Suddenly, I came back to my senses, and then I suddenly remembered what I was doing here.

That casket!

The war between the Lizardmen and the Alliance Army has nothing to do with me. No matter who wins or loses, it doesn’t matter to me. The only thing I regret is the death of the high priest. When the woman died, my only source of information was cut off. , this is not a good thing for my next trip.

Still, you can't come back from the dead, and at least in the short term, I still have things to do.

Among the tribes below, the lizardmen who have completed the mutation have already started to brave the artillery fire towards the location where the alliance army is lurking, and I didn't waste any more time, and immediately turned around and ran towards the inside of the palace.

I clearly remember where the high priest took the casket out when he showed me it.

I quickly came to the throne in the main hall, but the place was empty, except for the twisted relief on the back of the throne, there was nothing.

What about the casket?
Immediately, my heart sank, but then I squatted down, reached out and tapped on the back of the throne and the ground.

From my departure to my return, it only took about 10 minutes. It can be seen that during the time I left, the high priest should have never left the palace, and that woman probably did not expect it. The Union Army will come and hide the box in an unknown place, most likely, it will be in this palace.

And in this hall, there are no ornaments that can be used to store objects.

The only object is the most eye-catching throne. If I guessed correctly, there should be a hidden space near here...

I tapped every corner carefully, and my intuition told me that my judgment should be correct, and the facts just confirmed my guess. Soon, the ground where my knuckles struck There was a muffled sound.

Immediately, I was overjoyed.

It seems that I should have found the right place.

The right hand turned into sharp claws, and just as I was about to cut the floor tiles in front of me, there was a violent explosion sound outside the palace. The location exploded, and, one after another, the second bomb soon landed nearby.

The shock wave generated by the explosion seriously affected the structure of the entire palace.

As a result, this ancient building that has been standing for an unknown number of years has become crumbling. The stone pillars in the hall that were originally used for load-bearing have begun to collapse, and large pieces of rocks are shattered, constantly falling towards the inside...

Must speed up!
I know that this place is not suitable to stay for long.

The alliance army's current combat resources must be quite sufficient. Not to mention cleaning the entire island, at least it must be enough to raze this small tribe to the ground.

And judging from the current bombing rhythm, this carpet bombing should continue for at least a long time.

But this is not the most terrible thing. The biggest problem now is that once I waste too much time here, I may have nowhere to escape in the end... Lizardmen and the Alliance Army, if two tigers fight, one will die , but whether it is the old hen or those lizard people who have completely fallen into madness, they are not the opponents I want to face.

Quick fight!

I deftly used my claws to easily cut a corner of the surface of the floor tile, and then lifted it up.

At the bottom is a pit with a diameter of about one meter. It is square and polished very flat. Inside are some black sealed jars and some bones. It seems that those bones should not be a part of the human body, but more like It is some kind of beast, or the skeleton of a bird.

But, for things that don't matter to me, I just glance over and skip.

The main target was still locked on that extremely dark box.

I took a deep breath and carefully carried the box out of the pit. Before I could stand still, the second round of bombing had already begun.

The blasted palace has begun to shake, and four or five load-bearing pillars in the palace have fallen down. After I stabilized my body, I sprinted to the gate of the palace at the fastest speed.

The flames of war have burned to every corner of this primitive tribe at this moment. Even an ant living here cannot escape the bombardment of this modern artillery fire. Time to start looking for a way out.

I don't intend to climb a mountain.

Because the location of this tribe itself is at a high place, and it is surrounded by mountains. Even if I climb one of the mountains, I still have to find a way to go down. Of course, what is more important is that once I am bitten by a snake Nian is afraid of well ropes, and I don't know much about the environment behind those mountains. If I rush in rashly and encounter the same situation as before, it will be a bit of a waste.

Although based on my understanding of my abilities, death is probably impossible, but it will definitely waste a considerable amount of time.

Nowadays, the importance of time to me needs no further explanation, so I urgently need to find another source.

But looking around, there is already a sea of ​​flames. Outside the tribe, the road I came from has now become a battlefield filled with gunfire...

Glancing around, my gaze was fixed on the open space outside the tribe for a moment. Counting from when I just turned around and entered the palace, in less than 3 minutes, those lizardmen had rushed out of the tribe and went straight to the dense forest. The lurking alliance army rushed over, and the alliance army also discovered the ancestral lizardmen, and they concentrated most of their firepower on the open space.

As in the beginning, indiscriminate bombing was carried out.

The continuous explosions caused gorgeous flames to rise above the open space, and the flames soaring into the sky even illuminated the pitch-black night.

Thanks to the distant firelight and the superhuman vision, I can easily see all the movements in the distance.

There are about 200 lizardmen who rushed out, and each of them is in an attitude of returning to their ancestors, with an extremely crazy appearance, moving forward courageously, like an unstoppable torrent.

It's just that on the side of the alliance army, it seems to have cast a steel wall with artillery fire.

The torrent of flesh and blood collided with the iron wall, and there will be one and only one result... Many lizardmen were directly engulfed by the explosion, and the surrounding lizardmen were not much better. Their seemingly indestructible bodies were destroyed on the spot. It was blown to pieces, flesh and blood splashed everywhere...

The so-called last stand is nothing but a massacre in a different place.

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