The Return of the Adorable Baby: Daddy Gao Leng Please Accept

Chapter 306 The Choice between Life and Death

Leng Xudong has always been unscrupulous in his actions. He doesn't care what method he uses, he only cares about getting the result he wants.

Even if he stepped into the coffin with one foot, the other foot would be unwilling to stir up the situation outside.

"I'll give you the last 3 minutes to read the document and sign it, otherwise I'll be rude!"

Leng Xudong issued an ultimatum.

Leng Gongchen flipped through those documents, and he already understood the general meaning:

"Are you going to transfer those black industrial chains to me, and let me take the blame for you?"

Transfer those industrial chains, put all those charges on him, and forge the time forward for more than a month.

As long as Leng Gongchen signs this document, Leng Xudong can disregard any relationship with the black industry chain, and he will be responsible for all the blame.

"Among them, I have dealt with several people. If you want to find a replacement, you won't be able to find them." Leng Xudong smiled.

Yes, that's a good thing to say.

Although Leng Gongchen signed it, it can be said that he did not handle it. During this period, too many project managers and people at all levels of the company handled it.

Even if he was charged with a crime, Leng Gongchen would not go to jail.

But reputation must be hard to hear.

"I may not go to jail for this kind of thing, but my reputation will be bad. If our company wants to produce any new products in the future, it will be very difficult to clear the company's reputation.

Moreover, your document has already claimed most of the shares of my company. If my company continues like this, there is no room for turning around. "

Leng Gongchen's mind is very clear, and now he can analyze with him one by one.

Leng Xudong became even more irritable, he didn't want to continue entanglement, the longer the time, the worse it would be for him.

This nephew really terrified him.

"It seems that your sister is not so important to you, and she is not as important as your company.

Didn't you just propose to give me the company to save your sister's life? Why are you regretting it now?

It seems that compared to your lover, your sister is still not as good as your woman. "

As Leng Xudong said, he tore off the tape on Leng Yuanyuan's face.

Leng Yuanyuan's lips had been sealed for a long time, she tore them apart violently, some places were scratched, and some blood flowed from her lips again.

But Leng Yuanyuan didn't say a word.

Her neck hurts, her shoulders hurt, and she smells of blood all over her body.

But my brother was thinking about protecting Lin Shengsheng and the company just now, and he didn't seem to think about her.

The scalpel in Leng Xudong's hand had already cut her neck, if she moved any further, she would die.

But my brother is still dealing with Leng Xudong?

And Gu Chenyang, the man she almost fell in love with, just held the scalpel without taking any action or even saying a word.

She didn't know what it was like in her heart.

In fact, she didn't want them to kill people because of her, but they were indifferent when she really fell to this point, and she still couldn't help but feel a little sad.

"Okay, let her go first." Leng Xudong waved his hand.

The two bodyguards backed away, Leng Yuanyuan half-bent over in a state of exhaustion, her eyes were fixed on Leng Gongchen:
"Brother, in your heart, am I really no better than a company?"

Lin Shengsheng quickly explained: "Yuanyuan, why do you have such thoughts, your brother..."

"You have no place to speak here!" Leng Yuanyuan reprimanded coldly:
"Brother, do you think that my sister is embarrassing to you? Do you think that our relationship for so many years is not as good as the relationship you have with this woman for a year? Does it mean that I have no place in your heart? "

Gu Chenyang said at this time: "Yuanyuan, don't have so many thoughts, this matter is a matter of human life.

Do you want your brother to take human life on his hands because of this matter?One life for one life, is that what you want to see? "

Leng Yuanyuan pointed at the three of them in disappointment, and took a few steps back, as if wanting to keep a distance from them:

"Of course I don't want to. Can I expect you to kill people for me? But I don't want you to be so indifferent.

You don't care about me at all, I am a real person, I have feelings, I need love, but no one loves me! "

"You are too extreme, I love you, and your family loves you too." Gu Chenyang frowned.

"Ask yourself, do you love me? Do you think this is called love?" Leng Yuanyuan sneered:

"Although I am not very old, I finally see through now that I am actually a dispensable person.

No one cares about what will happen to me, whether I am dead or alive, I am not important to anyone. "

As she spoke, she rushed over and grabbed Leng Xudong's hand holding the scalpel, and placed it across her neck.

"What are you doing!" Leng Xudong was startled.

"I signed it!" Leng Gongchen raised his pen and landed on the document, signed his name, and rolled up the document.

"Hurry up and get it for me!" Leng Xudong was so excited that he only used a bodyguard.

"Damn!" Gu Chenyang couldn't help but swear, and rushed towards Leng Yuanyuan.

"Be careful!" Lin Shengsheng exclaimed in shock.

At this time, Leng Xudong was too excited, and Leng Yuanyuan was entangled with him, and she might die at any moment.

Leng Yuanyuan struggled to hold Leng Xudong's hand, and after Leng Gongchen signed, she wanted to stab Leng Xudong.

Leng Xudong stabbed towards her with his backhand, but staggered, and the scalpel stabbed Leng Yuanyuan's ankle.

This time the piercing was so deep that Leng Yuanyuan collapsed on the ground in pain and almost lost all her strength.

Leng Xudong's forehead was covered with sweat, and he wanted to reach out and pull her up.

But Leng Yuanyuan had already collapsed from the pain, unable to get up at all.

At this moment, the two of them were on a downward slope. If Leng Xudong let go, Leng Yuanyuan would roll down, and even if she survived, she would be seriously injured.

"Bitch, can you stand still!" Leng Xudong cursed.

When I looked up again, I saw that the bodyguard who was going to get the documents was knocked down by Leng Gongchen.

In front of him, Gu Chenyang had already rushed towards him.

He didn't have time to respond, because all his strength had been used to support Leng Yuanyuan.

At this moment, the bodyguard behind him took a machete and slashed at Gu Chenyang's back.

"Gu Chenyang, pay attention to the back!"

Leng Yuanyuan exhausted all her strength, but the voice was like a mosquito, and there was no volume at all.

Instantly, Gu Chenyang felt the cold light reflected from the blade above his head...

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