"Kid, don't worry, if you are worried, let's check your mommy first."

The nurse smiled and touched Leng Junjun's head. The teary-eyed child could easily arouse women's sympathy.

Leng Junjun sniffed and nodded obediently.

After the assistant ran up and down to complete the procedures, she hurried to the operating room panting.

He searched around suspiciously, only to get the news that Lin Shengsheng also fainted.

He held Leng Junjun's hand helplessly, not daring to let go.

Now the two immediate bosses are lying on the hospital bed, leaving only the child alone waiting for mom and dad to wake up.

Although the security of the hospital is very good, but there is a lot of friction here, who knows what accidents will happen.

He could only pray that the two of them would wake up quickly so that the lovely young master wouldn't be so worried.


After Lin Shengsheng woke up, her body was still a little limp.

She heard the assistant outside the door whisper: "Your mommy and daddy are sleeping, Junjun, please be careful, don't wake them up."

"Well, I'll be careful not to cause trouble for them." Leng Junjun said sullenly, his voice still tinged with tears.

Lin Shengsheng felt pain in his heart, and was about to speak, but his throat felt like it was on fire, and his voice was hoarse like cicadas.

When she tilted her head, she saw that there seemed to be a human figure in the bed next door.

The person opposite was lying quietly, his face was as pale as paper, his brows were furrowed, his thin lips were tightly pursed, it was Leng Gongchen.

Lin Shengsheng was overjoyed when he saw Leng Gongchen for the first time. Coming out of the operation, does it mean that Leng Gongchen is out of danger?

But when she saw the drip hanging beside the hospital bed, she couldn't help feeling distressed, thinking that Leng Gongchen had come to this point because of her.

The voice outside the door gradually faded away, Lin Shengsheng silently looked at Leng Gongchen's handsome side face, and fell into a deep sleep again.

At this time, Fu Xuan also hurried to the hospital.

He didn't enter the ward, but looked in through the transparent glass window. The two of them remained motionless, as if time in the ward had stopped.

The postures of the two are exactly the same, even the equipment next to the bed is similar, it is really the same miserable.

Fu Xuan was amused and angry at the same time, these two people are worthy of being husband and wife, they even have to stay and fly together in the hospital.

Leng Junjun's eyes lit up: "Godfather, you are here."

He swooped over like a bird, as if he had found the backbone.

Fu Xuan bent his arms, picked him up, and shook him in his arms:

"Can I not come? As soon as your father and mommy faint, I will come here immediately."

He frowned and looked up and down carefully. When he saw the red marks on Leng Junjun's body, a hostility filled his brows.

Although the nurse had already treated him briefly, he could still see the misery from the purple red potion.

Leng Junjun only said that Mommy and Dad had an accident on the phone, and didn't mention himself at all.

If he hadn't come to see it in person, would he just pretend that nothing happened and not tell him a word?
Leng Junjun wiped away his tears, and smiled with tears in his eyes:
"Godfather, I'm fine, I'm just talking about a little skin trauma.

Didn't you say that for a man, scars are medals for heroes?I didn't yell a word of pain to the gangster today. "

He proudly held his head high, like a tall and straight little green pine, ready to accept praise.

But not long after, he became discouraged again, turned his face to the ward, and said worriedly:

"But it's all my fault that Mommy and Dad were injured today. If I hadn't been careful, I wouldn't have been arrested, and Dad and Mommy wouldn't be awake now."

Fu Xuan quickly comforted him: "Little fool, your parents should have saved you, how did you know that those people with ulterior motives would kidnap you?

If you say you are implicated, it is they who implicated you.Those people have been plotting against your parents before you were born.

They want to snatch the shares of the Leng Group, they are not greedy enough, and they will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

I asked the nurse when I just came in, and the nurse said that your parents are fine, can you stop crying? "

"Really?" Leng Junjun's eyes were shining, as wet as a puppy.

"Do you think godfather will lie to you?" Fu Xuan smiled and nodded his nose.

Leng Junjun flinched in embarrassment, and hugged godfather's neck tightly: "Of course godfather will not deceive me."

He kissed Fu Xuan's face affectionately, and after a while his eyelids were clenched.

Suddenly the arm went limp, and it hung straight down, stiff like a puppet in a play.

Fu Xuan felt a sinking in his arms, looked down, Leng Junjun's face was as pale as the quilt on the hospital bed, and he felt uneasy.

"Nurse, nurse!" he yelled in panic, running in a hurry to find the nurse.

The nurse heard the shout and saw that it was the cute and well-behaved child just now.

She lifted the whites of his eyes, but couldn't find out the cause, so she could only hurriedly push him into the emergency room.

I thought that when Fu Xuan arrived, he would usher in a relaxed assistant, and then another thunderbolt from the blue sky!
Standing at the door, he couldn't help doubting his life.

Does this mean that the family does not enter the house?
The dizziness is so synchronized that no one is far behind.

He smiled bitterly, and had no choice but to run on both sides of the emergency room, afraid of missing the news again by accident.

Fu Xuan paced back and forth uneasily outside, like an old father in a state of anxiety.

Why did Leng Junjun faint?Did Hasegawa do something to him after kidnapping him?

He slammed his fist on the cold wall of the hospital, and said in a hateful voice:

"Hasegawa, you bastard! If you do something to Junjun, I'll kill you!"

Today, when he heard the report from his subordinates, he knew that Hasegawa was at the end of his rope and completely lost his mind.

Kidnapping Junjun regardless of the consequences, and even daring to shoot in Huaxia, does he think this is Japan's territory?
He picked up the phone and ordered to his subordinates:

"Now you are trying your best to find Hasegawa, I can't get away here.

It is estimated that Hasegawa will take action later, I can't let them be in danger again. "

He frowned tightly, with a strong killing intent in his eyes.

If Hasegawa is in front of his eyes now, he will kill the murderer who hurt the person he cares about, and he will die!
The assistant listened to Fu Xuan's instructions and sighed.

Although there were rumors about Fu Xuan and Lin Shengsheng's scandal in the company, he believed that Lin Shengsheng's character would not be entangled with him.

But judging from Fu Xuan's performance, his feelings for Lin Shengsheng and the child are true and genuine, which is really a mess.

After waiting anxiously for half an hour, the door of the emergency room swung open.

Fu Xuan greeted him quickly: "How is Junjun doing?"

The nurse shook her head suspiciously: "The test results came out, everything is fine, and we don't know why we suddenly fainted."

Fu Xuan looked down at Leng Junjun, his eyes were flickering unclearly...

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