Since I came out of that weird world, I have never had the chance to enter the laboratory where Shimen is stored.

But now, I'm here again.

It's just that the laboratory is overcrowded.

The experimental equipment and other things that were originally here have been vacated.

As soon as I came in, I noticed keenly that the armed personnel sent in were all wearing gas masks, and even the team at the end was wearing chemical protective suits.

This is not at all like the posture of entering that world.

When the doctor led me and Karen here, immediately someone brought us gas masks and other equipment.

"I have given your information to everyone."

"Theoretically, the 1 troops inside are all your subordinates, but unfortunately, you can only command 3000 people now."

"As for the reason, I have entered it into the communicator, and you can check it yourself after you go in."

After the doctor explained to me, Karen and I followed at the end of the line.

I looked at the communicator on my arm, and then looked at Keller standing beside me. This woman looked at me with extremely cold eyes, although her actual combat power was lower than that of the other two reformers. , is much weaker.

But be careful, you must guard against it.

"You're very proud, aren't you?"

"I will let you experience unbearable torture for ordinary people. Believe me, my methods are absolutely top-notch."

threaten me?
I laughed.

Originally, I planned to look at the data recorded in the communicator first, but after I heard Karen's gloomy voice, I dismissed this idea again.

From my close pocket, I took out the metal bottle containing the side effect suppressing medicine, and shook it in front of her eyes.

"If you want this thing, you have to listen to me, understand?"

I have to say that my behavior is indeed a bit of a sham, but the right is a good thing, and this thing happens to be what Karen doesn't have.

Seeing this, Kailun's expression immediately dropped.


It was at this very moment that I felt two streams of heat suddenly gushing out of my nasal cavity, subconsciously touched it with my hand, and bright red blood immediately came into view.

Is this a demonstration against me?
It can control the blood of everyone within 50 meters. At such a close distance, it is nothing to make me have a nosebleed.

And this was when she was in the outside world. After entering that weird world, I'm afraid she will show her true side.


Karen looked at me mockingly and snorted softly.

I wiped off the nosebleed, and said casually, "Coincidentally, my training method is also top-notch, and you will have a chance to experience it soon."


Karen is confident and doesn't take my threats at all seriously.

But I have already decided in my heart that if a powerful transformation person like her who belongs to the company is still hostile to me, then it is better to solve it as soon as possible. Not only will it make my situation safer, but it will also weaken the company's strength. strength.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Soon, we, who were at the end of the line, also came to Shimen.

Without the slightest hesitation, I passed through this mysterious and simple stone gate.

When I came to this world again, the first thing I saw was not the foggy scene, but the bright lights.

Just below the stone gate, a large building complex rose from the ground.

Although many of them have only one or two floors, there are so many of them. It is roughly estimated that accommodating tens of thousands of people should not be a problem.

But at a glance, it can be seen that many buildings have been damaged.

It can be distinguished from the damaged appearance that there is a high probability that it has also been bombed.

Just below the Shimen, there is a large open space, and the buildings are built around this open space. At this time, there are probably more than 3000 people gathered in the open space, which is densely packed.

When Karen and I went down to the open space, a one-armed man walked over in front of more than 3000 people lined up neatly.

"Hello, I am the former commander here."

"I will fully cooperate with your work, please follow me."

I glanced at his empty sleeves, and I could vaguely smell the smell of blood mixed with disinfectant, so I guessed that he lost this arm not long ago.

Could it be that it was caused by the so-called riots?
I nodded to him, and then quietly watched him give orders to more than 3000 people. When these people dispersed, he led me to a building at the edge of the open space.

"Because the previous command room was destroyed, we were forced to relocate here."

The former commander smiled awkwardly, and then, with his only remaining arm, graciously opened the chair beside the table for me.

Then he stood aside, carefully watching Karen who was following me.

After sitting down, the first thing I did was to turn on the communicator and check the information entered by the doctor.

It records in detail what happened to the last batch of personnel sent in after I left.

According to the order of the company's upper management, they built an experimental base here.

In the beginning, everything went well.

It even went so smoothly that everyone felt a little surprised.

Because when the base was being built, no mutant creature came here to cause damage.

But when the construction of the base was about to be completed, a sudden change occurred.

Suddenly, more than 7000% of the team with a total of more than [-] people became restless and violent.

And these people all have one thing in common, that is, they are desperate and frantically moving towards the direction of the island.

This unexplained change made the commanders here at a loss.

But in order to complete the task within the specified time, the commanders decided to use violence to counter violence, but this method seemed a bit insignificant in the face of the huge gap in numbers.

On the contrary, those who become agitated and disturbed will be angered.

Now, in the base that was supposed to be built, a battle between people started.

A large number of buildings were destroyed, and the instruments and materials inside disappeared, causing heavy losses.

And during the battle, the original command room was reduced to ashes.

Among the several commanders, only the one in front of me survived. Even so, he lost an arm.

"We think that it may have been ravaged by an unknown virus, so we equipped the personnel sent in next with chemical protective suits and other equipment."

"Clearly, the measure is working."

This is the last sentence in the document.

But as soon as I read the information, the commander added, "Those rioters are still alive. There are about 6000 people gathered on that island."

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