"Turn on the flamethrower and go!"

In the narrow corridor, bright fire lights lit up again.

A rotten burnt smell filled the air, and it smelled very disgusting.

Those zombies were quite ferocious at first, but we met our group of more ferocious ones, with impeccable weapons and skills.

All of a sudden those zombies didn't do us too much harm.

But we soon discovered that something was wrong. First of all, the corridor we were in was very narrow, and the flame of the flamethrower was sprayed far away, which was enough to ignite the wooden door near the corridor.

However, no matter how we burned, the wooden doors on both sides did not show any signs of being burned.

We reached out and touched those wooden doors, but found nothing unusual, just ordinary wooden doors.

We can only attribute the reason to the special nature of the ghost ship.

Also, as we progressed, the zombies in front of us also changed.

The strange thing about some zombies that appeared in front of us was that their faces were not rotted at all, and they looked almost like living people. If it hadn’t been for the angry roars at us, I would have almost thought that they were the living people of the company. .

However, as we attacked this zombie with a low degree of decay, we soon discovered that although the head of this zombie looks like a normal person, its body has all become skeletons.

This surprised me as I had seen something like it not so long ago!
Near the underground volcano, I once met a strange man. He had a lot of hair on his face, which was very strange, but his body was basically a skeleton.

Is there any connection between that thing and the thing in front of us?

At that time, I felt a little strange. The guy had hair on his face, which didn't look like a creature that grew naturally under the volcano.

Because, near the underground volcano, the climate is extremely hot. In this environment, the hair is too long, which is not conducive to heat dissipation.

Now that I think about it, that thing is very likely related to this ghost ship.

At this moment, we didn't have time to think too much. Under the intensive attack of those zombies, we were advancing with difficulty. Unfortunately, one of our companions was injured, but his wound quickly became infected and turned black.

This worried us so much that we cut off a whole piece of flesh from his injured part.

And he also drank the blood I prepared in advance, and I don't know if it will work.

Finally, after going through hardships, a door appeared in front of us again.

This time the door was not locked, and after we pushed it open with a squeak, what appeared behind the door was a stairway!

And now, the light we've been seeing has an explanation.

But it turned out that there was a mirror placed obliquely on the top of the stairs, and what we saw, the intermittent firelight, was refracted by this mirror.

"Go upstairs!"

We communicated silently, and began to climb up cautiously.

The stairs are not long. Although the narrow space can evoke a feeling of claustrophobia, it is actually not too dangerous.Soon we reached the second floor.

After going up, I really saw the beautiful figure that I hadn't seen for a long time!

In the dark, her face looked a little haggard, but her expression was pleasantly surprised, but the surprise was only fleeting, and she quickly gestured vigilantly towards us.

"Be careful, don't make any noise!"

Seeing Eve's nervous appearance, although there are countless things I want to say to her in my heart, at this moment, I can only hold back.

My eyes looked around.

I want to see what it is that makes Eve so scared.

I suspect that it wasn't those zombies. Although those zombies were numerous and aggressive, they couldn't do anything to us. Eve came in with the people from the company. Their equipment is not much worse than ours, but Now it seems that there are very few survivors, even Eve alone.

The danger on this ghost ship is by no means that simple!
The surrounding area is quiet. The place we are at is still a dormitory. After going up the stairwell, there is a narrow corridor. On both sides of the corridor, there are closed doors.

Eve was standing next to the door of a room, and the number on the top of the door was exactly 0281.

We used searchlights to take a look around, and found that the surrounding area was extremely clean and quiet, and there were not even zombies.

But soon, we noticed something unusual.

Eve held a kerosene lamp in her hand, dimly illuminating the hut she was in, but from our perspective, we couldn't see the scene inside the house, but what we could see was, under the dim light, a strange The shadow dragged for a long time and landed on the ground!

It was a weird thing on all fours, lying on the ground.

Looking at the shadow, its shape is very similar to that of a human, but it is crawling on all fours. Its limbs are extremely thick and powerful, and the lines of its muscles explode. It is a bit like a crawling werewolf in some games.

Judging from the size of this thing and the shape of its muscles, it's definitely not easy to mess with!
Of course, we can't judge the exact size of this thing just by the shadow, but just by looking at its image and Eve's terrified expression, we know that it is definitely not simple.

At this time, we remembered that when we first saw Eve, we actually saw such a strange shadow in the room where she was.

A person lying on the ground?
What the hell is this?

Why didn't Eve escape?

And to be in the same room with that monster?

"The monster will follow me. Wherever I go, he will go. There are three floors in this cabin, and the second floor is a relatively safe place, so I will stay here for the time being."

Eve explained to us with lip language.

"Then what do we do now?"

"Try to sneak attack on that monster, if we can kill him, we'll get out of here!"

"it is good!"

We agreed, and everyone cautiously approached the gate. With the faint light of the kerosene lamp, we finally saw the whole picture of the monster clearly.

A person lying on the ground, more precisely, looks like an orangutan lying on the ground.

This guy is covered with hair, and his head looks like a human, but he has a bird's mouth.

That's right, I seem to have known this terrifying face before!

The monster I saw near the underground volcano was almost exactly the same as it.

But the difference is that this guy's body is not a skeleton, but still has muscles and even hair.

I suddenly understood that the volcanic monster, the crawling man in front of me, and even those zombies all probably had similar experiences, being harmed by the same thing, virus or something, but their bodies were different, and different symptoms appeared. Symptoms.

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