Lin Shengsheng felt as if her heart was about to stop, and panic spread like weeds.

She tightly grasped Leng Gongchen's hand: "Boss, don't turn off the lights, it's too dark to be so scary."

The boss cursed a few words in a low voice, the sound of the switch snapped, but it was still dark.

Leng Gongchen turned on the flashlight, half of the faint screen light hit his face, and half sank into darkness.

"I didn't turn it off, it turned off automatically." The boss quickly threw the pot away.

The cold wind and bitter rain beat against the windows, and the room was silent for a while.

"It must be that your light bulb is broken, maybe the contractor below cut corners.

After this investigation, you must report the truth when you go back. "The boss said indignantly.

Lin Shengsheng didn't say a word. Their Leng Group can grow so big, so they naturally have a set of strict procedures.

The selections are all the best batches, how could it be broken before opening?
Leng Gongchen clasped Lin Shengsheng's hand comfortingly, and said with a smile:

"Okay, we must go back to investigate which Shuoshu it is. Let's move on to the next room."

Lin Shengsheng also said quickly: "Okay, okay, let's go, the hotel is too high, and I don't know when we will find it."

But as if the people behind them didn't let them go, every time they passed by, the lights would turn on suddenly, and then turn off suddenly after a while.

They had just searched the room, but there was no one in it, and the lights in the room they left suddenly turned on again.

It seems that there is an invisible hand controlling the lights in this building.Just let it be happy, turn it on if you want, and turn it off if you want to.

Lin Shengsheng was nervous, always paying attention to the feet suspiciously, afraid that suddenly there would be an extra pair of feet between them.

This invisible figure floats around the hotel, using the lights like toys.Maybe it was fun to see her startled, and deliberately teased her.

The sound of their footsteps echoed in the hallway, especially in the middle of the night.

"Look!" The boss suddenly exclaimed.

Lin Shengsheng looked back, she almost had a heart attack.

I saw a few white shadows appearing on the wall, twisting crazily and moving all the time.

They seemed to be sealed on the wall, wanting to rush out.

A white shadow was suddenly hit by a whip, cut in half, distorted for a while, and then returned to its original shape, continuing to flutter.

It seemed that a few more black shadows appeared, surrounding the white shadows, squeezing the space of the white shadows.

The white shadows were unwilling, they were suppressed and drank something, they roared angrily.

The black shadow swung his whip triumphantly and laughed wildly.Then the white shadow twitched a few times and lay down motionless.

Everything is engulfed in darkness, and the walls return to silence.

Lin Shengsheng looked at the shadows of two colors entangled on the wall.

The place they are in now is a small utility room. Just now, when the lights came on, they just opened the door and entered.

Unexpectedly, before the search was over, I watched a pantomime movie.

However, Lin Shengsheng clearly saw that there was no projector on the wall just now, so how could it automatically play the screen?

She could hear her heart pounding in her chest, as if it was about to jump out of her heart.

"My hair……"

There was a sudden rustling of metal in the corridor, accompanied by a strange crawling sound.

It seems that the joints have been interrupted, unable to stand and walk, and can only move forward slowly by rubbing on the ground.

Leng Gongchen's expression changed: "How did this thing come here?"

The boss's face is also very ugly: "This place is too evil, let's go."

When they walked out of the utility room, the lights swept across the corridor, and they saw a black figure lying on the ground in a distorted posture in front of them.

A blue eye gleamed with a cruel light, and a hollow eye socket stared straight at them.

Seeing a smile on the corner of her mouth, she stretched her hand forward and murmured, "I found you."

Lin Shengsheng screamed!
Leng Gongchen carried her back with a livid face: "My wife, close your eyes, and I will take you there."

Lin Shengsheng closed her eyes tightly, and hugged Leng Gongchen's neck tightly.

When passing the doll, she felt as if something had caught her legs and feet.

She kicked wildly for a while, and Leng Gongchen felt a little unbalanced: "Don't move."

He simply put Lin Shengsheng down, turned around and beat the baby with the boss.

She heard a loud smashing sound behind her, and the doll's voice seemed to be a little bit venomous: "You...damn..."

She closed her eyes tightly, not daring to open them.

The doll's voice finally fell silent, and she heard a heavy panting from behind:

"Don't be afraid, I smashed her to death, and she can't move anymore. I think it's just a pile of scrap metal, nothing to be afraid of."

Leng Gongchen comforted, "You have to act better than these things. Once you get scared, you will fall into their tricks."

"That's right, sister, if you're afraid, hide behind us and see how we can vent your anger on you." The boss said in a rough voice.

Lin Shengsheng opened his eyes tremblingly, and saw that the silicone doll really collapsed on the ground like a rag, and finally there was no sound.

A blue bead turned to her feet, and she froze, feeling like the doll's venomous eyes just now.

Leng Gongchen looked at it, then kicked it away: "Don't look at it, it's just a piece of plastic."

They went up the stairs, and there was another thumping sound downstairs, which seemed to be beating on the door.

The cry of the baby came again, especially loud in the dark night, it seemed a little shrill.

The three of them were stunned. They had searched that place just now, and even a fly might not be able to escape.

How can it be so obvious that a living person the size of a baby can't see it?

"You guys think it sounds familiar, does it sound like crying in the bamboo forest?" Lin Shengsheng asked cautiously after swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

"Shall we go down and have a look?" the boss asked.

Lin Shengsheng shook his head crazily: "Why do you want to go down, we have already seen it just now, and there is nothing.

Who knows what appears below, let's not look at it. "

She looked at Leng Gongchen pleadingly, Leng Gongchen was silent for a while and said:
"Let's go and see what it is, so we can have a base.

We didn't find it when we were in the hot spring just now, but now that it appears here, we can always find its trace. "

Lin Shengsheng was reluctant in every possible way, and now she just wanted to escape quickly. If she could, she wanted to leave this building immediately.

Suddenly, the crying stopped, Leng Gongchen and the boss looked at each other, went down and opened the door where the sound came from.

Pale light shines directly inside.

This room is a bit big, and it is going to be used as a meeting place.

Except for a fish tank on one side of the wall, there is nothing else...

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