If you don't go, you have to go...

I sighed, weighed the black box on my back, and after making sure it was tied firmly, I began to climb down with confidence. Due to the large up and down drop, it took me a lot of effort to climb down safely.

The moment I landed, I breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat off my brow, turned around and went into the jungle.

I have entered the place mentioned by the high priest before, so I also know the location of the so-called island in the lake. Starting from the place where I am now, at my speed, if nothing unexpected happens, , should take less than two days.

On the first day, it was extremely smooth. I was advancing in the jungle all the way, but what made me feel comfortable was that I hadn't even encountered any large predators along the way.

I saw a lot of small species, but those creatures would not affect my itinerary at all, and many of them were caught by me and became food in my stomach.

However, judging from the current situation on the island, this comfort is only temporary.

Sure enough, in the early morning of the next day, I found a huge beast by a small stream.

However, when I got close to this beast, I realized that this thing had been dead for about two or three days, and what killed him was a bullet that hit his head, and all the brains had been crushed. It was broken, and because the death time was too long, the maggots wriggling in the brain could be seen through the wound on its head. Not to mention anything else, just looking at such a scene is enough to make people Nausea...

I frowned and took a few steps back, not intending to grab a few pieces of meat from this corpse as food.

This giant beast, which was about the size of an elephant, was killed by a large-caliber armor-piercing bullet. In other words, there were people from the Alliance Army nearby. At least, people from the Alliance Army must have passed by here, otherwise, The giant beast will not die here either.


Just at this time, I suddenly heard a slight noise from the bushes next to me. Immediately, all the muscles in my body tensed up. The picture of the army surrounded, but in the next second, a gray-haired creature about forty centimeters long and resembling a weasel crawled out of the bushes.


This little guy probably smelled the stench from the corpse here, maybe because of hunger, this little guy just ignored my existence and ran straight to the corpse in front of me.


I couldn't help laughing out loud, it was a waste of worrying for a long time just now, I even thought it was the people from the Alliance Army, it seems that I should really adjust my state, the nerves that are too nervous have even disturbed me The most basic ability to distinguish, so that I can't distinguish the difference between the sound made by this small animal and the sound made by humans.

But it also reminded me a little bit.

The Confederates are probably around, and I have to keep an eye out.

It was too late to say it, and then a bullet was shot at me not far away. If I hadn't reacted fast enough and twisted my body like a conditioned reflex, I am afraid that I would have become someone else's gun now. Down the dead soul.

It was too late to rejoice that I hid in time enough, but instead, I noticed a sniper just over 20 meters away from me.

"You want to die!"

At a glance, I noticed that he was the only one around here, and that guy most likely sensed that I was not an ordinary person, and immediately prepared to move his position after a single shot.

Want to run?

I grinned, if there were enough of them, maybe I would spare his life because of concerns, but he dared to shoot at me alone around here?
In the middle of the jungle, the man who just shot at me ran away frantically with his life, as flexible as a civet cat, but unfortunately, if someone else chased him, maybe his life would be spared, but I will not It's the same, I didn't just take revenge on him, but more because I saw something in him.

Guns, and clothes.

You must know that I am naked now, and my whole body is exposed to the air. This is a jungle, and there are countless snakes, insects, rats and ants. It is indeed a bit uncomfortable to move here with your body bent.

In less than 10 minutes, I had already caught up with the man who was running wildly.

I just raised my hand and grabbed his neck easily, and took the gun in his hand with the other hand.


The bullet was loaded, and I pressed the muzzle of the gun against his temple, and watched him turn around slowly.

"People from the Union Army?"

With black hair and brown eyes, I could tell at a glance that he was an authentic Asian, so my vigilance relaxed for a moment, but I didn't expect that this guy was also a trainer. The moment I mentioned it, I immediately drew out the dagger pinned to my waist, and pierced my heart fiercely.


The heart is a vital organ in the human body, even if it was me, it didn't feel any better if my heart was stabbed all at once.

"not bad……"

But I was not flustered, I could clearly feel that the tip of the dagger had pierced my heart by at least three centimeters, but such a small injury did not endanger my life, it was just that the severe pain was a bit uncomfortable. It's easy to bear.

I raised the corner of my mouth and smiled, the pupils of the person in front of me suddenly dilated, and he drew out the dagger and was ready to strike me a second time.

But I'm not the one who just sits and waits to die. What's more, how can I suffer a second time for the same loss?
Before he had time to swing the dagger again, I raised my leg and gave him a hard kick in the lower abdomen.

A kick that I almost exhausted is not something an ordinary person can bear, even if he is physically strong.

I watched coldly as he flew upside down and hit a tree hard and fell to the ground. When I curled up and couldn't get up for a long time, I slowly came to him and grabbed his hair with one hand. kicked him up.

The man in front of him grinned helplessly because of the pain. It was obvious that he didn't even have the ability to resist at all, let alone holding a dagger.

"Just now, you shot me, right?"

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