"I'm getting old." Leng Xudong said again:

"My hands are always shaking. If I can't hold on for a long time, I really cut her neck. I can't care so much."

After he finished speaking, he shook his hands, and Leng Yuanyuan's neck was cut open, and blood seeped out. Although there was not much blood, it was so glaring and terrifying.

Leng Yuanyuan almost passed out, not because of pain, but because of fear.

Gu Chenyang gritted his teeth, then picked up the scalpel on the ground.

Leng Gongchen subconsciously protected Lin Shengsheng behind him, glanced coldly at Gu Chenyang, and then looked at Leng Xudong:
"I know your purpose. If you want my company, I can give it to you."

"You know the current affairs quite well." Leng Xudong was a little surprised.

He had prepared a second move, but now it seems that he may not be able to use it now. His nephew is really a hero, and he still knows the trade-offs at critical times.

"Of course life is more important than money." Leng Gongchen smiled lightly.

"Leng Gongchen, I have suffered a lot at your hands, big and small. I don't trust you very much now. How do I know that you are not just perfunctory me just to save Leng Yuanyuan?"

Leng Xudong raised his eyebrows.


A car roared past without any intention of stopping.

A few of them were at the corner of the road, and everyone could see them, but the car didn't mean to be nosy.

"There are cars coming and going here. It's not a good place for us to talk here. It's not good if someone sees it and calls the police. Why don't we talk in another place."

Leng Gongchen changed the topic.

"Leng Gongchen, don't play tricks on me." Leng Xudong looked at him vigilantly: "I won't trust you easily."

"I don't care." Leng Gongchen spread his hands:

"If you're not afraid of attracting attention, being called to the police, or someone coming out to do justice, I don't mind where you are."

When Leng Xudong heard this, it made sense, now is the most critical time for him, if someone really jumped out to help, then he would never be able to turn over for the rest of his life.

He had already received a summons from the court before, but he didn't tell everyone that the police came later, and he just ran out from the back door secretly.

He is desperate now, the first thing he thinks of is to kidnap Leng Yuanyuan, so that he can control Leng Gongchen.

Among so many people, only Leng Yuanyuan was the best to control. He found Leng Yuanyuan without much hesitation.

He instructed the two bodyguards who were escorting Leng Yuanyuan: "Go to the mountain, there is no one on the mountain."

Several people moved slowly up the mountain together, and found an empty corner.

Leng Xudong raised his hand: "Just here, Leng Gongchen, you can start talking now, will your company give me the equity, or let me directly replace it?"

"You should be prepared, right? Signing a contract in black and white is more convincing than anything else." Leng Gongchen raised his eyebrows.

"You're smart." Leng Xudong quickly took out a stack of contracts from his body and handed them to Leng Gongchen: "Then sign it, and I'll let your sister go after I sign it."

Leng Gongchen took the stack of documents without any intention of signing: "If my sister is always in your hands, why should I trust you?

I really signed this letter, but you still won't let my sister go, what should I do?
This place is deserted, we are all injured, if you repent, we still have nothing to do with you, what can you promise me? "

Leng Xudong looked at Leng Gongchen nervously.

Seeing him holding the papers indifferently, with a smile on his face, his heart was tightly clenched.

He didn't expect that he would be reduced to this point, after all, he was too careless, and he believed in Gu Chenyang from the beginning.

The more unhurried Leng Gongchen was, the more irritable Leng Xudong became. Perhaps because he was too excited, Leng Yuanyuan had a few more wounds on her neck.

Although the wound was not deep and not fatal, it shed a lot of blood and looked extremely terrifying.

Leng Xudong's hands were still trembling slightly, his face was grim:
"Leng Gongchen, if you don't sign, your sister will disappear. I think you know how powerful the scalpel is."

A sharp flash of light flashed in Leng Gongchen's eyes, and he stared closely at Leng Xudong: "We don't want anything to happen to Yuanyuan, I think you don't want anything to happen to her even more than we do.

I know you have no way out now, you are so old, but now you have lost everything, do you want to spend the rest of your days in prison? "

"I'm your second uncle, is this the way you talk to me?" Leng Xudong smiled: "I might as well tell you that I have lived for so many years, and I am better than you.

I have never thought of revenge before, I think those revenges are nothingness, there is no need for this.And I have always been lucky, and I have run well in foreign companies.

I was forced to stay abroad for so many years, but I finally came back to take over the Leng Group. The previous forest fires and some major incidents made our company almost bankrupt.

But in the blink of an eye, someone invested in me again. After a long drought, the company came back to life. Does this mean that my luck is not bad?I always meet noble people at critical times.

But after all, no matter what the current situation is, I still want to thank Gu Chenyang, it was he who gave me a hand at the critical moment.Otherwise, I would have gone bankrupt a long time ago, and I would not have survived until now, and I am here to tell you these words. "

Gu Chenyang once sponsored Leng Xudong, but Lin Shengsheng had never heard of this matter.

She watched quietly from the side, even if she knew now, she didn't react, she just wanted to watch the development of the situation.

Leng Gongchen couldn't help laughing after hearing Leng Xudong's words:

"Then according to what you said, you returned to China because of me, and the company was funded because of Gu Chenyang.

Do you think it's all because of your luck?If we use a small trick, will all your efforts be wasted? "

Even though he said so, he had to admit that Leng Xudong's series of operations could not be separated from good luck.

Leng Xudong was completely enraged by his words:

"Leng Gongchen, don't talk nonsense with me. Anyway, I have nothing now. You know that barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes. At worst, I will go to jail. Anyway, I have your sister to back me up!
And let me tell you, good luck is part of success, how do you know?What if one day I go to prison, no noble person will come to fish me out? "

He has been dormant abroad for so many years, and he has long learned to endure, so is he still afraid of a few words from Leng Gongchen to provoke him?

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