"I said at the time that I was serving wine, what happened if I used a wrench to serve wine?" Gu Chenyang looked puzzled.

"Then I have already warned you not to approach me, why do you still approach me?" Lin Shengsheng's voice became louder.

"Isn't that curious, warning me for no reason? I just wanted to come over and ask you what's wrong!" Gu Chenyang was really speechless.

"Then what were you trying to do just now? If you hadn't been chasing us, would you have become like this?" Lin Shengsheng was so angry that her face turned red.

Gu Chenyang also scolded angrily: "When I mention this, I will get angry! I took you out to watch the sunrise with good intentions, but Leng Gongchen rushed out without saying a word and beat me!

Also broke my car mirror, you two are so inexplicable, I don't want to ask what's going on? "

Leng Gongchen hugged Lin Shengsheng: "I'll pay you for the car."

"Look! This is a limited edition for the world! Do you understand!" Gu Chenyang looked at his car with another burst of heartache: "There are only three cars in the world!"

"I'll just go buy it." Leng Gongchen said lightly.

"Then I'll wait for you." Gu Chenyang looked at him warningly: "Leng Gongchen, if you don't get me an identical car, let me tell you, I won't let you go."

"Remember, don't just ask Shengsheng outside in the future." Leng Gongchen looked at him: "Otherwise, we won't cooperate."

Gu Chenyang looked at him with a half-smile: "Leng Gongchen, there are rumors outside that you are a gentleman, and you are quite a threat!"

In order to buy this car, he has spent a lot of effort.

Unexpectedly, I opened it a few times, and it turned out to be like this.

The killer must not have been able to afford such a car, maybe it was stolen.

But he didn't understand the value of this car, and he was still driving it around the city, so it would be strange if he didn't get caught.

Lin Shengsheng watched from the side in bewilderment.

Didn't the two of them have a bad relationship in the first place?Why does it seem that there is some cooperation in private?Why doesn't she know anything about it?
"Did the two of you reach an agreement?" Lin Shengsheng looked left and right, "It looks like you're keeping it from me?"

It will take at least half an hour for an ambulance to arrive, and now they can only wait here.

Lin Shengsheng wanted to break the casserole and ask the end.

But before she could speak, a familiar voice suddenly sounded not far away.

"Not bad." Leng Xudong walked over with a gloomy face:
"Gu Chenyang, you really are not a fuel-efficient lamp. How long have you been back to China, and you have given me such a trick? Now it's not us who are plotting against Leng Gongchen, but you all working together to plot against me?"

"Isn't it because you have an idea that you shouldn't, so we want to teach you a lesson? I didn't expect that you are a lot of age, but you don't have enough social experience, so you were easily deceived by me."

Gu Chenyang laughed as he spoke.

Then he grinned his teeth in pain again, the punch Leng Gongchen gave him just now was too hard, today he has to ask him to make up for anything.

He stared at Leng Xudong, who had an extremely ugly face, and smiled again: "Did you already receive the court leaflet?"

"Gu Chenyang, how dare you bully me!"

Leng Xudong had guessed this matter on the way here just now, and Gu Chenyang probably did it.

Because the opportunity was hard-won, he acted cautiously, leaving almost no clues, so the problem would only be on Gu Chenyang.

"Give me a reason?" Leng Xudong asked him with a sullen face.

"What reason?" Gu Chenyang pretended not to understand.

"Isn't it good to cooperate with me? Why cooperate with Leng Gongchen?" Leng Xudong asked patiently.

Gu Chenyang sighed: "Let me tell you a fact that cannot be changed. You are in your early fifties now, and I will cooperate with you. If you die in a few years, what should I do?"

"Gu Chenyang!" Leng Xudong gritted his teeth.

Gu Chenyang laughed out loud.

"It seems that you think I can only suffer from being dumb?" Leng Xudong said with a gloomy expression, "Do you think that I am so easy to bully?"

He said and clapped his hands.

Two bodyguards in black came out from the darkness, and there was a man between them, whose mouth was wrapped in black tape.

As soon as the man saw them, he immediately struggled and let out a cry for help.

"Yuanyuan!" Leng Gongchen exclaimed.

"Don't act recklessly!" Gu Chenyang couldn't help but said.

After yelling, he felt a little regretful. Didn't this let Leng Xudong know how much he cared about Leng Yuanyuan?
He didn't know how anxious his brows and eyes were, almost everyone could tell at a glance.

Leng Xudong knew that his move was the right one.

He smiled with satisfaction: "Gu Chenyang, when you came back, you told me that you were a person with no weaknesses, and that may have been the case at that time.

But not anymore, you have fallen in love with my niece, and you have become a weak person. "

Leng Yuanyuan stopped struggling, and stared at Gu Chenyang with rounded eyes.

Will there be love between them?

Aren't they constantly bickering and dislike each other?
She wanted to argue, but Leng Xudong didn't let go of her mouth at all.

"If you choose to cooperate with Leng Gongchen because of her, I don't think your vision is right." Leng Xudong shook his head seriously:
"Leng Yuanyuan is also my niece. If I gain a firm foothold in Leng's house, won't it be easy for you to want her?"

He looked at Leng Gongchen who was silent at the side.

"Leng Gongchen, you don't have to pretend you don't care, who doesn't know how indulgent you are to your little sister." Leng Xudong said and laughed.

Leng Gongchen's face was ashen.

Leng Xudong didn't care, he took out a scalpel from his pocket and threw it on the ground.

"You two, as long as you kill Lin Shengsheng for me, I will let Leng Yuanyuan go."

The knife fell to the ground, with a cold light on the edge, which looked a little scary.

"Gu Chenyang, come on, it's time to prove how much you love my niece." Leng Xudong laughed.

"Leng Xudong, come at me if you have the ability!" Leng Gongchen gritted his teeth and stared at him.

"Aiming at you?" Leng Xudong shook his head: "I want to live a few more years with this old bone, I am not your opponent.

Besides, your sister doesn't have a good grasp of the company's situation. If I control you, who will take care of the company?

Anyway, you are also my own nephew, can I do such a thing?We are all family. "

After hearing his words, everyone felt disdainful and ridiculous. Is there anyone who treats a family like this?

Leng Xudong urged again: "Gu Chenyang, if you don't kill Lin Shengsheng, Leng Yuanyuan will die, you have to think about it, don't regret it then!"

As he spoke, he took out another sharp knife and put it on Leng Yuanyuan's neck. As long as the knife was cut down, Leng Yuanyuan would die on the spot.

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