Outside the operating room of the obstetrics and gynecology department, she grabbed the corner of her clothes and waited quietly for the number to be called. Suddenly, her mobile phone rang, and she was startled. When she took it out, she saw that the caller ID was Su Xing, so she got up quickly and walked a few steps to a secluded place. Line connected.

"You are waiting for my car after get off work, and you are going back to the old house for dinner today." Su Xing said.

"It's not the weekend, why do you want to go back to the old house for dinner?" Song Yan asked sensitively.

"Grandpa called me and said he missed you. I have nothing to do today so I can leave early. I'll pick you up. You wait for me."

Song Yan pursed his lips: "I... have already left work."

"Is there something wrong, or are you feeling unwell?" Su Xing asked in surprise.

"A friend asked me to help with something, so I asked for leave and left early." Song Yan lied, "I probably can't go there today, can I go another day?"

He was silent for a while: "I'll tell grandpa."

After hanging up the phone and going back outside the operating room, Song Yan just heard the nurse calling "Qin Luhan" and hurried over, the nurse looked at her dissatisfiedly: "I've called you several times, since you're in line, don't wander off. "

Song Yan smiled and explained that he was going to the bathroom, and followed him into the operating room.

There was a special smell in the operating room, and Song Yan became extremely nervous when he smelled this smell.

"Qin Luhan, please read the consent form for the operation. Although this is a minor operation, we still need to tell you clearly about some possible accidents!" The doctor began to talk about the risks of the operation as a routine.

The more Song Yan listened, the more frightened he became, his hands and feet were cold.

Finally the doctor finished speaking and gave her instructions: "You lie down on that bed, put a pair of trouser legs—"

"Doctor!" Song Yan interrupted her...

Song Yan walked out of the operating room wearily, feeling weak and starting to break out in a cold sweat, he had to prop himself up against the wall and take a few deep breaths.

A family member of the patient who was waiting outside saw her like this, and came over to care: "Oh, girl, don't you have any family members to accompany you?"

Song Yan shook his head, and the woman smacked her lips: "Oh, although women have experienced this kind of operation in all likelihood, it's still an operation, and it hurts your vitality. Why doesn't your family come to accompany you!"

Song Yan smiled at her: "Excuse me, do you have anything to eat with you?"

She had barely eaten all day, and she thought she might be a little hypoglycemic.

The family member was also enthusiastic, and immediately brought her some cakes. Song Yan was not polite, thanked her, and sat down on the bench outside the operating room to finish eating.

This time she didn't feel sick, she ate it all in one go, and immediately felt much better after eating.

When she got home, she took Haohao, and Lin Xuehui asked, "Is there anything else you want to eat tonight?"

Song Yan thought for a while and replied, "I want to get jealous and get cabbage."

Lin Xuehui raised her eyebrows in surprise: "I remember you didn't like this dish very much before!"

"Don't people's tastes change? I ate this dish outside a few days ago, and I feel like I have suddenly learned to taste the delicacy of this dish." Song Yan replied in a good mood.

Lin Xuehui laughed: "Okay, I'll do it for you!"

Because of the vinegar-simmered cabbage, Song Yan ate two bowls of rice and his appetite whetted.After eating, she played with Haohao, took him to bathe, coaxed him to sleep, and followed him to sleep.

The next day, she went to work as usual, but on the way to work, she bought some plums and brought them in her bag. Whenever she felt unwell, she ate a sweet and sour plum. It will ease soon.

When it was almost noon, she got off the assembly line and went into the office for a rest, when a call came from the communication room: "Designer Qin, someone is looking for you at the door."

"Who is it?" Song Yan asked warily.

Ever since Mo Shaojing came to find trouble last time, both the security guard at the gate and herself have been very wary of finding people from the factory.

"It's a woman, about 40 years old, she said her surname is Pei."

Song Yan's heart skipped a beat, surnamed Pei?She knew that the only woman whose surname was Pei at this age seemed to be Su Xing's mother, named Pei Xinlan!

"Okay, I'll go out now!" She replied immediately and hung up the phone.

After taking off her overalls, she put on some light makeup and straightened her clothes before walking towards the gate.But she was really surprised that Su Xing's biological mother would come to find her. Apart from the unfriendly time in the hospital, she had nothing to do with her!

Entering the reception room, she saw Pei Xinlan sitting on a chair. She was well maintained, and now facing each other up close, she was as young as her older sister.

Compared with Su Xiaowei's wife Ke Wanshu, her appearance is much more delicate and beautiful, and she has the charm of a mature woman all over her body.

"Hello, Auntie." Song Yan greeted her very politely.

Pei Xinlan stood up, looked her up and down, and said indifferently: "Are you free, let's have lunch together?"

Can Song Yan still refuse?
Not long after, Song Yan sat face to face with her in a restaurant not far from the factory. It was not a fancy restaurant, but the environment was nice, clean and quiet.

"Speaking of which, I'm an elder, shouldn't you invite me for today's meal?" Pei Xinlan took the menu and glanced at it, and said pretendingly.

Song Yan was taken aback, she never expected that Su Xing's biological mother would directly ask him to invite her to dinner like this.

She didn't feel sorry for the little money, but felt that such a sudden visit and asking someone to treat her to dinner was really not like what the mother of someone like Su Xing might do.After all, Boss Su is the head of the Su family. With such a promising son, why should mother have a bit of a pattern, right?

In terms of aura, Pei Xinran obviously lost a lot to Ke Wanshu.

"Of course, Auntie, if you don't tell me, I'm too embarrassed to ask you to treat me to dinner." Song Yan replied with a smile.

Pei Xinlan seemed a little satisfied. She lowered her head and began to look at the menu to order. After picking and choosing for a long time, she finally ordered. The waiter next to her was a little impatient.

After the waiter left, while waiting for the food to be served, Song Yan asked her, "I don't know why my aunt came to work for me today?"

Mentioning this, Pei Xinlan's face darkened slightly, and she said seriously: "There is indeed something, I heard that you and Su Xing have already obtained the certificate?"

Song Yan didn't answer, she didn't know who she listened to, even Su Pingzheng tacitly refused to announce the matter of Su Xing and her obtaining the certificate, so he kept it secret in front of the rest of the Su family.

"Judging from your expression, it should be true." Pei Xinlan said.

"Auntie, it's true." Song Yan replied, "Auntie is here today for this matter?"

"That's right, I came here to tell you that after the old man recovers, I hope you can go through the divorce procedures with Su Xing as soon as possible." Pei Xinlan cut to the chase.

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