Tom washed the medicine bottle in his hand and put it in his son's hand.

"Son, remember, no matter what I eat in the future, I will put this in it."

"But it must not be seen by the servants at home, and this medicine does not need to be put too much, just a little powder."

Tom held his son's hand and told him carefully.

"Dad, how can you eat this..." Alpha choked up.

It was slow poison he knew.

There is no smell and no color.

This was originally produced as rat poison, but it was always eaten by mistake, so it was banned from production.

However, his father is very prestigious in the research world, and it is not too difficult to get this medicine.

Tom smiled: "You know, Dad has been very tired during this time, and this is a kind of relief for me.

Both you and your mother have returned to me, and I have no regrets.

Don't cry, don't be sad, didn't you tell me just now that you grew up to be a man?From now on, I will rely on you to support this family.

You must take good care of your mother, don't make your mother sad, understand? "

"I understand." Alpha fought back tears.

He watched his father suffer these days, saw his father sad and tortured by illness, he might as well walk decently than live in such pain.

Alpha put the pill bottle in his pocket.

"As a teacher in my whole life, I have never done any major mistakes, and I am admired by many people." Tom said with emotion:
"But how can a person not do anything wrong in his whole life? After I got terminally ill, I did something that I regret for the rest of my life, and I can't change it.

I want to make it up to you, to make up to your mother, how much I love you..."

"Dad, that's not your fault..." Alpha shook his head with red eyes.

Tom didn't go on.

He turned his head and saw his wife. Dill was standing there waiting for them earnestly. She seemed sleepy and yawned.

"Wash up and go to sleep, your mother seems to be very tired."

Tom and Dill lay on the bed together.

Dill soon fell asleep.

Tom couldn't sleep much.

The pain in the body cannot be relieved by painkillers. It can only be felt better for a while, but endless pain will follow.

At this time, being able to lie on the bed with his wife in his arms was enough for him.

"I won't be here in the future, you have to live a carefree life, don't think too much, in fact, it's pretty good for you." Tom said in a low voice.

The heating was turned on in the room, and one of the two was asleep and the other was awake, cuddling together, looking extremely quiet and peaceful.

There was snowflakes floating all over the sky outside, but it didn't seem to have anything to do with them.

Time flies by.

The day of Lin Mengmeng's surgery has arrived.

Chen Junkai also planned to have surgery on this day.

It was a bit of a coincidence that Chen Junkai's surgery time overlapped with that of Lin Mengmeng's.

Because of Mr. Peter's surgery, many reporters were waiting around the hospital gate to report on the matter.

After all, Mr. Peter is the best in the world in terms of brain craniotomy.

Everyone knows that his medical skills are very high, and many people have invited him out of the mountains over the years, but no one can invite him.

This time he was able to make a move, and the person behind it was definitely not simple.

in the hospital.

Lin Shengsheng held Lin Mengmeng's hand tightly.

Lin Mengmeng's small body was lying on the long push bed.

"Mengmeng, you must work hard, there is nothing to be nervous about, mom believes you will be fine.

When you recover, your mother will take you out to play, we will travel around the world, we will go wherever you want to play. "

"I don't want to play, I want to go back to see my father... grandpa." Lin Mengmeng changed his words temporarily.

Lin Shengsheng pretended not to understand what he meant: "As long as you recover, I will take you back."

Lin Mengmeng has never been in an operating room since he was so old. Looking at the snow-white and cold surroundings, the smell of disinfectant in the air seems to be very strong.

He was a little nervous.

Lin Shengsheng comforted him.

"It's okay, it's like taking a nap, everything will be fine when you wake up."

"I know Mommy, don't worry about me too much." Lin Mengmeng said sensiblely.

He watched his son enter the operating room.

Before Lin Shengsheng had time to think, Chen Junkai was pushed over.

Chen Junkai's operating room is next door to Lin Mengmeng.

"Come on, senior! The operation will be successful, don't worry too much!" Lin Shengsheng cheered him on by holding his hand.

Chen Junkai kissed her on the hand, and looked at her affectionately: "Lin Shengsheng, I love you!"

Lin Shengsheng quickly withdrew her hand as if getting an electric shock, because Chen Junkai was about to enter the operating room, so she didn't say much.

She just said it again: "Come on!"

Chen Junkai looked dark, and nodded slightly.

The lights in the operating room came on.

Lin Shengsheng looked at the two lights prayingly and closed his eyes.

God must bless the two of them safe and sound, and all the operations were completed smoothly.

Just entered the operating room.

Chen Junkai was about to get up.

At this moment, two male nurses came over and held him tightly, preventing him from getting up.

"What are you doing?" Chen Junkai was about to question them suspiciously.

There was a pain in the arm, and when I turned my head, I saw a needle, and then my whole body went limp, and I fell on the hospital bed.

What are these people trying to do?
He was not infected with parasites at all. Where was the original attending doctor?I had paid him off a long time ago, why didn't he show up today?

Chen Junkai looked around, there were some unfamiliar faces all around, and he didn't see the attending doctor at all.

He began to feel something was wrong.

But after a short while, he actually saw a face he least wanted to see, Leng Gongchen!

"How will you be here!"

Chen Junkai struggled in fear, but his body didn't know what kind of medicine had been injected into his body, so he couldn't move at all.

"Do you know why the attending doctor said that the parasites have been transferred to your male parts?" Leng Gongchen looked down at him, showing a slight smile.

Finally waited until this day!

"What do you want to do!" Chen Junkai was full of panic.

"I taught him to say that. Do you know why I told him to say that? Because I want you to never be a man again!"

When Leng Gongchen said this, there was a sarcastic smile on his face.

I can no longer be a man for the rest of my life!

Chen Junkai's eyes widened, these words struck his heart like a thunderbolt!

He didn't need to think about it to understand that all the people in this operating room are under Leng Gongchen's subordinates.

Chen Junkai struggled desperately, but his body just couldn't pull up any strength, and he couldn't even make a sound.

He could only stare at Leng Gongchen angrily.

"Do you feel that you have no strength?" Leng Gongchen smiled.

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