"You have to visit grandpa every day!" Su Pingzheng made the condition like a child, "Those guys are so annoying, they only think about how to flatter me every day, and they don't mean it at all. I just like you guarding I."

Song Yan smiled: "I will come to see you after work."

That night, she and Su Xing kept vigil for Su Pingzheng, and early the next morning, a nurse came to replace them.

Su Xing sent Song Yan home: "You take a day off today and start working again tomorrow."

Song Yan said "hmm" and didn't say much.

Su Xing looked at her and stopped talking.

The next day Song Yan got up early, didn't even eat breakfast, and hurried out, she didn't want Su Xing to see her off anymore.

When she got off work in the afternoon, she took a leave of absence and left early, left the factory half an hour early, and went straight to the hospital.

When he arrived at the ward and saw that Su Xing was not with her, Su Pingzheng was a little surprised: "Why, that kid didn't come with you?"

"I'm an idler. If he's so busy, he doesn't have to follow my time. From now on, we can act separately." Song Yan smiled and said to him, and then changed the subject, "Grandpa, how do you feel today?"

"I'm much better, and I can already drink porridge." Su Pingzheng said with a smile.

"That's good, I'll be with you!"

Song Yan thought that Su Pingzheng must be a person who likes to listen to current affairs news, so he turned on the current affairs news on his mobile phone to tell him the news, and the two exchanged views, and then Song Yan listened to Su Pingzheng talk about the past.

Su Pingzheng was in a good mood, and he talked too much, and talking was exhausting after all, and he fell asleep after a while.

Song Yan looked at his peaceful sleeping face, and smiled involuntarily.At this time, footsteps sounded, she turned her head subconsciously, met Su Xing's gaze, and the smile on her face instantly restrained.

"Let's go out and have a word," she told him, standing up.

The two went out to a remote place, and Song Yan looked up at Su Xing: "After Grandpa recovers, let's go through the formalities."

"What procedure?"

"Don't you know what the procedure is?" Song Yan sneered, "Of course it's a divorce procedure. When I signed the contract with you, I didn't say that I wanted to get married. This is already a value-added service I gave you."

"I can add terms." Su Xing replied.

Song Yan raised his eyebrows: "Why, Su Xing, listen to your tone, you still don't want to divorce me? Do you still want me to fulfill my husband and wife obligations!"

"Since a new clause has been added, I will compensate you, and you don't have to—"

"I don't want any damn compensation, I just want to stay away from you, you know, Su Xing!" Song Yan interrupted him angrily.

Su Xing was silent, and spoke after a while: "I hope you don't act emotionally."

"Emotional! I'm sorry, I can't be as rational as you. Women are emotional animals, so don't ask too much of me. I will say my appeal again now. I hope that after grandpa recovers, we The two divorced, anyway, the wedding was not held and it was not made public, the divorce is just a divorce certificate." Song Yan said loudly.

He looked at her deeply, and answered after a long time: "Okay, if you insist."

He really agreed, but Song Yan felt a little empty in her heart, and then she scolded herself fiercely in her heart, he is such a rational person who doesn't need emotions, why do you still have hope!
From this day on, Song Yan no longer took Su Xing's car to and from get off work. Apart from going to work every day, he went to see Su Pingzheng after work, and played with Haohao after he came back at night. His life was orderly.

After about half a month like this, Su Pingzheng was discharged from the hospital, but his body is still not as good as before, and he needs to continue to rest when he goes home.

When he was discharged from the hospital, the doctor told him again and again: "The old man just had an operation on his heart, and he hasn't fully recovered yet. You must not stimulate him in the near future!"

Hearing what the doctor said, Song Yan thought to himself, it's better to delay it until he gets better.

This procrastination lasted another half a month. This morning, Song Yan suddenly felt his stomach churn while eating breakfast. He covered his mouth and rushed into the bathroom to vomit.

Lin Xuehui stood at the bathroom door holding Haohao, looking at her with concern.

Haohao said with a bitter face: "Mom, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt." He knew his mother was not feeling well, so he thought she was in pain.

Song Yan vomited for a long time, vomited out all the breakfast he ate today, and finally felt better.

After getting up to wash her face, Lin Xuehui asked worriedly, "What's wrong with you?"

"I don't know. It seems that my stomach is not very good these days. I probably ate something bad." Song Yan wiped his mouth with a towel and said.

"You should go to the hospital to have a look. This kind of thing can be big or small. Don't wait until you are seriously ill to suffer." Lin Xuehui said.

Song Yan nodded.

She lost her appetite for breakfast and went straight to work.On the subway to work, she heard two girls chatting.

"Are you feeling better recently, can you eat?"

"It's much better, alas, the previous few months were really hard, I really vomited whatever I ate."

"How is it so easy to be a mother? You are not very powerful..."

Be a mom!
These three words were like a big stone, which came out with a "boom" and hit her heart.

Her heart was "pounding" wildly, as if... her period has been delayed for more than a week... no...

She suddenly tensed up, even a little restless!
After getting off the subway, the first thing she did was to find a pharmacy to buy test strips, and when she entered the factory, the first thing she did was to go to the bathroom for a urine test.

When she took out the test paper, her heart almost jumped out of her throat, and her hands trembled, and the two red lines pierced her eyes like needles, which was painful.

There was a "boom", like a thunderbolt hitting her head, she opened her eyes wide, unable to believe such a result.

How could it be such a coincidence, how could it be possible!Just once, she "won the lottery"!

There is another child, but she has no joy, because although she is in love with the child's father, the child's father does not love her, so the child cannot survive in this world, and cannot let him be the bond and bond between herself and that man. connect!It's not fair to the child, and it's not fair to her.

She stayed in the bathroom for a few minutes, and soon she had a decision in her mind. She stretched out her hand to caress her stomach, and said silently in her heart: "Baby, I'm sorry, Mom can't have you this time, I'm sorry..." Her heart seemed to be pulled hard by a hand I took a handful, and it hurt so badly.

She threw the test strips in the trash can, took a deep breath to wipe the tears off her face, and walked out.

She ate very little at noon, and asked for leave in the afternoon and left early.Instead of going home, she went to the hospital.

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