The operation didn't end until after seven o'clock in the evening. As soon as the doctor came out of the operating room, the Su family surrounded him with a "crash" and asked about the situation.

The doctor said loudly with a smile: "The old man's operation was successful, just rest assured."

As soon as the words fell, Su Pingzheng was pushed out of the operating room, surrounded by a large group of sons, daughters and grandchildren, blocking the pushcart from moving.

Su Xing said in a deep voice, "Let the cart pass by!"

Everyone finally dispersed. Su walked to the side of the cart to look at Su Pingzheng. Song Yan didn't follow, but stood outside the crowd and watched with cold eyes.

At this time, she felt as if she was the third party watching the drama with cold eyes, seeing the performance of everyone in the Su family's big drama. Although this family is prominent, the hearts of the people are not in harmony, and each has their own ghosts. In the face of power, family and friendship are all weak. In this world, only interests are the core.

Instead of going back to the ward, she walked out of the operating building and found a secluded place to sit down.

It was a bit cold at night in winter, and within 5 minutes after she sat down, she felt cold all over, but she still didn't want to go in, she needed to use the cold at night to wake herself up completely.She wanted to tell herself that Su Xing was not fundamentally different from those of the Su family.

After sitting like this for a while, the phone rang, she took out the phone and looked at the caller ID, raised her eyebrows slightly in surprise, it was Qin Ailin.

After answering the phone, she heard Qin Ailin's crying voice: "Sister, I want to meet you, can you meet me?"

"You said, where is it?" Song Yan asked.

Half an hour later, Song Yan and Qin Ailin sat face to face in a cafe.

Song Yan looked at Qin Ailin coldly. She was wearing a long white knitted dress. The slim material perfectly outlined her slender figure.Her make-up is also well-suited. It has to be said that Qin Ailin, who is studying at the Academy of Art, has the potential to be a female star, and it is said that she is also working hard in this direction.

"Sister..." Qin Ailin trembled as soon as she opened her mouth, her eyes were flushed, "What happened last night wasn't me... I really don't know what happened, it's just... that's it..."

"Well, I don't blame you." Song Yan replied quietly.

The mastermind behind this matter must be Mo Shaojing, but whether it has anything to do with Qin Ailin really cannot be judged based on her current performance.but--

In fact, she didn't want to pursue it anymore, nor did she have the heart to pursue it.

Seeing Song Yan's expression was calm, Qin Ailin became anxious instead: "Sister, don't you believe me? What I said is true! I really don't know what's going on, I just know that after I went in, I felt very hot, and then my consciousness disappeared. It's blurry, and I don't know what I did."

"I believe you." Song Yan replied lightly.

"Really?" Qin Ailin asked in surprise.

"Well, but I know that the mastermind behind this matter is your mother." Song Yan added.

Qin Ailin's originally smiling face was instantly replaced by guilt.

Song Yan thought, if she wasn't pretending, then she was really a pure girl.

Qin Ailin stood up and bowed deeply to Song Yan, but Song Yan didn't let her go and just looked at her like that.

When she raised her head, there were tears in her eyes: "Sister, I know what my mother does is not good, she always does wrong things, I apologize for her here, if you really have something in your heart If things are difficult, then vent all your dissatisfaction with my mother on me, whether you beat me or scold me, I will never fight back."

Seeing her sincere expression, Song Yan suddenly had an idea.

She said with a deep smile: "My mother is suffering from bipolar disorder, which has been tormenting her for eight years. It was finally relieved, but because your mother fell into the abyss, how do you think I should vent my dissatisfaction to relieve my heart?" hate?"

Qin Ailin's body trembled slightly, and said in a low voice: "Sister, you can deal with it as you like, and I will never resist."

Song Yan pushed the hot coffee on the table towards her: "If you can pour this cup of coffee from the top of your head and pour it on your face, you will be able to relieve the hatred in my heart."

The coffee is freshly ground and brewed, and it is boiling hot. If it is poured on the face, it may burn. Qin Ailin's pitiful little face is afraid that it will leave some scars. She is going to be a star, if her face leaves blemishes, That will have a big impact on her star career.

Qin Ailin obviously hesitated for a while, but she finally gritted her teeth and said: "Okay, if this cup of coffee can relieve the resentment in your heart, sister, it's worth it even if I get burned!" Overhead pouring.

Song Yan grasped her wrist quickly and snatched the cup of coffee from her hand.

Even so, a few drops splashed out and landed on the back of Qin Ailin's hand. She covered the back of her hand with obvious pain on her face, but she still held back her pain and did not cry out, but tears were already circling in her eyes. up.

Song Yan sighed, she was soft-hearted after all, the original owner Qin Luhan didn't have a bad impression of this sister in his memory, so why should he embarrass her here?
"Forget it, your mother is your mother, you are you, you and I are both surnamed Qin, and you call me sister, and I can't say no to you, you go, let's forget what happened last night."

Qin Ailin showed joy: "Thank you, sister, thank you!" She jumped up and put her arms around Song Yan's shoulders.

Song Yan was not used to it, so he gently pushed her away: "Okay, we'll leave after drinking coffee, I still have something to do."

The two went out from the cafe, and Song Yan walked back. The cafe was not too far from the hospital, so she walked back.

Walking halfway, I received a call from Su Xing: "Where have you been? Grandpa is awake. If you're not here, just ask."

"I'll be right back." Song Yan finished talking and hung up the phone.

Back in the hospital, a large group of members of the Su family disappeared, only Su Xing was by Su Pingzheng's side.

Seeing her coming in, Su Pingzheng smiled: "Luhan, what did you do? Grandpa didn't see you when he woke up, and he was still a little flustered."

The tone was weak, the person who just had the operation had no strength, but the warmth in the tone made her eyes moist.I don't know why this old man treats me like this, just like his own grandfather.

She walked over and sat by his bed, and held his hand: "Grandpa, my sister came to see me, and I'll go see her. I'm not worried when I see so many people guarding grandpa."

She talked and laughed: "Look, grandpa, it's really not dangerous to have an operation, right? Isn't it coming out well?"

"That's my luck." Su Pingzheng said a little out of breath.

Song Yan hurriedly stroked his hand and said, "Okay, grandpa, don't talk anymore. You just had a thoracotomy, and your vitality is seriously injured. You still need to take good care of your body."

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