Fu Xuan was a little surprised when he received the call, and couldn't help but groan:
"Shengsheng, why do you think of me? Isn't that big vinegar jar by your side?"

"Leng Gongchen is not in China now, and he went abroad for medical treatment. It's a long story..."

Lin Shengsheng sighed, the corners of her mouth were inexplicably bitter.

She told Fu Xuan about the recent events one by one, and the painful memories made her quite sad.

Hearing that Lin Shengsheng on the other side of the phone was depressed, Fu Xuan's tone slowed down, and comforted him:

"Don't be sad, I've been with Leng Gongchen for so long, he will never be defeated by this difficulty.

His willpower is very strong, and there will be no danger. "

But it's only been a month or two, and I didn't expect so many things to happen.

Fu Xuan sighed that things are right and people are wrong.

He hadn't completely recovered from the depression of being abandoned by Lin Shengsheng abroad, and he didn't expect that Leng Gongchen had lived and died several times.

What's the use of liking Lin Shengsheng any more, without a healthy body, they still have to separate.

"Thank you for your comfort. I also believe that he will be able to persevere and return home safely." Lin Shengsheng thanked him sincerely.

"Then what's the matter with you calling me today? Do you need my help?
I heard that Leng's Group has been jointly squeezed by some big companies recently, which can be described as precarious. "

Fu Xuan leaned on the back of the chair relaxedly, twirling the pen in his hand with great interest.

He was very happy when he thought of the beauty begging him.

Although he doesn't know about Leng Gongchen's condition, he has been paying close attention to business affairs, so he naturally understands Leng's plight.

"Thank you, but I don't need it now. I may have to go to the company to check the specific situation." Lin Shengsheng flatly refused.

But as soon as she finished speaking, she felt sick.

She covered her mouth, suppressed the turbulent breath, and hung up the phone hastily.

She retched in the bathroom, but couldn't spit out anything.

She leaned against the wall weakly, not knowing what had happened.

There was a panic in my heart, and I didn't know whether to go to the hospital for an examination.

Mengmeng poked her head out, said with red eyes, "Mum, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Shengsheng had a flash of inspiration, remembering that she and Leng Gongchen were very close during the last time abroad.

She won't be pregnant again, will she?
Lin Shengsheng covered her stomach in disbelief, and was also faintly happy.

She rubbed Lin Mengmeng's head excitedly and asked him to wait at home.Then I went out and bought some pregnancy tests.

As expected, there were two bars on the pregnancy test!
She embraced Lin Mengmeng in surprise, kissed him hard on the face, and said, "Mengmeng, you are going to be an older brother!"

Lin Mengmeng said in bewilderment: "I can't tell if I'm already an elder brother?"

Suddenly he reacted: "Mummy, do I have a little brother and little sister again?"

Lin Shengsheng smiled and said, "That's right, do you want a little brother or a little sister?"

"Then ask for a younger brother, I already have a younger sister." Lin Mengmeng frowned and thought seriously.

Lin Shengsheng looked at Lin Mengmeng's serious expression with amused expression. In fact, it's still too early to say gender, and she doesn't want to give birth to whatever she wants.

She held her belly with a smile on her face, her expression gentle.

She is going to have a child again, and when Leng Gongchen went abroad for medical treatment, she welcomed this unexpected joy.

If Leng Gongchen knew, he would be crazy with joy, now there is one more person waiting for Leng Gongchen.

Husband, you must be safe and sound, so many people are waiting for you.

She carefully protected her stomach, and Lin Mengmeng cleared the way like a little guard, and quickly put cushions on her.

Lin Shengsheng sat on the sofa and called Chen Junkai.

Now she really wanted to tell Leng Gongchen the good news, but now he has been cut off from the outside world and can only be contacted through Chen Junkai's friends.

"Are you really pregnant?" Chen Junkai asked in shock.

"Yes, I calculated the time, about a month."

Although it was a bit embarrassing to talk about these private matters with Chen Junkai, the urge to let Leng Gongchen know still made her sweet.

"That's really congratulations, I'll tell Dad right away." Chen Junkai's brows and eyes were full of joy.

Leng's family has suffered a lot of disasters lately, whether it's the company's affairs or the illness of the family members, it has caused everyone to be overwhelmed, and the whole house is depressed.

Lin Shengsheng's pregnancy is the biggest happy event recently. If Leng's father and mother find out, it will definitely rekindle their hope.

"Don't rush to talk about it, I'm worried that this child may not be saved."

Lin Shengsheng hurriedly stopped, and said sadly:
"During the past month, because of Leng Gongchen's condition, I have been unable to eat or sleep well, and my body is a little weak.

Can you help me, I want this baby very much. "

She felt a dull pain in her abdomen, and she couldn't help panicking.

She had never encountered such a thing in the previous two births. The baby's fetus was unstable in the first three months and it was easy to miscarry.

Could it be that she didn't notice that she was pregnant this month, she was so anxious, worried, didn't think about eating and drinking, and ruined her body, could it be so abnormal?

"Please, help me, I don't want to lose this child," she begged.

"Don't worry, I don't think your body is that weak." Chen Junkai said calmly:
"You come to the old house first, let your parents know the good news, and I will also send you an expert to check."

Lin Shengsheng heaved a sigh of relief after being assured.

This child is a gift from heaven, and it is Leng Gongchen's comfort after he left her. She cannot let the child have any accidents.

Besides her body, she was also worried about whether the medicine Leng Gongchen took would affect the child.

She returned to the old house with her two children.

Although she has another one in her stomach now, she doesn't want Mengmeng and Beibei to feel neglected, they are still her treasures.

The excited Li Qingzhen greeted Lin Shengsheng as soon as she stepped into the house, and she was so happy from ear to ear.

After learning the good news, Leng Xuyang sat on the sofa with a red face.

"Okay, okay, this is the most festive event at home recently, and it's worth celebrating!" He was all smiles.

"Look at Shengsheng and Gongchen, you and Junkai should also work hard and have a second child!" Li Qingzhen couldn't help but whisper to Leng Yuanyuan.

Leng Yuanyuan covered her ears impatiently:

"Mom, don't I have a child? My sister-in-law gave birth to one, and I have another one. Can you bring it?"

This made Li Qingzhen pick up a feather duster and chase after her to beat her.

Leng Xuri looked at the chickens and dogs at home with a smile, and said to Lin Shengsheng with a pleasant face:

"Don't worry about them, the child in your womb is the grandson of our Leng family. We are all very happy."

Lin Shengsheng didn't take it seriously:
"I know that parents like children, and I just want you to know that I'm pregnant after confirming that I'm pregnant, but I have one worrying thing..."

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