Sometimes Tom thought he was ridiculous. He saw the ability of the student, but he didn't notice his character. This was actually a failure in his teaching career.

He smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Mr. Tom, if you were that eagle, how would you choose?" Leng Gongchen asked him.

"There are no ifs in life." Tom shook his head.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go first." Tom put down his glass and walked out.

Although he couldn't see through the man in front of him, it was undeniable that this man was much better than Chen Junkai, at least there was no problem with his conduct.

At this moment, Leng Gongchen suddenly said, "Mr. Tom, please stay!"

"Mr. Leng, is there anything else?" Teacher Tom turned around.

"I advise you to put the medicine in your pocket inside, otherwise if some people see it, you may not have the peace you have now."

Leng Gongchen reminded with a smile.

Tom looked in his pocket and found that the medicine box was indeed showing a corner.

"I really want to thank you for your reminder, otherwise I would be in trouble." Tom smiled meaningfully.

This young man is interesting.

"Don't drink if you're physically injured. I think it's okay when I'm young, and it's useless to regret it when I'm older." Tom said and left directly.

Leng Gongchen lowered his head and saw that his lower abdomen was already stained red with blood. With a wry smile, he took out a tissue to cover the wound.

Tom went back to the villa.

Before entering the door, I saw Chen Junkai standing at the door with a gloomy face: "Where have you been?"

"It's just buying medicine, what's the problem?" Tom's face was also cold.

"What medicine did you buy?" Chen Junkai asked without hesitation.

"What? Am I your prisoner? I have to report to you when I go out?" Tom frowned, with a cold smile on his face.

"If I remember correctly, I arranged a servant for you, you sent the servant away, and then ran out by yourself, what do you mean?
Don't forget, I'm taking care of your life during this time, if you run out alone like this, I will worry about you.

Your current physical condition is too weak, if there is no one to accompany you, just run out alone like this.

If he passed out outside, or died outside, probably not many people would know about it. "

Chen Junkai's eyes were vicious, and every look pierced Tom's body like a sharp knife.

Tom didn't care.

He has seen this kind of eyes a lot these days, and he has already developed immunity.

"Then you should worry too much. If you die, you will die. Anyway, I am not living happily now. It is a relief for me to die sooner."

Tom walked around him as he spoke, trying to enter the house.

Chen Junkai snatched the medicine in his pocket: "Pain reliever?"

Tom was already very ill, and he fell backwards after being touched so hard by him.

"Teacher, are you alright!"

Lin Shengsheng screamed in fright.

She came to see the teacher. She didn't expect to see such a scene, and immediately rushed over in fright.

Chen Junkai grabbed Tom quickly, and said worriedly:
"Teacher, are you okay? I just told you to be careful. Didn't I say that it's snowing outside, so it's not suitable for you to go for a walk outside.

Besides, you are weak now, how can you come out to blow the cold wind?But you insist on not listening to me, insisting on going outside to breathe, look at how dangerous it is! "

Lin Shengsheng hurried over to hold Tom's other hand:

"Teacher, if you want to come out to get some fresh air, you can call me, senior, or Alpha.

Or take a wheelchair and ask them to push you out. You can’t get out by yourself. You are in such poor health now, what should you do if something happens! "

"Fortunately, Chen Junkai came quickly, otherwise I would have been miserable." Tom showed a reluctant smile.

Lin Shengsheng did not continue to carry out scientific research work during this period.

Although Peter had agreed to operate on Mengmeng, she was still very worried about the success rate of the operation and could not work at all.

Therefore, all those jobs were shared by those seniors and girls.

The students who can be Tom are all excellent people, and they can already be on their own, so she doesn't need to worry too much.

The two sent Tom back to the room, and Lin Shengsheng simply chatted with Chen Junkai for a few words before rushing back to accompany the child.

After they returned to the room, they saw Dill curled up in the corner of the room, crying in fear. Obviously, after crying for a long time, his voice was a little hoarse.

As soon as she saw Tom, she rushed to him.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here and I will protect you!" Tom comforted her quickly.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." Dill broke down in tears.

The doctor has seen her.

Diagnosed as severe schizophrenia, it cannot be cured with current medicine.

Tom sometimes thought it wasn't such a bad thing, at least his wife wouldn't be too sad when he died.

That way he can go with more peace of mind.

"Daddy, drink some water." Alpha came in with a glass of water.

Tom took the cup and looked at his son with relief: "My son has grown up."

"Although I will not be an adult for a few years, I can support this family now." Alpha said with his head held high.

"How did I teach you before?" Tom looked at him seriously.

Alpha replied skillfully: "Do more things and speak less."

"Then I will give you a task now. You promise me that you must keep this secret and not tell anyone, and do your best to do this well."

Tom looked at him solemnly.

Seeing his serious look, Alpha couldn't help feeling a little nervous, afraid that he might not finish well: "What are you talking about first?"

"No, you promise me first." Tom insisted.

Alpha was not sure about himself, he hesitated to agree.

Tom coughed anxiously, very violently, his face was flushed, and he looked very painful.

"Alpha, you promise your father!" Dill saw it from the side and said anxiously.

Although she suffered from schizophrenia and almost forgot everyone she knew, she did not forget her closest husband and son.

"Okay." Alpha nodded vigorously, her lips tightened.

"Let's go out first." Tom glanced at Dill.

I took my son to the bathroom.

After entering the bathroom, he began to scratch his throat with his hands, and then began to vomit.

Alpha was dumbfounded to see him spit out a vial of medicine.

In order to prevent the bottle of medicine from being discovered by Chen Junkai, Tom swallowed the medicine.

He took precautionary measures in advance and tied a thread to the medicine. If he really couldn't spit it out, he could pull the thread to pull the bottle out.

But he was already so weak that he could barely stand in this way.

"Dad, what is this?"

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