The deep water swallowed up the light, and among the rippling water, the figure of a fish wagging its tail flashed by.

Perhaps it has been too long since they have been fed, and some fish are floating in the water with their bellies turned white, their eyes glazed over.

But in the whole space, there is no place to hide people.

Lin Shengsheng felt a chill in his heart: "Let's go quickly, I'm a little scared."

Leng Gongchen frowned, a little troubled.

Lin Shengsheng took Leng Gongchen's hand, trying to pull it out.

Suddenly she seemed to be stepping on something, she looked down wonderingly, a faint blue eyeball was staring at her.

She screamed and said in a broken voice, "Why is this thing again?"

The rustling sound of metal suddenly sounded again: "One...two...three...hehe."

This time the sound came from nowhere, it seemed that it was its microphone in all directions.

Layers of hollow sounds echoed in the room, indescribably weird.

Lin Shengsheng frantically ran downstairs, Leng Gongchen had no choice but to chase after her.

She ran to the open ground in one breath, put her hands on her knees, and the cold rain slapped her face.

Leng Gongchen chased after her holding an umbrella: "Shengsheng, wait for me."

The boss also rushed out with them, and said with an ugly face: "I think this place is also evil, let's call the police first."

He picked up his mobile phone and dialed 110, but a mechanical female voice told him that he was not in the service area.

The boss was stunned for a moment, and called again in disbelief, but the result was still the same.

The boss looked livid and cursed:

"What the hell is this place? Why did I never know that this place is not in the service area? Could it be that the calls I made before were to ghosts?"

He looked at the phone angrily, the veins on his forehead were throbbing, and he wanted to drop the phone.

But he didn't dare to fall, so he had to put it in his pocket again depressingly.

"Don't waste your energy, we can't get through." Leng Gongchen said.

"You know?" The boss was taken aback.

Leng Gongchen nodded, his face was as cold as frost and snow, and there was a condensed atmosphere:

"When we came, we also called at your house, but we couldn't get through."

"Did you realize something was wrong then? Then why do you still come?" The boss asked with some doubts.

"Because we got text messages that we would regret it if we didn't come here."

Leng Gongchen said, "And after you called your daughter, it strengthened my mind."

"But I can't find Xiaofeng now, where is she?" the boss asked in pain, holding his head.

"If I find Xiaofeng, I will leave here immediately. But there is no news about her now, what should I do!"

growled the boss.

He suddenly grabbed Leng Gongchen by the collar, his eyes widened:
"If something happens to my Xiaofeng here, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let your Leng Group go!"

The whites of his eyes were bloodshot, his facial lines were tense, and he looked fierce.

The rain dripped down his face, and it was hard to tell whether it was rain or his tears.

Suddenly a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the world.

Then the dull thunder rumbled, resounding through the sky and the earth.

"What do you see there?" Lin Shengsheng asked with a pale face.

Two glaring men looked in the direction she pointed.

When the lightning flashed just now, Lin Shengsheng clearly saw a few white shadows floating on a terrace above the hotel.

Now the world has returned to darkness, and the heavy rain is pouring down, blocking the line of sight.

But everyone still vaguely saw three white shadows.

They have no other movements, like zombies, walking slowly on the terrace.

Under the heavy rain, they were also unconscious, and they walked independently according to their own trajectories.

The two collided, as if they didn't feel it, they avoided it stiffly.

Lin Shengsheng suddenly thought of what they saw in the utility room, and she gasped:
"Are they the ghosts that escaped from that wall?"

She thought of the doll that had just appeared and the cry of the baby, and became more and more certain.

This hotel seems to be the center, attracting other ghosts.

Then what they saw just now is naturally possible.

Since the publication of the supernatural novel, what happened in their resort was difficult to explain with common sense, so it caused a lot of rumors.

They took this trip, and they didn't expect to be involved in it.

No matter how much Lin Shengsheng gave herself a psychological massage, she still couldn't help but flinch when she was actually on the scene.

The boss saw her intention to retreat, and roared: "Don't forget that my daughter is still here, what will they do when we leave?"

Leng Gongchen stopped Lin Shengsheng behind him: "Don't yell at her, I am the president of the Leng Group!

She is innocent, she came to accompany me.If you need anything, just call me. "

The boss widened his eyes: "So you are the president?"

Leng Gongchen nodded with a sullen expression:
"Yes, I'm Leng Gongchen, the president of Leng's Group. I'm sorry I didn't tell you at first. I'm here this time to find out the truth."

"So those supernatural events are real and they have alarmed you?" The boss glared at him and said:
"I didn't believe it at first, but now that I've been through this, I kind of believe it again."

"But my daughter, Xiaofeng, where are you?" The boss shouted again in pain.

Leng Gongchen said: "Whether these things are true or false, there is no conclusion yet..."

The boss interrupted him roughly: "I don't want to know whether these are true or not, I just want to know where my daughter has gone."

"Stop arguing, look!" Lin Shengsheng pointed to the hotel terrace again.

I saw that one of the white shadows suddenly burst into flames, and the torrential rain couldn't extinguish it.

As if he couldn't feel it, he still wandered around according to his own trajectory.

Leng Gongchen's expression darkened suddenly, and he asked, "Have you called your son-in-law?"

"My wife called when I came here, but no one picked up." The boss said inexplicably.

"Hit again." Leng Gongchen urged.

His face was very serious, as if he had encountered something important.

The boss looked at his furrowed eyebrows, infected by the tense atmosphere, took out his phone and made another call.

The phone still didn't connect.

However, a ringtone came from the terrace. It was the ringtone that came with the phone, floating melodiously in the air.

Their faces changed, and they shouted in unison: "Not good!"

The boss rushed forward immediately.

Leng Gongchen said to Lin Shengsheng with a serious face, "You wait for me here, I'll go up first."

The current situation is obvious, the boss's son-in-law is obviously one of those three shadows!
Just wondering why he's wandering around the patio like a ghost, inaudible like a zombie?

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