Lin Shengsheng hurriedly found an umbrella from the back seat, opened the door, and tried to help the driver up.

Her strength was relatively weak, and she failed to pull it up after several times of pulling.

The driver sat in the mud, his clean and tidy trousers were full of yellow mud, and he cursed:
"Which turtle grandson, rush to reincarnate..."

Leng Gongchen in front interrupted him: "Stop talking, come and take a look."

After Lin Shengsheng handed the umbrella to the driver, he hurriedly looked towards the scene of the incident.

I saw a big truck lying across the road with two wheels hanging in the air.

If a balance is not good, maybe this truck will plunge into the abyss like an onion.

Under the violent impact of the truck, the railing has been shattered, barely blocking the truck from taking a step closer.

From the gap in the car door, blood flowed down like a spring.

The door of the car opened suddenly, and a hand hung down limply. The person inside shouted weakly: "Help me... I beg you..."

The driver gasped, and jumped up from the ground, ignoring his complaints.

The blood flowed down the rain, dyeing the surrounding concrete road red in a short while.

Leng Gongchen said calmly: "Shengsheng, you go back to the car first, and call 120 and the police."

Lin Shengsheng nodded, her clothes were soaked and her hands were a little slippery.

She wiped her hands clean with a tissue before turning on her phone.

"There is no signal."

She tried several times, but all failed.She looked for Leng Gongchen and the driver's mobile phone again, and it was the same as her.

"It's a barren mountain, and I can't even make a phone call." The driver cursed again, furious.

Lin Shengsheng frowned: "It shouldn't be, I talked to the person in charge that time, and I obviously got through."

"Don't think too much, maybe the bad weather has affected the signal."

Leng Gongchen said in a low voice, "The top priority now is to send this person to the hospital."

"Mr. Leng, but how do you pull him out?" The driver glanced over the railing and felt dizzy.

Leng Gongchen took a deep breath, rolled up his cuffs: "I'm going up, you help me up."

Lin Shengsheng opened her eyes wide in horror: "No, Gong Chen, what if the car falls down?"

Leng Gongchen gave her a reassuring look:

"Believe me, judging from the force on the car, I won't fall down by myself.

I will be careful.If I don't save this person again, I'm afraid he will die. "

The driver swallowed, approached the truck tremblingly, and grabbed Leng Gongchen's waist.

Lin Shengsheng bit his teeth tightly on his lips, showing a deep mark.

She took a breath of cool air, and the coldness soaked into her lungs.

"Then you do it, I'll grab you." Lin Shengsheng also wrapped her arms tightly around Leng Gongchen's waist, leaning her forehead on his back.

She was very worried, but she felt that his back was as steady and reliable as a mountain.

Leng Gongchen's body was tilted, his feet firmly pressed against the railing, and his upper body was suspended in the air.

His face was as cold as iron, his thin lips were tightly pressed, and he unbuckled the seat belts of the people in the truck.

Then the arms stretched out, the muscles stretched angrily, and the adult inside was picked up.

The car swayed in the air, but in the end it still didn't fall.

Lin Shengsheng heaved a sigh of relief, and followed Leng Gongchen back a few steps to reduce his effort.

Leng Gongchen didn't put him down, and directly carried him into their car.

Blood dripped and soaked their seats.

However, Leng Gongchen didn't care. Just as he was about to order the driver to send this person away, a card fell out of this person's pocket.

Leng Gongchen froze for a moment, then picked up the blue card.

Lin Shengsheng took a look, it turned out that it was a work permit, and it was an employee working in their resort!

"Ah, it turned out to be our employee, so we should send him to the hospital as soon as possible." Lin Shengsheng said.

The driver snorted: "President, madam, let's go back first."

Leng Gongchen shook his head: "You send his good wife to the hospital first, and I'll stay and deal with things."

Lin Shengsheng said anxiously: "We still have so much time, so we are not in a hurry.

Now there is no signal here, and the road is difficult to walk when it rains, why don't we come back when the weather clears up. "

Leng Gongchen insisted: "There are not enough seats, you should go back first."

Lin Shengsheng was taken aback, and glanced at the car.

The comatose people sat on the reclining seats of Dama Jindao, which almost occupied the back row of them.

Leng Gongchen lifted up a lock of Lin Shengsheng's hair distressedly, the hair was soaked in water, ticking continuously.

The drizzle hit her face, converging into a river and flowing down her cheeks.

There were drops of water on the eyelashes, which made her almost unable to open her eyes.

Leng Gongchen sighed and said, "You are soaked now, go to the hotel or service station below and change your clothes, don't catch a cold."

Lin Shengsheng also shook his head: "I want to follow you, if it's taking someone to the hospital, as long as the driver is alone.

You're soaking wet too. Are you going to walk there without a car?How long will it take you to walk such a long distance?

I'm angry that you don't care about your body so much.If you don't change your clothes, I won't change either. At worst, let's catch a cold in the rain. "

Lin Shengsheng's tone was a little anxious, she turned her face away, and looked at the mountain with a cold expression.

Leng Gongchen held Lin Shengsheng's hand:

"Stop messing around. I am young and strong, and I can endure it. You are so weak. Doesn't it hurt me to catch a cold?"

Lin Shengsheng's eyes were foggy:
"Who stayed in the hospital for a long time before? It's because you don't care about your body that you go to the hospital again and again, which makes me worry."

She was a little out of choice, and when she mentioned the past, Leng Gongchen paused suddenly.

The drizzle was drizzling and rustling.

However, the air seemed to freeze. The several operations in the hospital were the pain points of Leng Gongchen. Now that Lin Shengsheng brought up the old incident again, his expression darkened.

"Then why don't you go back with the driver first, and then let someone drive to pick me up from the head office?" He softened his tone.

"No, you have to stay with you. If you don't leave, I won't leave. Let the driver go back and have someone pick us up." Lin Shengsheng refused to budge.

Leng Gongchen rubbed his forehead, and felt that Lin Shengsheng felt like he had been bombed, and he would explode at the slightest touch, so he didn't dare to say anything.

The driver said cautiously on the side: "President, madam, have you discussed it?
I think this person is bleeding a lot, if this continues, I'm afraid he will die of blood. "

"You take him back first, send him to the hospital for treatment, and then ask the people from the hotel to pick us up." Lin Shengsheng said firmly.

Seeing that Lin Shengsheng would not change his will, Leng Gongchen sighed: "Do as Madam tells you."

He took out two umbrellas from the car, opened them to cover his wife's head, and watched the car drive away.

"Don't be angry~" He couldn't help breaking the silence.

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