Lin Shengsheng made a strict schedule, and the nanny had to cooperate with her according to the schedule.

For the sake of the child's health, she eats and rests on time every day.

At other times, she is completely dedicated to the company, spinning like a spinning top.

Chen Junkai had to check her up every once in a while, seeing her take a nap during this rare time, he couldn't help but feel distressed.

He really wanted her not to fight so hard, and her health was the most important thing.

But the words rolled around his mouth, and he still didn't say it in the end.

Because he knew it was useless to say it, once this woman decided, no one could stop her.

Over the past few months, Lin Shengsheng's belly has grown bigger and bigger, and sometimes it is hard to walk.

But after her hard work during this period, the company is finally stabilizing.

Under the joint suppression of other companies, there has also been some improvement.

That day, she was flipping through the documents in the company office when Fu Xuan suddenly called her.

She frowned, looked at the big name on the phone, and was a little puzzled, wondering what he was calling now.

She picked up the phone and asked coldly, "what can I do for you?"

She didn't want to get too close to Fu Xuan.

After all, when he was abroad, despite her repeated warnings, Fu Xuan still made some cross-border behaviors, which made her very uncomfortable.

The indifference in Lin Shengsheng's mouth hurt Fu Xuan, he took a deep breath to suppress his depression.

"Is that why you don't want to hear my voice?" Fu Xuan made a sad look on purpose.

"No, I'm just curious. I don't know why you are calling me now?" Lin Shengsheng denied.

She was suddenly in a daze, time flew by like a horse, and now Leng Gongchen didn't know that he was about to have a child again.

In order to ease her longing, Chen Junkai found Leng Gongchen's recording to listen to it a few days ago.

She had to leave it to sleep at night, which was also considered to allow the child in her stomach to adapt in advance.

"Don't I think you can't call you? Do you have to be so heartless?" Fu Xuan said aggrievedly.

"A few days ago, I heard that you sleep up all night because of the affairs of the Leng Group, so my heart aches for disregarding your health.

Don't be like Leng Gongchen, there is nothing better than having a good body. "Fu Xuan crackled like pouring beans.

Hearing Fu Xuan's disdain for Leng Gongchen, Lin Shengsheng was a little angry.

However, the gentleness of the voice was still maintained, but the content of the words stimulated Fu Xuan:

"You don't have to worry, I care about my body the most. Even for the sake of the child in my womb, I won't treat myself badly."

Lin Shengsheng smiled:
"Jun Kai also helped me find four nannies to take care of, and he had strict schedules for what I would do.

Even the nutrition of each meal has been accurately calculated, so I don't think I will bother you. "

The child in the belly?

Fu Xuan was bewildered.

Is she pregnant again?
Why didn't anyone tell him, he didn't know about it at all.

The other side was speechless, Lin Shengsheng continued to prod:

"Are you too happy for my child to speak? I didn't think of it either.

A few days after Leng Gongchen left, I found out the good news that I was pregnant. "

"Of course I'm happy for you." Fu Xuan came back to his senses:
"It's just that Leng Gongchen is not here now, do you want to give birth to a child alone? I heard that Leng Gongchen's treatment will take at least a few years.

When he comes back, the child will have grown up long ago. Do you want the child to live in an environment without the care of his father?are you sure? "

"Of course, should I still beat him? He is my child after all."

Lin Shengsheng clenched her fists angrily, wishing she could punch this guy. It's no one else's turn to judge how her child is doing.

"Do you have anything else to say? If not, let's stop here for today."

Hearing Lin Shengsheng's blunt tone, Fu Xuan knew that he had touched her back.

He wanted to apologize, but he sighed and hung up the phone first.

Lin Shengsheng was baffled, she didn't expect that she was the one who was offended, and she was also the one who got hung up.

I really don't know why this guy is calling. Maybe he heard that she was pregnant again, so he disliked her and never wanted to talk to her again?

Lin Shengsheng smiled sarcastically, put down the phone and stared blankly at the blue sky outside the window:
"Gong Chen, when are you coming back?"


The days are so dull and hurried.

Unexpectedly, within a few days, Lin Shengsheng stared dumbfounded at Fu Xuan who appeared in front of her!
"Why are you here? Do you have something to do?" Lin Shengsheng looked at him warily.

The person in front of her was full of travel and dust. She obviously went to the company to block her without changing her clothes after getting off the plane.

She checked her watch, then looked around worriedly.

It is working hours now, and the flow of people is turbulent. If there is any change, it will immediately attract a large number of attention.

She had a headache because of the scandal with Fu Xuan when she was abroad, and she no longer wanted to spread any rumors.

And now she is in charge of the Leng Group, if someone says that she is in two boats, then the interests will be even more involved.

Her control over the company is actually not that strong.

"Of course I'm here to take care of you. You are pregnant and have to take care of the company by yourself. You must be very tired, right?"

Fu Xuan hungrily stared at the face that made him anxious, no matter how hard the journey was, he was satisfied.

"Leng Gongchen is currently undergoing treatment abroad, so he won't be able to catch up with your due date.

You just let me stay, and then I can run up and down for you. "Fu Xuan looked at Lin Shengsheng expectantly.

"What are you talking about? This child has nothing to do with you. Why are you so concerned?"

Unexpectedly, he made such an outrageous request, Lin Shengsheng said in shock, "I don't need someone to take care of me, you can go."

"I don't care who the child in your womb is, but it is certain that he is your blood.

I only care about you, I want you to be safe and have a healthy baby. "Fu Xuan said firmly.

Seeing Lin Shengsheng's expression of disbelief, Fu Xuan smiled bitterly and said:
"Is my image in your heart really that terrible? I really just want to help you.

What do you care about, what do I care about, don't be so guarded against me, okay? "

Lin Shengsheng was at a loss and didn't know how to respond.

"I came this time not just to take care of you.

As I said the other day, this child was born and Leng Gongchen was not around, what would other children think of him?

Do you want him to feel ashamed that he doesn't have a father?Isn't there someone who protects him like a father? "

"No, my child has a father, he's just not around for the time being." Lin Shengsheng flatly refused.

"But the other children don't care about it, and they will speculate whether the father did something bad, so he didn't show up?"

Fu Xuan deliberately asked back.

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