There are countless conjectures in my mind.

But no matter which one, it is not what I want to see now.

When I knew that the escort mission was just a drill and that I was only really joining the company now, I wanted to find a way to contact Fire Monkey and tell them about my current situation.

But I don't have this opportunity, and I guess I won't have it in a short time.

After struggling in my heart for a long time, I stood up from the bathtub, went straight to the bed, and lay down carelessly.

He sighed helplessly in his heart.

No matter what you do, let's live first and then talk...

This night, maybe because I thought too much before going to bed, I had a long, long dream.

In the dream, there were many corpses lying in front of me, and each corpse gave me a feeling of deja vu.

I just stood quietly in front of the corpse.

I don't know how long it took, but I was finally able to see the faces of these corpses clearly.

Xiao Qing, Qian Ke, father...

Each one is someone I know.

I felt a wave of fear from the bottom of my heart. I struggled to spread my legs and kept running, but no matter where I ran, I could always see those videos.

Finally, at the moment when I was about to collapse from exhaustion, I woke up.


Opening my eyes, I sat up straight, and the scenes of the nightmare were still echoing in front of my eyes, the reality was unbelievable.

But it's okay, it's just a dream.

I patted my face, trying to pull myself together, but when the palm of my hand touched my face, it felt rough.

Yes, I scratched my face last night...

I sat on the bed a little tired, glanced at the pile of brand new clothes on the bedside table, and only after a long time did I get up and put them on.

The first thing after waking up is to look in the mirror.

In the mirror, my face was covered in criss-cross blood scabs, which looked extremely terrifying.

I touched the uneven blood scab with my fingers, and nodded in satisfaction.

Although my wound healed extremely quickly, blood still overflowed from the wound. The criss-crossed blood scabs on my face were the result of my cutting with a knife last night.

Although the wound under the blood scab has healed, from the outside, it looks like I have just been disfigured.

The original appearance is not recognizable at all.

After a brief wash, I put on my equipment, and I walked out the door and walked towards where the doctor was.

When I came to the laboratory, the three reformers were already waiting beside the doctor.

"You have entered the world behind that stone gate, right?"

Seeing me coming, the doctor said indifferently.

I nodded without thinking, but my mind became active because of the doctor's words. I remembered that he said that he was going to give me a very important task.

And now he mentioned the world behind the stone gate. Could it be that this mission has something to do with that world?
I couldn't help frowning.

Didn't they already get what they wanted?
"Then you should remember that when you came out of that world, we sent another group of people in."

The doctor took a glass of red wine from the experimental table, took a sip and said, "The plan of the branch is to build a base inside, and the progress of this task is less than [-]% completed."

"Do you know why this is?"

I shook my head, and the doctor continued, "Because some changes have taken place in that world, which makes our task more difficult."

"Moreover, the personnel we sent in rioted from time to time. In the last riot, we lost [-]% of our manpower, and even the new commander died at the hands of our own people."

"So the organization realized that we should inject new blood into that world, and in order to suppress the riots, we need people with this strength."

After the doctor finished speaking, he looked at me quietly, and the meaning was self-evident.

I have come out of that world alive, and among the few reinvented people, I know that world the best.

And I have been the team leader more than once before, and I have completed the task excellently.

Probably, this is also the reason why I was selected this time.

"You have experience, and, I think you are a talent, so I give you such a chance to make meritorious deeds."

The doctor smiled politely, "If you have an opinion, you can hear it now."

"Resolutely complete the task."

I pursed my lips and said without hesitation.

The doctor's eyes showed admiration, "Of course, in addition to the ordinary personnel we sent, you can also choose one of the three to go with you."

Do you want to take someone with you?
After the doctor finished speaking, I set my sights on her, the three reformers.

They want to establish a base in that weird world.

In addition to facing those terrifying mutant creatures, he also had to face his own personnel riots.

There is nothing wrong with bringing a powerful reformer as a helper.

Subconsciously, my eyes fell on the white woman.

If I remember correctly, when he and she left last night, he specifically told me not to choose her.

It seems that a few of them knew about this matter earlier than me.

However, it is true that in this matter, her ability is a bit too weak compared to those two men.

Because, if I really want to bring people into that world and be responsible for the company's construction tasks.

Well, first of all, it must have the ability to protect itself against those mutated creatures.

As for this woman, her special ability is only effective for humans, and it is estimated that when he faces those mutant creatures, he will only be eaten.

And those two men are different, their abilities are different, but they are effective for humans

For those mutated creatures who only know melee combat, they are simply heavenly.

For ordinary people, they would definitely choose one of these two men.

But I am different.

If something unexpected happens in that world, these two men are the most difficult to deal with.

Among them, no matter whose ability it is, it makes me a little helpless.

But this woman is different. I believe that with my self-healing ability, even if she drains the blood from my body, I will be fine.

When she saw my eyes fall on her, the woman panicked.

"I choose her."

I pointed at the woman and said seriously.


The doctor showed a look of surprise, obviously he didn't expect that I would choose this woman, but soon a smile that men can understand appeared on his face.

"Yes, I wish you a good job."

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