Lin Shengsheng hurriedly nodded obediently, and the doctor handed her a document as usual.

She looked at the doctor suspiciously, and the doctor pointed to the signature.

Lin Shengsheng had no choice but to sign, and asked impatiently: "Doctor, is he in danger?"

"It's hard to say now, he is still being rescued." The doctor replied:
"But don't worry. Fortunately, you sent him to the hospital in time. Although he was bleeding a lot, he didn't cause infection."

As he said that, he returned to the operating room, and the red light was hung outside the door again.

Lin Shengsheng seemed to have lost her strength, her eyes were staring straight, and she sat down on the chair next to her in a daze.

She thought that when the green light came on, it meant nothing happened, but she didn't expect it to be nothing but joy.

She was in a state of confusion, not knowing when Leng Gongchen would be able to get out of danger.

Tears flowed down his cheeks and into his mouth, the bitterness made people want to vomit.

Why does the sky test them time and time again? Could it be that they can't live their lives in peace?

She regretted it, regretted yelling at him in the kindergarten.

In the past few years, their actual time together was so short, why couldn't she not worry about it?

Why should she suspect that he doesn't love herself?
Thinking of Leng Gongchen's desperate efforts just now, she realized what she had missed.

She also hated herself for being weak and powerless, she obviously said she wanted to follow, but she was protected by Leng Gongchen the whole time, instead holding him back.

Leng Gongchen kept letting himself go first during the period, and it was her willful will that brought him into this situation.

She stared fixedly at the door of the operation, unable to accommodate any other thoughts.

Junjun looked at Mummy's expression as if she was going to collapse, and couldn't help but timidly said: "Mummy."

The small voice was like a kitten, but it woke her up like a thunderbolt.

She quickly pulled Junjun over and made him spin around to make sure that there was no harm, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

All her mind was on the man who was undergoing surgery just now.

"Mommy, I'm fine." Leng Junjun spun around and spread his hands to show that he didn't have any wounds.

Lin Shengsheng nodded with a forced smile, and looked worriedly at the operating room again.

What happened today had a great impact on her, she was already ashamed by Leng Gongchen, and she couldn't believe his sweet words anymore.

But a man who is willing to give up his own life, what else can she doubt?
When a person is telling the truth, she discards his sincerity like nothing, and wastes time after time ridiculously.

The green light in the operating room was still off, and the person sitting in the chair was as numb as she was.

As time passed, Lin Shengsheng became more and more anxious.

She clenched her fist and smashed it against the cold white wall.

"I really regret it. I should have been lying in it now. It was your father who saved me and caused this situation." She covered her face and wept.

Leng Junjun looked at Lin Shengsheng distressedly, and awkwardly stretched out his right hand to wipe away her tears.

"Mummy, don't worry. Dad will definitely come back for us." His eyes were determined.

Now Dad is in the operating room, and now it is up to him to support the family.

He is the smartest and most sensible man in the world, nothing can be difficult for him.

He clenched his fists and thought confidently.

But then he became worried again. He had just reconciled with his father and enjoyed a little bit of fatherly love.

Now he doesn't want anything to happen to his father at all. He was ridiculed by the children before, but he never wants to think about the days when he didn't have a father.

He watched Lin Shengsheng cry with grief, and the tip of his nose was sore.

No matter what, he is his father after all.

"Mummy, don't cry." Like a grown-up, Leng Junjun stretched out his hands to comfort Lin Shengsheng on his back.

He held Lin Shengsheng's hand tightly, and put it on her knee coquettishly.

Lin Shengsheng wiped away her tears and tried her best to pretend that nothing happened:

"Well, Mommy doesn't cry. There's nothing to cry about. I believe your father will be able to survive this time."

Leng Junjun nodded resolutely:
"Dad is not that fragile. I heard that father and son have a good heart. Now I think Dad must be fine inside!"

"Really?" Lin Shengsheng raised his head in astonishment, and gently stroked Leng Junjun's head.

She was a little amused that she was like a frightened bird, not as calm as a child.

However, no matter whether the child really has a heart-to-heart with him or not, now that the child has trust in him, it couldn't be better.

"Of course, my father is the most powerful person in the world, so he won't die so easily." Leng Junjun raised his head and said proudly.

He pointed to the counter and said:
"If you don't believe me, go to Miss Nurse.

Just now they told me that my father has stabilized and will come out later. "

"It's just that Mommy is crying so hard now, when Dad comes out and sees you like this, how sad he must be."

Leng Junjun frowned and said.

"Besides, you're crying so badly, where is my beautiful mommy?" He looked around pretending to be puzzled.

Lin Shengsheng smiled through tears, and lightly slapped him on the arm: "You brat, how dare you arrange me."

Leng Junjun made a grimace, stuck out his tongue:
"What I said is true. If Dad comes out. Seeing you like this, he will definitely not be willing to talk about you, so I don't have to."

"Mommy must stop him from beating me when the time comes. I sacrificed myself for you." Leng Junjun said nervously.

Lin Shengsheng smiled, and his tense arms instantly relaxed.

She stretched out her right hand, wanting to touch the top of Leng Junjun's head.

But maybe the taut strings were suddenly relaxed, her eyes went dark, and she passed out.

The final image is of the operating room lights turning from red to green again.

There was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, thinking that it is so good to be in a dream, everything can come true.

However, Lin Shengsheng's coma surprised Leng Junjun. He shouted in panic, supporting Lin Shengsheng's body helplessly.

People around quickly supported Lin Shengsheng, and the nurse who heard the noise hurriedly pushed a trolley over.

Leng Junjun shivered, he just wanted to comfort Mommy, but he didn't expect it to be self-defeating.

Now that both father and mother are in a coma, Leng Junjun grabbed the nurse's white shirt in fear.

"Miss Nurse, why is my mommy fainted?" He cried.

"Don't worry, although you can't see anything now, but according to my guess, [-]% of it is because you are too tired.

That's why you let your mommy activate the protection mechanism so that she can get a good rest in her deep sleep. "

Seeing the tears welling up in Leng Junjun's eyes, which were about to fall, the nurse couldn't help comforting him in a distressed way.

But Leng Junjun didn't look like much. Could it be that his mother was also shot or injured just now?

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