all nonsense.

However, through their conversation, we still got some information.

First of all, the two people speaking are not from our time, but seem to be Germans around the twentieth century.

But not long after, two other voices sounded, still in German, and they were two men.

This time, their dialogue caught our attention!

"Major, what is the purpose of gathering so many outstanding talents and special forces on our ship this time?"

"Of course it's for that mysterious island. Once we get the things on it, the situation in the world will change. We will win the final victory, long live fascism!"

"Major, are we in danger? I miss my wife Kashava very much. I haven't been home for five years. I heard that the people who came to this island last time all died..."


Could it be that the ghost ship we are currently in is a product of World War II?

During the war, Germany once sent a powerful army to the desert island to find something.

There is no doubt that what they are looking for is most likely the Stone of Origin.

During World War II, both sides of the war were desperately researching nuclear power, and finally the United States took the lead in succeeding and ended the war.

And the power of the Stone of Origin, to some extent, is also a kind of use of nuclear power.

The two of them probably had fierce confrontations on this island.

However, the ghost ship is a warship during World War II. This speculation seems unreasonable, because I once saw the mice on the ship, pretending to be adults, holding a dance. At that time, their dressing style and the overall style of the dance were more like View from a nineteenth-century commercial vessel.

Things are getting more and more confusing.

But while we were listening to those two Germans talking, the voices around us became more and more loud.

All kinds of voices came suddenly, and the deck full of corpses suddenly became lively.

Some voices were talking, some were laughing, some were panting, some were even screaming and crying.

Those noisy voices are as noisy as a vegetable market, but the scenery in front of us is a pile of distorted corpses.

I have to say, this is pretty scary!

Suddenly, one of our companions yelled in horror. His hands were thrashing desperately, as if he was drowning, and his feet gradually left the deck, struggling constantly in the air.

He looked like a drowning man.

But he was clearly standing on the deck full of air.

When we saw this scene, we were immediately anxious, and we knew in our hearts that there might be a transparent monster attacking him while we were attracted by the noise!

He was wrapped in the transparent monster, so he couldn't breathe, just like a drowning person.

Now we know how the people from those companies drowned!

I raised my sword and slashed towards the murdered companion.

There was only a stabbing sound, and when the sword went down, a piece of "air" leaking light blue liquid fell to the ground, and the murdered companion seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

We quickly slashed around him with a knife, and finally rescued him.

But our troubles are far from over.

As the sound in our ears became louder, we suddenly found that the light in many places around us has been distorted, which makes all the things we see in our sight curves, and the scene is bizarre. It's like the space is distorted and bent, it's extremely weird!

We stood back to back and shot wildly all around!
"Have you noticed that as these transparent monsters approached, those various shouts were getting closer and louder to us, and as we attacked, the voices of those conversations gradually became There were screams and horrified cries, as if their emotions had changed..."

Fire Monkey said suddenly.

We all nodded slightly, and we all noticed these abnormalities.

It seems that those strange noises were actually brought by these transparent monsters.

This discovery made us feel chills all over our bodies, and the feeling of coldness spread all over our bodies.

Could it be that this thing is really a ghost?
The owners of those voices have turned into ghosts and turned into such a horrifying appearance, taking revenge on any creature that boarded the ghost ship!

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