The next day, Leng Gongchen and Lin Shengsheng went to Xiwanshan Resort.

It was raining lightly all over the world, dense and dense, like fog and illusion.

The air seemed to be soaked in water cotton, and the water could come out when squeezed.

Because the resort is still under construction, there is no other more convenient transportation for the time being, so we can only go there by car.

The driver drove the car all morning, and he was highly concentrated and a little tired.

At noon they were resting in the service area, and the proprietress of the restaurant warmly welcomed them in.

The proprietress had a chubby face, her eyes were wrinkled and she smiled like a flower.

She sized them up, brought them a glass of water, and greeted them to sit down: "Are you going to travel to Xiwan Mountain?"

Lin Shengsheng chatted with her with great interest: "Yes, do you think there are many tourists going to Xiwan Mountain?"

The proprietress smiled brightly: "There are a lot, when the road traffic was inconvenient, most of the people who came here were donkey friends.

Leng's Group recently built a resort. The roads in this area are quite smooth, and some families travel by car. "

Hearing the praise from the proprietress, Lin Shengsheng's expression relaxed a lot.

However, the proprietress's voice changed: "But if you are going to travel now, I still advise you to go home first."

Lin Shengsheng's expression froze: "Why?"

The proprietress smiled without saying a word, looked up and down, and then approached Lin Shengsheng and whispered in Lin Shengsheng's ear:
"Sister, I only told you because of your beauty. You also know that the Leng Group develops resorts, and it is said that there are ghosts there."

Lin Shengsheng didn't expect the rumors to spread so quickly that even the proprietress on the way knew about it.

She smiled quietly: "We are here for this, can you explain in detail?"

The proprietress gave her a surprised look: "You are not those supernatural anchors, are you? I didn't expect the little girl to be quite courageous.

Some time ago, I also received a group of supernatural anchors here, but without exception, they all left without exception.

When they left, I looked at that face and said, tsk tsk. "

Lin Shengsheng smiled a bit forcedly: "Is the proprietress a native here? Don't you know the specific situation after living here for so long?"

"Of course I understand that our ancestors have lived here for eighteen generations. Don't mention it, Xiwanshan really has some supernatural powers.

When I was a child, my grandma never let me go to Xiwanshan.My uncle was disobedient, and he came back with a high fever after going there once, and he almost couldn't be saved. "

The proprietress said loudly.

"It's really so supernatural? Didn't many donkey friends go there before? Are they okay?" Lin Shengsheng asked in surprise.

"Hey, who knows if something goes wrong. Leaving aside supernatural events, there are not a few people who fall down the mountain every year due to the road condition of Xiwan Mountain."

The proprietress suddenly said seriously:

"Although I haven't experienced it personally, I have a relative who has experienced it.

He used to help Leng's Group develop Xiwan Mountain in the resort, but recently he resigned and went home.

He didn't speak when he came back, just hid in the room and shivered, talking nonsense from time to time.

Judging by his performance, even if it wasn't true before, it might be true that the haunting is now true.

Maybe it was just a small trouble before the donkey friends went, but it's just that the Leng Group's development has been too big recently, so the trouble has become more and more fierce.

So before you check it out, I advise you not to go.

Otherwise, you will be fine when you go, but if you get scared, it will be bad. "The proprietress' tone is very sincere.

Lin Shengsheng and Leng Gongchen looked at each other: "You said your relative used to work in a resort?"

"That's right. He also helped Leng's Group build houses in other places before, but he just went crazy when he was transferred to Xiwanshan recently.

Now my sister-in-law is crying every day, and I don't know when he will recover. "The proprietress sighed.

She lowered her head and wiped the table, then raised her head and said with a smile, "I'm going to rush you to the kitchen, I really kept you waiting."

As she said that, she turned around and left, her back was melancholy and lonely.

There is no longer the cheerfulness and frankness when we first met, obviously talking about sad things, and I don't have the heart to talk more.

Lin Shengsheng originally wanted to ask for more information, but seeing her appearance, he couldn't bear to stop her.

Leng Gongchen pressed her hand and comforted her: "It will be good for the assistant to take care of them when we come back."

Lin Shengsheng nodded silently, feeling very uncomfortable.

Even if she felt that someone was plotting, it was all guesswork until evidence was found.

People who don't know what's inside will inevitably see those unreasonable things as supernatural events.

And after spending so much effort to plot them, who would believe it?

I only hope that they can find a few clues this time, and then follow the clues to find the real culprit.

When the time comes to come to this enthusiastic proprietress and explain the truth to them, her crazy relatives may be relieved.

They finished their lunch without much taste and left the service area.

Before leaving, the proprietress did not come out to see them off, only the waiter politely waved goodbye to them.

Lin Shengsheng looked into the distance, only to see the smog, and the tall and straight Xiwan Mountain seemed to be faintly visible like a ribbon wrapped around her waist.

The cold wind and rain hit her face, falling on her neck, and there was a chill that penetrated her heart.

For the rest of the journey, the car was silent.

The sky was gloomy and the visibility was very low. The driver tried his best to distinguish the road ahead in the misty rain.

Lin Shengsheng's mind was a little dizzy, and he couldn't cheer up seeing the gradually clear Xi Wanshan.

They are not far from their destination, and they will arrive in half an hour at most.

Suddenly there was a piercing sound of brakes ahead, and a gigantic creature galloped towards it at high speed.

Lin Shengsheng's eyes widened suddenly, her heart beat like a drum and thunder, and her blood flowed upstream, burning her like a fire.

Leng Gongchen stretched out his slender arms, hugged her tightly into his arms, and protected her head.

The two hearts that were close together beat rapidly together as if they had found a melody.

Lin Shengsheng felt their car tilted suddenly, and the tires made a harsh metallic sound as they rubbed against the concrete road.

After a loud bang, their bodies hit the back of the front rear seat like tumblers.

For a moment, there was only the sound of rapid breathing in the entire carriage, and Leng Gongchen's jawline was tense coldly.

He quickly unfastened his seat belt and went out to check the situation.

At the critical moment just now, the driver avoided the big truck in front with his superb skills.

It rushed into the woods on the side, and finally crashed into a tree.

Fortunately their car was of good quality with no damage.

The driver climbed out of the front seat with a pale face, his legs suddenly went limp, and he fell to the ground.

The soil on the side of the road was soft, moistened by the continuous drizzle, and every time he stepped on it, he almost sank into it...

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