Lin Shengsheng turned around, still folded her arms angrily, without even looking at him.

"I stayed here to investigate the matter, and you stayed with me out of anger, didn't you ask for trouble?" Leng Gongchen sighed.

Lin Shengsheng frowned and turned around: "Check things out? Isn't this an accident?"

She was a little confused. The moment of life and death just now made her concentrate on life and death, and she couldn't care about anything else.

Leng Gongchen looked at the work card over and over again: "This person is not a driver."

"So?" Lin Shengsheng asked with some doubts.

"On this job card, his position is a designer. Does a designer have a driver's license to drive a truck? What is he driving a truck for?"

Leng Gongchen analyzed calmly.

Lin Shengsheng suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"And did you spot it? The back of this truck is empty, with nothing in it."

Leng Gongchen sneered and knocked on the truck, making a dull empty sound that echoed for a long time.

"If there was something real behind it, the car wouldn't shake when we rescued people just now.

Although the truck rushed out of the railing, most of its body was behind. "

When Leng Gongchen mentioned the method of saving people just now, Lin Shengsheng was still afraid.

Although that person was very pitiful, compared with Leng Gongchen's life, she still didn't want her husband to put himself in danger.

God knows how flustered she was when the front of the car was shaking just now.

Even though that person might bleed to death, she didn't want Leng Gongchen to get hurt at all.

After all, aren't they victims too?If it weren't for his rampage, they wouldn't have crashed into the tree.

If they are not careful, maybe their car will be knocked out of the railing by this giant truck and fall into the mountain.

"Then you say that, this person is indeed a bit strange. Is the management of the construction site very loose with an empty truck?"

Lin Shengsheng was a little strange.

"Whether there are any managers there is still uncertain." Leng Gongchen smiled.

"what do you mean?"

"Don't you remember? A restaurant proprietress we just stopped by said that his relative quit.

I don't think there are many people like him.The person in charge of this project, we also let him rest. "

Leng Gongchen looked at the mountains in the distance, his face was calm, no anger could be seen at all.

"It's really that scary there, scaring so many people away?"

Lin Shengsheng was puzzled, "Since there is no one there, why should we investigate?"

"We'd better go back and bring more people, find some experts to investigate what happened one by one, I don't believe in supernatural events at all.

I watched this matter from beginning to end. From the beginning of the fermentation period, it was full of fog. It was obviously designed by someone.

But so many people couldn't see clearly, and thought it was really a supernatural event. " Lin Shengsheng raised his eyebrows like a sharp blade.

"We're going back now, isn't it a waste of his painstaking efforts? He obviously invited us to go, and also tried his best to help us clear the venue."

Leng Gongchen laughed softly.

"You know that someone is plotting against us, so why did you go to Hushan?

He expended so much energy that it cannot be arranged by one person.Could it be that you dreamed of having eight wings and regarded yourself as a superman? "

Lin Shengsheng gasped.

How long has it been since Hasegawa happened, and you forgot?Moreover, he said that he was just a pawn of the people behind the scenes!
How many people are secretly watching our shares, and you know they won't threaten you? "Lin Shengsheng hated iron for being weak.

Although that lunatic Hasegawa died, his madness still left a deep imprint on Lin Shengsheng's heart.

Sometimes when she dreams back in the middle of the night, she will be awakened by the appearance of Leng Gongchen lying on the ground with blood bubbling.

She looked at the ground in front of her. Even with the rain washing away, there were still traces of blood in the cracks on the concrete road.

She clutched her head tightly, feeling a little dizzy.

Leng Gongchen looked at her swaying body, and supported her worriedly: "What's wrong with my wife, did you catch a cold?"

"It's okay, I'm just a little scared when I see blood." Lin Shengsheng said with a pale smile.

Leng Gongchen sighed, and pressed her head into his arms.

The sound of rain dripping, knocking on the umbrella, made a crisp sound.

The mist steamed under the umbrella, and Lin Shengsheng's face was flushed red.

Their clothes were soaked and stuck to their skin, making them uncomfortable.

However, through the thin shirt, Lin Shengsheng felt the scorching temperature of the muscles under the palm, which drove the cold out of her body.

The driver left for a long time, and Lin Shengsheng took out his phone several times, but there was no signal.

She could only stand on the side boredly, watching Leng Gongchen walk around looking for clues.

"What did you see?" she asked.

"If I see it, I can become Sherlock Holmes." Leng Gongchen laughed.

Lin Shengsheng squinted at him and snorted coldly.

They didn't wait for the person who came to the hotel to pick them up until it was getting late and the dark clouds pressed down the sky so heavily that it was almost level with the mountains.

Lin Shengsheng quickly took a hot bath and asked the hotel to prepare ginger soup for them.

She pinched her nose and drank the ginger soup, and forced Leng Gongchen to drink it again. The hot sweat broke out on her forehead, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, she had the energy to look at the hotel.

If it was normal, she wouldn't even take a look at such a hotel.

This hotel is some distance away from the resort area. It is probably a hotel converted from a private house. The design is not outstanding, it is ordinary.

The room is very small, only a dozen square meters, and there is only one double bed in the room. The red paint on the head of the bed is a little peeling, revealing a shabby look.

She changed into a piece of clothing in distress, which she had just bought from the proprietress, and it was said that this piece of clothing had not been worn yet.

Half of her skin was exposed at the cuffs of the trousers, and she felt a little constricted when she wore it. It was obvious that the owner of this dress was younger than her.

Maybe it was the clothes of the landlady's daughter.

She walked down the stairs with her clothes on, she kicked hard under her feet, and the automatic sensor lights immediately came on.

It's just that the light was a little dim, and it flickered a few times, as if the current was unstable.

Hearty laughter came from the hall, which was very clear.

However, there were only a few of them in the huge hotel, which made Lin Shengsheng a little uneasy.

The driver should come back to pick them up after seeing them off, so Lin Shengsheng immediately sent a text message to the driver.

Leng Gongchen heard the babbling of the stairs, turned around, walked over and held her hand.

Lin Shengsheng just took a bath without applying any powder, just like a hibiscus in clear water, exuding a freshness.

"How?" Leng Gongchen asked in a low voice.

"I just sent a text to the driver to pick us up. We'll wait here and sleep somewhere else today.

This place always makes me feel nervous, except for the proprietress and her family in the entire hotel, we..." Lin Shengsheng said in a low voice.

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