The Return of the Adorable Baby: Daddy Gao Leng Please Accept

Chapter 1221 Rumors are fiercer than tigers

Leng Gongchen brushed her hair: "It's really hard work for you, it's been raining for so long today, and I still can't take a good rest.

After the driver arrives, we will change to a better hotel.

When I first came here, I took a look. There are no more high-end hotels here, so you can only feel wronged. "

Lin Shengsheng said with a smile: "It is because there is no such thing that we want to develop Xiwan Mountain. Otherwise, wouldn't it be disappointing to have such a beautiful scenery?"

"It's true. I heard that there is a waterfall in Xiwan Mountain. After we finish solving the matter, we can play there for a while."

Leng Gongchen led Lin Shengsheng to sit on the sofa when the boss's boss who just came out of the kitchen heard it.

He said cheerfully: "Then you must go, the scenery of Xiwan Mountain is really unique."

He wiped his hands with a handkerchief and asked, "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat with us? There is no charge."

He wore a SpongeBob apron around his waist, and compared with his tall and strong body, there was a huge contrast.

Lin Shengsheng just wanted to say no, but her stomach suddenly growled a few times, and her face instantly flushed red.

The boss warmly said: "Don't be embarrassed, it's just that our food is a bit crude, I hope you don't dislike it."

Leng Gongchen hurriedly said: "You don't want to despise us."

Only when the food was served on the table did Lin Shengsheng feel that the boss was being modest, no matter how rough it was, it was obviously full of color and fragrance.

Even the relatively ordinary home-cooked dishes, the aroma spread over the surface, causing the glutton in her stomach to growl.

But she still politely rejected the boss's proposal. Although she said that the boss didn't charge, how could she take advantage of them?

Moreover, she estimated that the driver would be back soon, and then they could go to the service area to buy something.

"Where's Xiaofeng? Where did this dead boy go?"

The proprietress brought the bowl to the table and shouted to the house in the backyard, "Xiaofeng, it's time to eat."

The boss said gruffly: "Stop yelling, Xiaofeng has gone out."

"Going out? Are you looking for her boyfriend again? Tell her not to run around during this time, but she won't listen." The proprietress put her hands on her hips.

The boss glared at her: "Don't be so vulgar, there are still customers."

The proprietress immediately put down her hands, and apologized with a smile on her face:
"Hey, don't mind, I just have this temper. If you have anything to do, just call me."

Lin Shengsheng smiled shyly, pursed her lips and remained silent.

The Xiaofeng mentioned just now is probably their daughter, and the dress she is wearing still belongs to her.

The boss pointed to the table: "Sit down and eat, why make such a fuss? Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, can you tie her feet up?"

The lady boss frowned and slapped the boss:

"You don't care about everything. You haven't heard of the recent incident. How dare you let Xiaofeng run around?"

"I said you are just worrying about it, I grew up here, and I have never heard of any supernatural events.

I also went to Xiwan Mountain yesterday, so nothing happened?You just listen to the wind and the rain. "

The boss lectured unceremoniously.

The landlady's face turned blue, and she patted her husband's back hard.

The boss shook a few times indifferently, not caring about her strength at all.

Leng Gongchen's expression changed: "Are you talking about supernatural events?"

"Don't listen to her nonsense, thinking about things every day, I never believe in these feudal superstitions, what the hell is it?"

The boss opened a bottle of wine carelessly and asked Leng Gongchen if he wanted it. Leng Gongchen smiled lightly and shook his head before refilling it for himself.

"I've also heard about the supernatural incident in Xiwanshan, could it be true?" Lin Shengsheng pretended to be curious.

"Don't listen to her nonsense, I went into Xiwan Mountain yesterday, and I didn't see a single ghost."

The boss took a sip of the wine, squinted his eyes, and seemed very intoxicated.

"Don't you know that Deng Xia's nephew is crazy? He works in Xiwanshan Resort, if he is fine, he will go crazy?" The proprietress asked urgently.

Lin Shengsheng's heart moved, and he suddenly thought of a restaurant that was resting in the service area at noon. How could this situation be similar to what the proprietress said?
"You girls just like to gossip. I've seen that kid a little nervous. Who knows what happened to him?"

the boss said impatiently.

The proprietress is in a hurry:
"Anyway, I don't care. You have to get Xiaofeng back today. Anyway, what is a girl doing outside at night?"

Then, she turned her head and said seriously: "I see that the two of you are dressed, and your identities are also unusual.

Listen to me, there is really no need to travel to Xiwanshan recently.

Isn't the Leng Group going to build a resort?You can wait until the resort is built.

Now in the barren mountains and wild mountains, there is no place to live no matter how far away.

Generally, the donkey friends who come here are ready to sleep in tents, but I think you are not equipped yet. "

Lin Shengsheng smiled awkwardly, and said vaguely: "Our equipment is in the car, the driver drove away due to something, and will be back later."

The proprietress suddenly realized and smiled understandingly: "That's good, a few more people will be safer."

Lin Shengsheng got up and walked under the eaves. Leng Gongchen stood beside her silently.

The rain at night did not weaken, but became heavier and heavier.

The sky and the earth seemed to be enveloped by bead curtains, and the rain poured down.

There is no light outside, and the whole space is like being packed into a black box.

Only the light behind them makes them feel warm.

"I didn't expect that things would spread more and more widely. Everyone said that Xiwanshan Resort was so horrible that even the aborigines here began to believe it."

Lin Shengsheng smiled wryly.

"After all, Mount Xiwan is close to them, so they naturally know what happened nearby."

Leng Gongchen saw that Lin Shengsheng flinched, and hugged her into his arms, unfolding his coat to surround her.

"Then what do you say about Xi Wanshan is true or false?"

Lin Shengsheng leaned her chin on Leng Gongchen's shoulder and muttered to herself.

"If it's a supernatural event, I don't believe it 100%. But my employees are hurt, but it's real."

Leng Gongchen's eyes were fixed on the darkness.

"I thought about it for a while, why don't we let the employees of Xiwanshan rest for a while, and wait for the matter to be found out before starting work?"

Lin Shengsheng said hesitantly.

"That's exactly what I mean, you don't have to be afraid, just speak up if you have anything to say."

Leng Gongchen smiled and said, the dim light had coated his outline with a layer of gold, at this moment he was like a god.

Lin Shengsheng's eyes glowed, and she stood on tiptoe excitedly and kissed him:
"I knew you were the best, although I knew that someone was planning behind it.

But the thought of employees being drawn into the struggle and being sacrificed makes me uneasy. "

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