But Gu Chenyang couldn't take care of himself anymore, if he didn't step forward, Leng Yuanyuan might die.


Gu Chenyang snorted, threw the two people in front of him down, and snatched the scalpel from Leng Xudong's hand.

He heard the sound of a big knife being cut on his back, but he didn't feel the pain.

He raised his head and saw that the person behind him was Lin Shengsheng.

"Lin Shengsheng!"

Before Lin Shengsheng fell into a coma, she heard many people calling her name, but she couldn't open her eyes...

She was in so much pain, so much pain, and then she didn't know anything...



After an unknown amount of time, Lin Shengsheng felt a particularly painful back, and tried hard to open his eyes, but his eyelids were extremely heavy.

She struggled for a long time before finally opening her eyes...

Looking at everything in front of him, he was suddenly dreaming, and couldn't react for a long time.

Leng Yuanyuan's face was full of surprise: "Sister-in-law, you finally woke up!"

Lin Shengsheng turned her head slowly, saw Leng Yuanyuan at the side, and was stunned for a long time before she recognized who she was.

The severe pain behind her reminded her of what happened before she fell into a coma.

When Gu Chenyang rushed over, Leng Xudong had already picked up the scalpel, raising his hand to kill Leng Yuanyuan desperately...

She suddenly became worried. Looking at the gauze on Leng Yuanyuan's neck, she was extremely worried: "Yuanyuan, how is your neck? Are you okay?"

When Leng Yuanyuan heard her wake up, the first thing she said was to care about her, but she didn't care about the injury on her back at all.

She felt sore and astringent in her heart, and almost shed tears.

But in the end he smiled at her: "Don't worry, sister-in-law, I'm fine."

Lin Shengsheng was still worried: "Can you take it apart for me to have a look? Will it leave a scar? You ask the doctor to prescribe some medicine to remove the scar.

The neck is exposed, and it would be ugly if it left a scar.Also, remember not to eat things like soy sauce that can easily cause scars. "

Leng Yuanyuan held her hand:
"It doesn't matter whether my sister-in-law leaves scars or not. Leaving scars will make me remember long. I can't be used by others casually, so that I will never be willful in the future."

These words of hers came from the bottom of her heart. She really owed Lin Shengsheng the kind that she would not be able to clear up for the rest of her life.

Lin Shengsheng did the thing of repaying hatred with kindness.

She thought that this kind of person didn't exist in the world. She always thought that Lin Shengsheng was the most selfish woman in the world.

She took away the person she loved, and also took away the brother who loved her.

She almost snatched away her parents and everyone who loved her. When her parents looked at her with admiration, Leng Yuanyuan finally couldn't stand it anymore.

She did so many revenges and so many bad things, but in the end, Lin Shengsheng repaid her grievances with kindness, almost saving her life with her life.

Leng Yuanyuan now feels how narrow-minded she is compared to Lin Shengsheng.

No wonder Lin Shengsheng is liked by so many people, she is really a very, very good woman, different from most people.

She is not selfish at all, she has big love and small love, which is not what she thought before.

Seeing that Leng Yuanyuan's attitude towards her had changed a lot, Lin Shengsheng couldn't help being a little surprised: "Yuanyuan, are you not angry with me anymore?"

"How could I..." Leng Yuanyuan lowered her head, a little embarrassed to look at her:
"Sister-in-law, let me tell you the truth, I may just be jealous and a little unwilling. Because you are better than me in everything, better than me, and live a happier life than me.

And the man I like only loves you wholeheartedly.In fact, I knew in my heart at that time that even if I took revenge on you, Chen Junkai would not love me, but would hate me even more.

But at that time, I was obsessed with ghosts. I always felt that it would be better to die with you, and it would be worthwhile to die together. As long as I see that you are not feeling well, I feel happy...

I don't know why I was like that at that time... Sister-in-law, I'm really sorry..."

Lin Shengsheng smiled gratifiedly.

In fact, she has always felt that the harm Leng Yuanyuan suffered, although she did not personally give it, has something to do with her.

She never really resented Leng Yuanyuan, she just hoped from the bottom of her heart that she could get out of those haze soon.

After all, she is still so young, what a beautiful age in her early twenties, in her prime.

In this day and age, it doesn't matter if you have experienced a failed relationship, because the next life is still very long.

Leng Yuanyuan has all the time to find what she loves.

Lin Shengsheng actually didn't think about why he did this, why he was so tolerant towards Leng Yuanyuan?

If it were someone else, she might not be so tolerant, but because Leng Yuanyuan is Leng Gongchen's younger sister.

She loves the house and the world, and is willing to tolerate her and forgive her time and time again.

"Please accept my belated apology." Leng Yuanyuan raised her eyes and looked directly at her: "In addition, I would also like to thank you for saving me."

Lin Shengsheng laughed: "Fool."

"Thank you for your tolerance. After I did so many bad things to you, you still chose to save me." Leng Yuanyuan was extremely moved.

After going through too many things and too many twists and turns, the two finally let go of their past suspicions and returned to the days when they first got along in harmony.

They all felt that the previous experience was worthwhile, at least it allowed them to recognize each other's hearts.

"Don't think too much about the past. If you can get out of that shadow, that is the best harvest." Lin Shengsheng also shook her hand behind his back.

Leng Yuanyuan was still young, her hands were tender and slippery, Lin Shengsheng looked like a mother, patting her hand gently.

She wanted to get up and give her a hug.

But it touched the wound on her back, her whole body was stiff, sweat was all over her face, it hurt too much.

Leng Yuanyuan quickly helped her to lie down:
"Sister-in-law, don't move around. Your injury is very serious. The doctor said that the tip of the knife almost pierced your heart. As long as that person uses a little more strength, you will die."

Lin Shengsheng lay down again.

Only then did Leng Yuanyuan realize to her annoyance that she forgot to call the doctor to take a look while she was busy talking, and hurriedly pressed the button beside the bed.

This is the top VIP ward, and Lin Shengsheng is the only patient in it, and family members can also live in it.

Leng Gongchen originally wanted the two of them to live separately, but Leng Yuanyuan insisted on guarding Lin Shengsheng, fearing that no one would know if she needed something.

Leng Gongchen didn't insist too much, so he agreed.

The doctor will be here soon.

Lin Shengsheng's condition had stabilized a few days ago, but the wound was too deep.

The doctor was afraid that the patient would be emotionally unstable, so he arranged for her to lie on the hospital bed and take care of her carefully.

Her wounds recovered quite well, and she lost all kinds of nutrient water when she was in a coma, and she slept for a few days, which can be regarded as a kind of recuperation.

However, his complexion is still not as good as that of a normal person, after all, he has shed so much blood...

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