As soon as the doctor finished speaking, I felt a strong murderous aura falling on me.

But I didn't care.

Now, I am the only one who is still lurking in the company's branch, and I have to take into account any possible situations that may happen.

Our in-house correspondent, Keller, was captured long before the escort mission began.

This has led to my current precarious situation, and my identity may be exposed at any time.

At this time, I took a powerful reformer and went to that weird world together.

Even though he is my subordinate in name, the moment my identity is revealed, instantly, I will be attacked by all, and the subordinate I brought in will also become the biggest threat to me.

This situation is extremely unfriendly to me.

"Pleasant to work with."

My eyes fell on the woman who was looking at me with resentment.


The woman growled hysterically.

I saw resentment, anger, and a hint of fear in her eyes.

The next second, I felt a sharp pain in my heart, and the blood in my whole body seemed to be frozen.

The pulse is still beating, but the blood has been stagnant in the blood vessels and no longer flows. The scene that can be seen in front of him has become mottled and blurred, and the thoughts in his mind have begun to slow down.

She did something to me in this place?
This is the only thought in my mind at this moment. The blood stagnation in my whole body has a huge impact on my body.

I couldn't even stand still, and after a few staggered steps, I fell to the ground.

I noticed that my hand was turning blue and purple at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Fortunately, the doctor noticed my strangeness, and he scolded with an ugly face, "This is the meaning of the higher-ups!"


This woman's name is Karen?
I remember this woman's name, her ability is also effective for me, but it is not as deadly as it is for ordinary people.

It was when I got the trick just now, I could feel that the moment the blood in my body stopped flowing, I lost control over my body, but this little thing didn't seem to be enough to threaten my life.

And just for a moment, I felt a heat flow from my chest, which made me regain control of my body.

Is this... the power of the curse?
Once again, the curse proved its existence to me.

Even the few times I've been near death before, it hasn't changed, but this time it's different.


After hearing the doctor's roar, Karen suppressed his anger and reluctantly withdrew his ability.

But from the look in her eyes, I could see it.

This woman is like a poisonous snake, but if there is any chance, she will try to kill me.

With her personality, when she deals with me, it will definitely make me miserable.

"I was just making a little joke."

Karen finds an excuse for her behavior.

But the doctor didn't pay too much attention to her. Instead, he took out five thumb-sized metal bottles and handed them to me.

I know this thing, and it contains the side effects developed by the company to suppress the use of abilities.

"In order to ensure the smooth progress of the mission, I will not allow any accidents."

"These medicines were originally intended to be given to the reformed person who performed the task, but now, I have decided to give you her share of the medicine."

The doctor said with a blank face.


Karen, who was still upset just now, panicked after seeing this scene, but she didn't choose to question the doctor, she still planned to snatch it from me.

I understand how she feels now.

If you give me the part of the medicine, I have the right to control her. If she doesn't listen to me when performing the task.

I could have stopped giving her medicine.

When the side effects occur, she will naturally obey me obediently.

The doctor's hand can be said to be extremely clever.

No one knows my real identity, this is my biggest hole card now.

Seeing Karen attacking me again, the doctor was unmoved, and just said lightly, "This is also an order from the higher-ups. If you want to go against their wishes, then you can do whatever you want."

"Don't dare!"

Karen seemed to remember something terrible, shivered, stood back to her original position unwillingly, lowered her head, as if she was thinking about something.

upper layer.

The doctor's words not only reminded Karen, but also reminded me.

My understanding of the company is limited to the tip of the iceberg. It is estimated that when I complete the task, I will probably be able to receive more secrets about the company.

I couldn't bear to think too much, suddenly, the doctor walked towards me directly.

I didn't speak, just watched, his hand stretched out towards my face.

I understand what they do.

Among the five people present, I was the only one wearing the clothes for carrying out the mission, with goggles, a dust mask and a helmet, which seemed a bit weird no matter how I looked at it.

The doctor's behavior also attracted the attention of the other three people. They haven't seen my face yet, so they are naturally extremely curious about it.

But when the doctor took off my mask, the expressions of these people changed slightly.


Even the quiet white man's mouth twitched a few times.

They never expected that under the dust mask, there was a blood-stained face hidden.

At first glance, it looks thrilling.

The doctor who took off my mask was also slightly taken aback.

However, he is different from the others. He looked at the bloodstains and scabs on my face, but he raised the corners of his mouth and smiled slightly.

That admiring gaze made me feel nauseous in my heart.

This pervert!
"I see."

The doctor gracefully put the mask back on my face and tapped me on the shoulder.

"Although you originally looked very different, he didn't expect that you would be so traumatized after the test. If you want, I can call the best plastic surgeon in the world for you at any time."

"No, no need..."

I grinned reluctantly and lowered my voice.

He probably never thought that these marks on my face were entirely caused by myself.

"is it?"

The doctor nodded, then glanced at his watch, then at Karen, and said unhurriedly, "If you have no other questions, then let's go now."


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