In order to facilitate the care, the assistant pushed Leng Junjun into the ward of Lin Shengsheng and Leng Gongchen.

Seeing that the three of them have the same posture now, they really look like a neat family.

Fu Xuan glanced coldly at Leng Gongchen who was in a coma, and let out a light snort.

He only left for a few days, and let Hasegawa find an opportunity to make such a big fuss.

Are all the people under Leng Gongchen eating dry food?This thing can't be done well, and now the three of them are still so tired that they are lying on the hospital bed together.

Lin Shengsheng woke up again, and it was pitch black outside the window.

She opened her eyes, her mind drowsy and dull like a rusted machine.

She coughed, and Fu Xuan, who was sitting by the bed, immediately helped her up.

With the water that Fu Xuan handed over moistened her throat, Lin Shengsheng felt that her throat was finally not so dry, she said in a hoarse voice:

"How is Leng Gongchen doing now?"

"He's fine now, what are you worried about?" Fu Xuan said angrily.

Looking at Lin Shengsheng's face as pale as paper, he couldn't bear to say:

"You don't look at yourself, you are so weak, how can you take care of him?"

Lin Shengsheng smiled, struggling to get up.

Although the distance between the two is only an aisle, she still feels that they are a bit far away, and she wants to get closer to see the specific situation of Leng Gongchen.

But Fu Xuan disagreed, reaching out to stop her:
"What are you doing when you get up? You are also sick now, just call me if you need something. How can you get better if you don't value your body?"

Lin Shengsheng waved his hand resolutely, and slowly stood up while supporting the table.

She staggered towards Leng Gongchen's hospital bed, her legs were as if they were tied with mud lead, making it difficult to walk.

Looking past Leng Gongchen, Lin Shengsheng was shocked to find Leng Junjun next to Leng Gongchen!
Her heart suddenly rose, and she asked anxiously: "Fu Xuan, is Leng Junjun sick?"

Fu Xuan said calmly: "It's nothing, I just saw that he was too tired, so I asked him to rest on the hospital bed."

Lin Shengsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Step by step, she moved to Leng Gongchen's side, staring at him without blinking.

She held Leng Gongchen's broad hand, fingers inserted into the gaps of her fingers one by one, and tears fell down with a sound.

"Leng Gongchen, why are you so stupid, why did you block for me?
Looking at you now, I wish I was the one who got hurt!
It's all my fault that I can't see the situation clearly, dragging you down, this punishment should be borne by me. "

Her face was close to Leng Gongchen's palm, and the tears dripped drop by drop, soaking the lines on the palm.

She was afraid for a while, and regretted not persuading Leng Gongchen to return earlier.

She remembered the doctor's words, if it was one step later, maybe Leng Gongchen would die of blood, and heaven and man would be separated forever.

Fu Xuan silently watched the intimacy of the two, trying to suppress his impulse.

Now he is just an outsider, what Lin Shengsheng needs is the response from the man she loves.

He clenched his fists tightly, closed his eyes, and left the ward in silence.

"Leng Gongchen, did you hear that? You just said that you want to protect me and the child. You can't take your word for it."

Lin Shengsheng looked at Leng Gongchen's pale face bewilderedly, and muttered to himself.

For the next few days, Leng Gongchen never woke up.

Sometimes he seemed to be in a nightmare, speaking something hurriedly.

But when Lin Shengsheng lowered his head and listened, he could only grab some meaningless words and couldn't piece together a sentence.

And because of the wound infection, he developed a high fever again, his forehead was as hot as a boiled egg.

The doctor looked at his condition, and he could only sigh and say that he was lucky.

Lin Shengsheng, who was already in poor health, almost fainted again.

She could only persevere in changing Leng Gongchen's cold kerchief, and it was almost difficult to sleep peacefully every night.

This made Lin Shengsheng, who was already thin and frail, even weaker, and his face became pale and sallow.

Even if Fu Xuan dissuades her, she can't stop her determination.

She had just changed Leng Gongchen's handkerchief in the middle of the night, and she couldn't help but feel like a chicken pecking at rice after long-term fatigue, and finally fell asleep on the bed.

In the early morning of the next day, the rising sun climbed up the mountain and cast the first ray of sunshine in the ward.

When Lin Shengsheng didn't notice, Leng Gongchen's fingers, who had been motionless for a long time, finally moved.

He seemed to have just woken up from a long sleep, and opened his eyes in confusion.

But the strong sunlight stimulated his eyes to shed tears.

He closed his eyes again, and opened them again after adjusting for a while.

What came into view was the figure of Lin Shengsheng lying on the bedside.

Her eyebrows were slightly frowned, no makeup was applied, and there was a layer of black and blue around her eye circles due to the exhaustion of taking care of her.

Leng Gongchen lovingly touched her black hair with soft lips, she has really worked hard to take care of her these days, she must be having a bad time, right?
The doctor opened the door and walked in after rounding the room. He was pleasantly surprised to see the sober Leng Gongchen.

Just as he was about to speak, Leng Gongchen put his index finger on his lips and hissed.

The doctor looked at the sleeping Lin Shengsheng with a clear expression.

He walked lightly, walked to the head of the bed and bowed his head and said softly:
"Mr. Leng, it's no big deal if you can wake up, as long as you rest carefully, you can fully recover."

Leng Gongchen nodded, motioning for him to get busy first.

His eyes fell on Lin Shengsheng's pale face, and his eyes were as gentle as spring water.

The warm sunlight poured down like a waterfall, and the dust danced actively between her eyelashes.

Half of her face was in shadow and half in sunlight.

Leng Gongchen looked at her for a long time, and couldn't help approaching her slowly, the hair on her forehead fluttered slightly due to the breath.

As if feeling the weak breath on his face, Lin Shengsheng moved his eyelids uncomfortably, and his eyelashes fluttered like a butterfly.

She opened her eyes and blinked at the face of Leng Gongchen who was close at hand, as if she hadn't woken up from her sleep.

She rubbed her eyes in disbelief, Leng Gongchen's smiling face did not disappear like a mirror image.

She was surprised and somewhat delighted: "You're awake!"

Leng Gongchen kissed her cheek tenderly, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work, without your care, I would not have recovered so quickly."

Lin Shengsheng flinched slightly and backed away, her cheeks flushed red like a rosy glow.

Her eyes wandered wildly, like duckweed that couldn't find its foundation, and she never dared to look at Leng Gongchen's handsome face.

In the past few days, in order to take care of Leng Gongchen, she didn't have time to wash up, so her face must be ugly now, right?
She picked up the towel and said hastily, "I'll go wash up first."

Then rush out the door like a frightened rabbit.

Leng Gongchen looked at the woman's bewildered back, showing a helpless expression.

No matter what she is, in his heart, she is the most beautiful woman in the world.

Now that he cared about his face like he was in love, it made his heart itch even more.

Let him be as impulsive as a kid, wanting to have her to his heart's content...

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