"And do you feel sleepy? Since you are sleepy, then have a good sleep.

When you wake up, you will find the great gift I prepared for you.

You have given me so many presents, it would be shameful if I didn't return some gifts. Leng Gongchen's playful smile gradually widened.

Chen Junkai did start to feel sleepy, but he tried his best to hold on, gritting his teeth to support the gradually drooping eyelids.

"Go to sleep, you will get a huge surprise when you wake up!"

Leng Gongchen turned and left after speaking.

Chen Junkai looked at the back of him leaving, and without knowing where the strength came from, he suddenly raised his hand and knocked the medical tray aside to the ground.


The sound is crisp.

"Hold him down! Let me give another injection, it seems that the effect of the medicine is not enough." The doctor ordered.

Several male nurses held him down like wolves and tigers.

Another needle went into his other arm.

Within a few seconds, Chen Junkai rolled his eyelids and passed out completely.


"The brain surgery was a perfect success!"

"Doctor Peter's sword is still young, and his prestige remains the same as before!"

All kinds of headlines filled the major newspapers and news outlets.

Dr. Peter's reputation has been boosted again.

And those who have needs in this regard have spent all their energy and financial resources trying to get him the opportunity to come out of the mountain.

But after the operation, Peter announced again that he would not come out of the mountain again.

Lin Mengmeng's operation was completed ahead of schedule, more than half an hour ahead of schedule, and he was pushed out.

But Chen Junkai's operation was delayed for a long time.

Originally, his operation plan should have come out some time before Lin Mengmeng, but Lin Mengmeng had already been out for three or four hours, and he was still in the operating room.

And the blood bags for replenishing blood have been pushed into many cars by nurses.

Lin Shengsheng was extremely nervous and stopped a nurse, wanting to ask what was going on there.

The nurse waved her hand and didn't want to say anything more, her face was very heavy.

Lin Shengsheng couldn't help but became more worried. Judging from the nurse's face, she knew that the operation must not go well.

While she was rejoicing that the child's operation was very successful and smooth, she was also worried about what was going on with Chen Junkai.

With such a complicated mood, if it wasn't because she was still worried about Chen Junkai, she might have fainted a long time ago, it was really tormented!
The operation lasted more than ten hours.

The doctors and nurses changed two batches, and the blood bags were pushed into several trucks.

Lin Shengsheng wanted to stop the doctors and nurses several times to ask about the situation, but he didn't get any answer.

Lin Shengsheng had no choice but to call Peter.

She didn't have any acquaintances in this hospital, so she could only ask Peter.

After all, Peter has a certain authority in the world, so if he wants to ask about Chen Junkai's situation, it must be very easy.

But what she answered was a cold voice prompt, and Peter turned off the phone at this time!

It was difficult for Lin Shengsheng to leave to find Peter.

If the doctors and nurses come out and ask someone to sign something, there is no one here, which is not very good.

She can only wait here.

Finally, I saw Chen Junkai being pushed out of the operating room. He had a tube inserted into his body and a breathing mask on his face. His face was even paler, without a trace of blood.

Lin Shengsheng is actually not a relative of Chen Junkai at all.

The doctor said that the patient's privacy must be respected, so there is nothing for her to tell in this regard.

After the patient wakes up, tell the patient or the patient's immediate family members that they are coming, and then tell his family members.

Lin Shengsheng couldn't control that much now, so without permission, she called Chen Junkai's parents and asked them to come over.

But she didn't explain exactly what was going on on the phone, because she didn't understand it very well, she just vaguely said that she had an operation and asked them to come over quickly.

After walking out of the operating room, Chen Junkai finally opened his eyes after a full day and night.

Now he felt that he still didn't have the slightest strength in his whole body, and even raising his eyelids seemed to have exhausted all the strength in his body.

"Senior, you finally woke up!" Lin Shengsheng, who had been standing by the side, held his hand in surprise.

Chen Junkai looked at her in a daze, as if he didn't recognize her anymore.

Lin Shengsheng couldn't help worrying, this wouldn't be some sequelae, could it be that he lost his memory?

"Senior, you don't know me, I'm Lin Shengsheng!" She hurriedly said.

Chen Junkai still didn't speak.

Lin Shengsheng said it again eagerly: "You really don't know me anymore?"

"Fool, even if I forget all the people in the world, I won't forget you. I'm just too tired to speak. What's my situation now?"

Chen Junkai tightened her hand as he spoke.

But even with all his strength, he couldn't seem to be able to hold her hand. He looked so fragile now, as if a gust of wind could blow him down.

"Senior, have you forgotten? You have been pushed out after entering the operating room, and the operation has been completed." Lin Shengsheng explained to him slowly.

"Surgery, I had surgery..." Chen Junkai frowned, trying to remember.

He seems to have seen Leng Gongchen?
"Did I really have surgery? You mean my surgery is done?"

He vaguely remembered being pushed into the operating room and then given an injection.

He tried hard to think back, his head really hurt too much.

"Yeah, you have been in for more than ten hours, and you don't know how much I worry about you, and now you have been pushed out for a whole day and night.

Fortunately, you are sober, otherwise I will never feel at ease. "As Lin Shengsheng said, he let out a long breath.

"Has it been this long..."

Chen Junkai tried his best to recall the fragments in his memory, and finally pieced them together slowly. He remembered what happened when he entered the operating room before.

He was forcibly anesthetized, and seeing Leng Gongchen, he remembered what he said.

"Call my attending doctor over..." Chen Junkai's expression was ugly.

He struggled to get up, but found that his male part was so painful that he couldn't move at all, the pain was like tearing.

"That's right! You see, I'm so happy that I forgot to call the doctor. Wait a minute, I'll call the doctor right now!" Lin Shengsheng said and ran out.

But when the doctor appeared in front of Chen Junkai, Chen Junkai's expression became even uglier.

The doctor wasn't anyone he knew.

Because privacy was involved, Lin Shengsheng hesitated for a while, but finally closed the door and walked out.

"Who are you? The doctor I was looking for was not you, why did you perform the operation on me!" Chen Junkai asked him excitedly.

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