Everything was in my expectation, without the slightest suspense.

Since the birth of human civilization on this planet, it has been continuously developing and progressing, and the constantly updated and iterative technology has continuously pushed human civilization to a new level.

The advancement of science and technology has made human beings gradually stand at the top of the food chain.

Up to now, human beings have been able to explore the outside of this planet without pressure with the help of technology, and the weapons held by human beings can even clean the surface of this planet.

No matter how ferocious the beast is, it is vulnerable to the attack of modern weapons.

The scene of flying flesh and blood was staged in front of my eyes again, and I had to admit that these lizardmen were indeed capable of using that strange method to greatly strengthen the fighting power of the tribe in a short period of time.

But even so, the gap between them and the Alliance Army is as insurmountable as a natural moat.

After tonight, this tribe will be erased from history.

It's a bit regretful, but I don't feel sorry, because things like this have happened countless times in human history.

"time to go."

In the distance, under the bombardment of artillery fire, the lizardmen who are still alive can be counted with one hand. After all, technology has taken the upper hand, and this war is about to come to an end. I muttered to myself, and then silently Walk towards the tribe below the stone steps.

At this time, those crazy lizardmen have been almost wiped out, and the artillery fire target of the alliance army once again fell on this small tribe.

Bombs constantly flew over and fell around me, and the shock wave swept across the burning wreckage and splashed away. Even though I had carefully avoided it, I would still be hit. Fortunately, my body has a strong self-healing ability. The ability allows me to survive safely in this area full of gunfire.

When I came to the corpse of a lizard man, I stopped, squatted down and tore off the animal skin wrapped around his waist, wrapped the black box I brought out, and tied it firmly behind me.

In this way, this box will not affect my actions.

I breathed a sigh of relief and came to the river on the edge of the tribe. There was an alliance army in front and a mountain in the back. I didn't even have to think about the dry road and knew that I couldn't go. The best choice now is to go by water.

Time waits for no one. After I calmed down, I took a deep breath and plunged directly into the bottomless river.

The river at night is still quite cold. As soon as I entered the river, the icy cold water enveloped my whole body, making me shiver uncontrollably. The originally chaotic thoughts quickly became sober.


I dived into the water, except for the occasional time when I had to take a breath, I didn't dare to show my face at all, for fear of being discovered by those alliance troops.

Yes, afraid.

I know that quite a few of the people sent by the Alliance Army to this island are supernatural beings.

Although I have sneaked into the Alliance Army before and did not encounter any supernatural beings when I performed missions with them, I still have to be careful when doing things. After all, I am alone on this island. If something goes wrong, I have no way out.

This time, the Alliance Army sent people to encircle and suppress this tribe in order to obtain the black box that is now on me.

This thing is very important to them, and in order to be safe, they will definitely send people with supernatural powers to accompany them. Although they bombed the tribe of lizardmen from the beginning and achieved the effect of bloodless, but the people with supernatural powers Existence is enough for them to face any sudden unexpected situation.

Even I want to get this, how could those people in the Union Army not think of it?

This is why I don't want to meet them head-on.

There is no problem with the news they got. The black box was indeed among the primitive tribes they attacked, but they probably never imagined that the black box would be taken away by an outsider who should not have appeared on this island...

I hid all the way at the bottom of the water, and the current flowing in the same direction as me relieved me a lot of physical exertion.

I swam until I gradually felt tired, and then I emerged from the river, glanced at the river bank where the Union army was located from a considerable distance, and after making sure that no one was staring at the river, I turned around and headed towards the opposite side. swam across the banks of the river.

When I got ashore, I wiped the water on my face.

Then he glanced at a big fish that he had caught in the river before going ashore, and couldn't help shaking his head.

When I was in the tribe where the Lizardmen belonged, I was imprisoned in that dark dungeon, and all my clothes were stripped off, so that when I came out of the dungeon, until now, I was completely naked , Those small things that were very practical in the clothes bag were naturally lost.

"Raw meat..."

I smacked my lips, although I didn't want to, but in order to replenish my strength, I took a bite directly after scraping off the fish scales.

This is also impossible.

Those flints and lighters used to start the fire have long been lost, and although I am still confident that I can start a fire here, it will waste a lot of time. In my current situation, there is no need to start a fire here, and, It was night now, and the dazzling fire might attract the attention of the Union army on the other side of the river.

No need to put yourself on the line for a deli meal.

Besides, raw ones are not inedible...

I endured a strong fishy smell and chewed the fish. It was not cooked and without any seasoning. The taste of the fish was not delicious at all, but now I have no qualifications or conditions to be picky.

After a simple meal, taking advantage of the night, I immediately continued on the journey.

I went like this until dawn, and when I came near the edge of the waterfall, and after making sure that no one from the Alliance Army was following me, I found a safer place, closed my eyes and fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was already afternoon.

I moved my slightly stiff body and jumped down from the tree. To be honest, I didn’t sleep very comfortably this time, but it’s already at this time. I don’t have the mood and time to pick on those insignificant things .

I sniffed and walked quickly to the waterfall.

Here, it is a nearly vertical 100-degree straight downward cliff. The height is almost close to [-] meters. Although the cliff is uneven, there are many places to stay, but there is a saying that it is easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down the mountain. , it is not so rare for me to climb up from the bottom, but it is indeed a good challenge for me to climb down from the top...

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