Lin Wanmian got out of bed with a hopeful heart and went to the bathroom to freshen herself.She has to organize her appearance well, she wants her mother to see her beautiful and happy appearance!
She fumbled for the toothbrush and toothpaste habitually, and these movements, which were the same every day, were already familiar to her.

However, the moment she put the toothbrush into her mouth, she didn't know what happened. She suddenly felt nauseous, but she subconsciously pressed it and it seemed to be better.

However, when she wanted to continue brushing her teeth, the smell of toothpaste made her suddenly irritated, and she retched uncontrollably, and she had to stop brushing her teeth and lay down on the toilet to vomit...!
After finally her retching slowed down, she slowly stood up, but just as she stood up, a moment of dizziness hit her head again!

If she hadn't stabilized the sink in time, she might have fallen to the ground.

What's wrong with her, is she sick?
Since the past few days, she has felt physically exhausted, but this is the first time that she is vomiting and dizzy like today.But she doesn't have a fever or a cold, she can eat and sleep, and she doesn't look sick?

Or is it because the pressure in her heart is too tense?

After all, when she thought of her mother's release from prison recently, she was more worried than happy.

She didn't know what Lin Piaoyu would do when she heard that Nalan was missing. Most importantly, she was afraid that Lin Piaoyu would oppose her being with Murong Aoyang.

Although she knew that it was impossible for her to leave Murong Aoyang, if Lin Piaoyu firmly opposed her, she would have great concerns after all.

Maybe it was because these thoughts bothered her so much that she couldn't relax herself, so her body had an uncomfortable reaction.

But fortunately, she felt uncomfortable about it soon.But after she came down from the room to the living room, Mama Wu who was wiping the furniture saw her coming down. Mama Wu, who was still smiling, saw her pale face. Mama Wu was so frightened that she dropped the rag and quickly came to her side to support her. asked:
"Mianmian, what's wrong with you, why do you look so bad?"

Lin Wanmian touched her face subconsciously. She didn't know how bad her complexion was, but judging from Wu Ma's nervous appearance, she probably guessed that her face must be very different from usual.

But she didn't want Mama Wu to worry, she asked Mama Wu to take her to the sofa and said:
"Mother Wu, don't worry, maybe it's because I thought I could pick up my mother today. I was too excited last night, so I didn't sleep well. I'll just rest for a while."

"Then why don't you go back to your room to catch up on sleep, it's still early anyway." Wu Ma felt sorry for Lin Wanmian's haggardness.

Lin Wanmian smiled lightly, and refused:
"If I could sleep, I wouldn't have come downstairs."

"That's right, let alone you, the old lady and I were also so excited that we didn't sleep well all night. No, the old lady is cooking your favorite seafood porridge in the kitchen, and I can only do hygiene to pass the time. But this There is still more than half a day before your mother is released from prison, and there is still time to pick up your mother after lunch!"

When Lin Piaoyu was released from prison, Mama Wu also had a happy face. Too many unsatisfactory things happened to the Lin family, and it is time to slowly return to normal.

If it wasn't for the lack of Nalan, when Lin Piaoyu returned home today, their Lin family would really be reunited.

It's a pity... It seems that God still has to let their family go through some more bad things before it's over.

However, the sky will never end the way of people, as long as you live well, there will be hope in life.

Probably the most difficult time has passed, and now the Lin family is full of vitality.

Today, Mrs. Lin is in a happier mood. Even if she didn't sleep well, she is still full of energy. She even feels that the porridge made is better than before.

But the strange thing is that when she happily put a bowl in front of Lin Wanmian, before she could say a word, Lin Wanmian covered her nose and turned her head, as if she was holding back something.

"Mianmian, what's wrong with you?" Mrs. Lin looked at Lin Wanmian suspiciously.

"Grandma, I...vomit...!"

Lin Wanmian just let go of her covered nose, but as soon as she opened her mouth, her already keen sense of smell was immediately filled with an unacceptable smell, so that she vomited again.

She vomited out of control again, and although she didn't vomit anything in the end, her face was terribly pale again, which frightened Mrs. Lin and Mama Wu, and they both rushed Lin Wanmian Back to the room to lie down.

Lin Wanmian didn't know if she had exhausted too much energy at once, she almost fell asleep without saying a few words.

After Mrs. Lin and Wu Ma left her room, Wu Ma said worriedly:
"When Mianmian came downstairs, I felt something was wrong with her. Her face was very ugly, but I didn't want it to be so serious. I think we have to send her to the hospital to have a look before I can rest assured!"

Mrs. Lin looked at the door of Lin Wanmian's room. She thought to herself for a while, then pulled Mama Wu a little further away and said softly:

"Sister Wu, we Mianmian may really have something serious."

"Ah? Then...then we have to send Mianmian to the hospital as soon as possible, we can't waste time..." Wu Ma was so anxious that she panicked!
"Sister Wu, don't worry, Mianmian is not too late to go to the hospital, haven't you noticed it yet, Mianmian is probably pregnant."

After all, Mrs. Lin is someone who has experienced it. Of course, she knows the symptoms of a woman's pregnancy.

But Wu Ma had never been a mother, so her reaction was slower.But after listening to Mrs. Lin say this, no matter how dull she is, she can understand it, but she said in a daze:
"How could Mianmian be pregnant...?"

"Have you forgotten that she and Master Murong went out several times but didn't come home?"

Mrs. Lin is not a conservative person, but her granddaughter's sudden pregnancy still makes her feel more happy or worried!
But the matter has come to this point, Mrs. Lin still tried her best to face it calmly.

However, she originally thought that she would not be in a hurry to send Lin Wanmian to the hospital, but she had to change her plan at noon, because after Lin Wanmian woke up from a light sleep, it was fine if she didn't eat, and she vomited when she ate. The tossing and tossing tortured her enough!
In the end, it didn't matter whether Lin Wanmian was willing to go to the hospital, Mrs. Lin still arranged for her to be admitted to the hospital for an examination and get the results.

In the end, as Mrs. Lin guessed, Lin Wanmian was indeed pregnant.

When the doctor announced the news, Lin Wanmian, who was lying on the hospital bed, was completely dazed, but her hands were instinctively placed on her abdomen and stroked gently!

It turned out she was pregnant!She was pregnant with the flesh and blood of the man she loved the most, but she was so stupid that she didn't realize it.

However, it doesn't matter anymore, it's not too late for her to know now.Today is the most special day for her, her mother is free, and there is a baby in her belly who will come to her and Murong Aoyang's life, what a surprise!
She wanted to tell him right away and let him welcome their baby with her.

However, when they talked on the phone last night, Murong Aoyang told her that Murong Qingyue would take her children back to Murong Manor for a short stay today, and he had originally canceled his plan to accompany their family to pick up her mother from prison. So he could just stay home and wait for his sister to come home.

She knew that he attached great importance to Murong Qingyue, so she would not disturb his family reunion time at this time.

But she didn't want to tell him such special news on the phone, she wanted him to feel the momentary joy with her when she could lean on his arms.

Therefore, she asked Mrs. Lin to keep it secret for her temporarily, and she wanted to tell him personally.

Mrs. Lin naturally understood Lin Wanmian's thoughts, she thought that as long as Murong Aoyang also welcomed the child in Lin Wanmian's womb, she would have nothing to say.

But she wasn't worried about Murong Aoyang's attitude towards the children. He loved her granddaughter so much, so he would naturally love their children.

There were many good things going on this day, but the child in Lin Wanmian's belly was a little unstable, so the doctor suggested that it would be safer for her to stay in the hospital for two days.

Lin Wanmian really wanted to pick up Lin Piaoyu with Madam Lin and the others, but it was the first time her body felt the heavy responsibility of carrying a new life. Insist on picking up Lin Piaoyu.

Mrs. Lin naturally wouldn't ask her to go, after all the doctor told her to be careful, and she didn't want Lin Wanmian to make any mistakes.

However, before Mrs. Lin and Madam Wu went to pick up Lin Piaoyu, they called Liu Zhirou in advance to ask her to come to the hospital to help take care of Lin Wanmian.

Because of time constraints, knowing that Liu Zhirou will arrive at the hospital soon, Mrs. Lin and Madam Wu felt that there would be no problem in a few minutes, so they greeted the nurse and asked the nurse to take care of Lin Wanmian, and then rushed to pick up Lin Piaoyu. .

However, the time when they thought there would be no problem at all was the beginning of the storm.

After they left, Lin Wanmian's ward was pushed away.When she was sober, she heard the sound of the door opening and closing. She smiled happily and said in the direction of the door:

"Zhirou, why are you so fast, I thought you would arrive in a while."

However, when she heard the sound of unfamiliar footsteps coming towards her, and it was a man's footsteps, Lin Wanmian's smile froze, and she subconsciously became defensive and asked:

"Excuse me... who is it?"

The person who came seemed to be trying to make her flustered, and when her whole body was visibly tense, the person finally spoke:
"Wanmian, I never expected you to be a mother! I should congratulate you, but I sympathize with you more than congratulations!"

"Master Rong, why are you here?" After Lin Wanmian was shocked, she frowned in disgust.

Rong Shengzu pretended not to understand her disgust, he sneered and said:
"You don't need to resist me in a hurry, at least you don't have to worry about what bad things I will do to you, and I don't need you to rush me. I will leave by myself after I finish speaking, and will not disturb you from enjoying the joy of becoming a mother. It's just... I hope that after listening to what I said, you still welcome the child in your belly."

An evil smile appeared on Rong Shengzu's face, his last hope for Lin Wanmian was gone, she was pregnant with Murong Aoyang, what else did he expect?
If you don't expect it, then it will be ruined cleanly. If he can't get happiness, these people should also feel some pain to be fair!

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