The Return of the Adorable Baby: Daddy Gao Leng Please Accept

Chapter 1229 The Human Body Inexplicably Combusts

Lin Shengsheng held an umbrella and closely followed what happened on the terrace.

I saw those three ghost-like shadows walking non-stop.

The man on fire, his clothes ablaze, and the yellow-white flame leaping, almost engulfed him in an instant.

A large amount of white smoke was produced above his head.

Lin Shengsheng thought of what he saw in the hot spring just now, imagined the scene of the hot water boiling and bubbling, and his bones ached.

When she understood that the three white shadows were no longer ghosts, but three living people.

The fear in her heart grew uncontrollably. Three living people were chosen as victims when they were unaware.

I don't know what method was used to keep him silent even when he was being burned by the fire.

She watched the angry person and another white ghost gradually approaching, and her heart was in her throat.

She didn't know how the man caught fire just now, when she saw it, it had already happened.

But now he is a source of fire. If the two collide, there is a high probability that the other person will be ignited as well.

The boss was running down the stairwell with red eyes, given that the lights in the hotel were on and off.

He has doubts about taking the elevator, so he can only run up to the 32-story building on the terrace with his legs.

But he was getting old, and he was short of breath after a while.

Later, Leng Gongchen was young and strong, but he quickly caught up with him.

He grabbed Leng Gongchen's clothes: "I beg you to save them."

There were tears in his tiger eyes, and his voice was a little choked up.

Leng Gongchen held his hand and said solemnly: "This is my responsibility."

Then he let go of the boss's hand and ran to the terrace with a firm expression.

His heart was beating so fast that he was almost out of breath.

The body that had been replaced with organs hadn't fully recovered yet, and he felt that running so fast was consuming what little energy he had left.

He seems to have returned to the past, when he was tortured by illness.

However, he looked ahead firmly, gritted his teeth, and rushed upwards.

Those were his employees, he couldn't just watch them die before his eyes!

The glass door of the terrace appeared in front of his eyes. He pushed open the glass door and saw that the flaming person was gradually making contact with another person.

He rushed over, threw the person down, and rolled on the ground.

The angry man passed him blankly, and he felt the heat of the fire.

The person who fell down looked blankly at the sky, like a doll, without the ability to think.

Panting heavily, Leng Gongchen got up from him, picked up the fire extinguisher by the wall and sprayed it at the people who were on fire.

Snowflakes sprayed into the air like foam, covering the whole body of the burning man.

Huo Miao struggled a few more times as if unwilling.

Leng Gongchen gasped and puffed continuously, turning him into a snowman, almost his nose and mouth were covered with foam, and the flames were reluctantly extinguished.

Then he took off his coat and wiped off the foam for him, but when he saw the face, his heart sank suddenly.

Just now the man was still walking with the fire on his body, but he thought the burning was not serious.

However, looking at people whose skin is almost burnt to carbon, where it is not serious, it is estimated that the entire skin tissue has been burned.

However, after burning like this, he didn't cry out in pain.

At this time, the boss climbed up from behind. He looked at the two ghosts and shouted excitedly: "Xiaofeng, Xiaoliu!"

Fortunately, his daughter and son-in-law survived.

Leng Gongchen said to him in a hoarse voice: "Come and see this man, he has been severely burned and needs to be sent to the hospital urgently."

The boss ran over to take a look, took a breath, and said helplessly:
"What should I do? Can he be saved like this?"

"You take off their clothes first, I suspect there is something wrong." Leng Gongchen suddenly remembered.

The boss suddenly realized, looked at the person in front of him, and immediately wanted to take off their clothes.

Although Xiao Liu is ignorant, it is still difficult for a stubborn person to make him take off his clothes.

Leng Gongchen simply knocked him out, pulled down the balcony curtains and wrapped him up.

However, when it came time for his daughter Xiaofeng, the two had a difficult time.

Leng Gongchen frowned and said, "Don't take it off for her yet."

"Then what if my daughter is on fire?" the boss asked anxiously.

Without saying a word, Leng Gongchen picked up the fire extinguisher in his hand and sprayed her, turning her into a snowman before stopping.

"Bring more fire extinguishers. Let's send them home first, and ask your wife to change your daughter's clothes." Leng Gongchen said calmly.

The confused boss seems to have found a backbone.

But the most important thing is the arrangements for the burnt people. Now they can't make phone calls, and they have no way to find a doctor.

And they don't have tools now, so how to move him out is also a problem.

There was wind and thunder in his eyes, his heart ached for his employees, and he was also angry at the cruelty of the designer behind him!
His eyes faltered, and suddenly his eyes froze.

He ordered: "Find him a piece of clean cloth to cover his body, and I will hang him down later."

If the boss realized something, he looked at the giant crane in the distance and asked worriedly, "Do you know how, young master?"

"I saw someone else drove it." Leng Gongchen lowered his eyelids, Gu Jing said calmly.

Leng Gongchen left before the boss could finish expressing his worries about the high-ranking president who was inattentive and indiscriminate.

The boss stomped his feet: "You can learn it after seeing it? Then why do other people still take the driver's license test? They are really overconfident."

However, it was the boss who slapped him in the face this time. When the three of them hanged down easily, he looked at Leng Gongchen in surprise and gave him a thumbs up.

When Lin Shengsheng helped carry the three of them into the car, she couldn't help but shed tears.

The boss bought a van for business, so although it is cheap, the space is still quite large, and a few people can barely squeeze in.

The burned person was wrapped in a white cloth on the sofa in the car, and his face was as black as carbon.

She saw with her own eyes that this person had been burned for so long, and her own bones were so limp, as if the flames were burning on her own body.

She looked at this person carefully, and suddenly said in surprise: "Leng Gongchen, do you think this person looks familiar?"

Leng Gongchen frowned and glanced: "I can't think of it."

Lin Shengsheng said in a low voice:

"I think he is a bit like the person in charge of the resort. When he came to us that day, he said that he didn't know how he got to the Leng Group."

Leng Gongchen took a look: "It seems so, didn't we give him a holiday? Why did he come here?"

The boss interjected at this time: "I think you should go worship Buddha and get rid of evil spirits.

Maybe it's really your development that offended the souls of the underground, well done, why do people spontaneously combust? "

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