The Return of the Adorable Baby: Daddy Gao Leng Please Accept

Chapter 1115 You are going to be a father again

"Sit down first, don't be too tired."

Chen Junkai hurriedly supported Lin Shengsheng to sit on the sofa, and then sat down opposite her:
"I know what you want to ask, and I just said it together while everyone is here, so as not to worry everyone."

"I want to ask if the medicine Gong Chen is taking will affect the child? I am very worried about the child's health."

Lin Shengsheng asked with some worry.

The medicine was three-point poisonous, not to mention the medicine Leng Gongchen took was very effective.

From Leng Gongchen's experience, it can be seen that the most important thing for a person is not money, but a healthy body.

Without a healthy body, no matter how much money you have, you can't enjoy it, and you have to suffer.

She didn't want her child to suffer from illness from birth.

"I knew you wanted to ask this question, and now I will give you an exact answer. First of all, Brother Gong Chen does not have a hereditary disease, and it will not be passed on to the children.

Then, the medicine I gave him will not harm the body, and naturally it will not harm the child. "Chen Junkai replied confidently.

"Really? Then I can give birth to a healthy child?" Lin Shengsheng cried with joy.

Now she doesn't have any requirements for her children, she only needs to be healthy, and that is her biggest wish.

"Then I'm relieved." Leng Xuri beamed with joy:

"Shengsheng, now you are pregnant with my little grandson, you can't be as casual as before."

As he said that, he turned around and called the nanny over: "Young madam is weak, go and make some chicken soup to make up for her."

A kind smile appeared on his face, and his wrinkles bloomed like brilliant chrysanthemums.

Lin Shengsheng stroked her stomach, and really wanted to share this happy event with Leng Gongchen.

"Jun Kai, I want to ask if you can still contact Gong Chen? I haven't spoken to him since he left, and I want to tell him the news."

She looked up at Chen Junkai pitifully, with hope in her eyes.

"It may be difficult, my friend is very busy, usually he takes the initiative to contact me to tell me the news.

Brother Gong Chen is not allowed to communicate with the outside world at the moment, I only know that he just woke up. "

Chen Junkai frowned in embarrassment.

He saw Lin Shengsheng's big blinking eyes, and couldn't bear her being so wronged.

But that laboratory is very famous, and the requirements are very strict, and there is really nothing he can do.

Until now, he has only received good news from a friend once, and he doesn't know any more information.

When it was lunch time, looking at the chicken soup specially made for her, Lin Shengsheng couldn't whet his appetite.

She took a small sip, lowered her head in silence, and pretended to scoop it with a spoon a few times.

Seeing her depression, Chen Junkai frowned and said:

"I still don't agree with you contacting him. He just had a heart change and needs to be recuperated.

The most taboo is great sorrow and great joy. For his own good, let's be patient, shall we? "

Lin Shengsheng pursed her lips, nodded and said:

"Well, I believe you. It is indeed best to tell him after all his operations are completed and stabilized for a period of time.

As the saying goes, father and son connect hearts, maybe he already has a premonition now that he is going to be a father again. " Lin Shengsheng said happily.

"That's what you said, then you have to eat well and let the child grow up white and fat. When he comes back, we will give him a surprise."

Seeing that Lin Shengsheng's mood recovered, Chen Junkai breathed a sigh of relief, and brought her her usual favorite dishes.

Lin Shengsheng nodded vigorously, and drank the chicken soup in the bowl in one gulp. The soup was fragrant but not greasy, and the aftertaste was endless.

"I will eat more. Now I am not only for me, but for the baby in my stomach."

Lin Shengsheng had a happy smile on his face.

Leng Xuri's eyes were a little moist.

He knew that Lin Shengsheng had gone through many twists and turns since he married Leng Gongchen.

But she didn't complain at all, she followed Leng Gongchen without any hesitation, and she didn't change her original intention even after life and death.

Leng Gongchen is very lucky to meet such a good wife.

Even though he is still in prison now, this great event has ushered in again.

Believe that he is blessed and blessed, now is just a small tribulation on the thorny road, and tomorrow will be even better.

Lin Shengsheng was ready to go home after eating.

Leng Xuri said worriedly: "Shengsheng, you are still unstable, why don't you just stay here.

If there is anything, we will know as soon as possible, and there are many servants to take care of you. "

Lin Shengsheng refused with a smile, she didn't want to trouble her parents-in-law any more.

Besides, she has had two experiences before, so she doesn't feel the need to be so delicate that she can stretch out her hands and open her mouth.

"I still want to go home, there are our memories there, and I feel more at ease.

I will also find more nannies to take care of me, so there will be no accidents.If anything happens, I'll send someone to let you know. "

Now that her parents are old, it's time for An Ran to enjoy her old age, how can she let her own affairs disturb them?

Moreover, she has decided to take over the company's affairs.

The time arrangement will inevitably conflict with their work and rest, so it's better not to make them worry more.

"Well then, you must take good care of yourself. No matter what happens, you make a call.

We will help you deal with it immediately, don't be too thin-skinned to say it. "Leng Xuri exhorted.

Then, he pulled Lin Mengmeng and Beibei with a bright face:

"If you don't want to stay, why don't you let Mengmeng and Beibei stay here. When you get older, you won't be able to take care of them anymore."

Lin Shengsheng finally agreed to his proposal.

Mengmeng now has a lot of homework, which needs to be corrected by her parents. From now on, she will come home very late every day, and can't take care of his studies.

Beibei is still young and full of energy. In a few months, she may not be able to keep up with her daughter.

It's better to let the children stay with their grandparents and let them take care of them for a period of time, so that they can enjoy family happiness.

"For those nannies, ask Junkai to check for you and find some prudent and responsible ones."

Leng Xuri solemnly ordered Chen Junkai, "You must handle this matter well, if anything happens, I will come to you!"

Leng Xuri's aura of being in the upper class for a long time calmed down Chen Junkai, he nodded repeatedly:

"Shengsheng's business is my business. We are all family members. I will definitely take good care of them."

Lin Shengsheng drove back to the villa alone.

There were two small buns hanging on them when they went, but there was only one person alone when they returned, and a sense of desolation arose spontaneously.

Maybe Leng Gongchen is still lying on the hospital bed on the other side of the ocean.

And she couldn't contact him.

She picked up their photo on the bedside table, and her face gradually moved closer, as if Leng Gongchen was still by her side.

"Husband, I really miss you. How are you now? I really want to tell you that you are going to be a father again!"

She looked at the person in the photo frame affectionately, tears shed silently, and smashed on the transparent glass...

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