It's hard for a defeated president to chase his wife

Chapter 196 The Day of Getting Out of Prison

Mrs. Lin felt his calmness from Murong Aoyang's words, and when she thought of the Murong family's family style, she actually felt a lot more at ease!

Since Murong Aoyang has decided to take her granddaughter to visit his parents, it proves that he has already made up his mind.

No matter what the final result is, what choice the elders of Murong's family will make, Mrs. Lin knows that she cannot control it.

However, on the Lin family's side, she can still speak. Regarding Murong Aoyang's proposal to go with them to pick up Lin Piaoyu from prison, Mrs. Lin had other ideas. She looked at Murong Aoyang and said:

"Aoyang, I know I'm worried about how your parents will react. As for our Lin family, I think it's better for you not to come with us to pick her up when Mianmian's mother is released from prison. I want to communicate with her first after we pick her up. At least we have to prepare her mentally so that she will not be caught off guard. When she recovers, you can meet her again. Only everyone Only when you are calm can you have more honesty, what do you think?"

Murong Aoyang pondered for a while. His initial thought was that as long as he and the Lin family went to pick Lin Piaoyu out of prison, even if he didn't need to say much, Lin Piaoyu would understand what happened.

As for how she will react, Murong Aoyang is not sure, but whether Lin Piaoyu understands his relationship with Lin Wanmian or not, it will not affect his determination to spend the rest of his life with Lin Wanmian.

But now he can understand Mrs. Lin's proposal, and he has indeed neglected to consider Lin Piaoyu's feelings.

As Mrs. Lin said, Lin Piaoyu also needs a little psychological preparation.After all, this is something that Lin Piaoyu needs to think about carefully.

Considering the position of the Lin family, Murong Aoyang finally agreed to Mrs. Lin's proposal.

Coincidentally, he can also find a suitable opportunity at about the same time to say hello to his parents before taking Lin Wanmian home.

Not long after Murong Aoyang and Mrs. Lin reached a consensus, Lin Wanmian was sent back by Liu Zhirou.

Before Liu Zhirou helped Lin Wanmian into the living room, she was smiling all over her face, but when she saw Zhang Chou sitting in the living room of the Lin family, she felt ill and her smile faded a lot.

After Lin Wanmian was brought by Murong Aoyang, Liu Zhirou politely bid farewell to everyone, except that she automatically blocked the existence of Zhang Chou.

But what she didn't expect was that just as she walked out of the Lin family's house, she heard Zhang Chou calling to her:
"Liu Zhirou."

Liu Zhirou stopped in her tracks, but she didn't turn her head. She didn't know what he wanted to say when he called her to stop.

But she didn't turn her head, and Zhang Fu's long legs came to her in two strides, and it was rare for her to look at him calmly, but she closed her red lips tightly and did not make a sound.

"Why don't you speak?"

"I have nothing to say!"

Liu Zhirou managed to harden herself for a while, although her little heart was not beating so obediently, but at least she was very calm and didn't "care" about him!

It's just that her "don't care" is no more, no less, just enough to make Zhang Fu's restless heart restless.He frowned and was about to speak, but Liu Zhirou suddenly said coldly:

"If you are worried about Wanmian, you can see that she is fine. Wanmian and I had a great time today!"

"You were having fun with someone else, weren't you?"

"Whether it's good for others or Wanmian, I'm happy anyway!" If she didn't see him twice a day, she would have been happier.

"That man... How long have you known him?"

She had a good time with other men, but he was very unhappy.

For a moment, Liu Zhirou didn't realize who the "that man" he was talking about was. When she understood, she replied casually:
"Today is the first time we have met, but our two families are family friends, so it can be regarded as we have known each other for a long time."

If he was asking Zhong Lunjin, they had known each other for a long time, but they didn't remember it at first.

When I went out to play with Zhong Lunjin today, Mrs. Zhong suddenly sent a photo to Zhong Lunjin.

The photo turned out to be a photo of her and Zhong Lunjin together, but it was when she was three or four years old, and Zhong Lunjin was three years older than her, so he should have been around five or six years old at that time.

Mrs. Zhong probably really wanted her to be the daughter-in-law of the Zhong family, so she rummaged through the boxes and boxes to find out the "evidence" that she and Zhong Lunjin had met a long time ago and showed them. The two of them only vaguely remembered it when they saw the photos They met as children.

However, Liu Zhirou's scheming answer sounded very unpleasant to Zhang Chou, so he asked with a cold face:
"you like him?"

Liu Zhirou looked up at Zhang Fu, why did she feel that he was questioning her?
But why did he ask, it's none of his business whether she likes Zhong Lunjin or not.

However, it's okay if he asked, but she said with no sincerity:

"Yes, I like him!"

"How much do you know about him, and you like him?"

"How much do you need to know to like someone? If you like someone, you like it!"

When she fell in love with him, she didn't even know his name. Didn't she love him so much that she couldn't help herself!
"Are you sure you really like him?"

"Okay, I like..."

"to be frank!"

Zhang Chou suddenly raised his voice to stop her from answering without thinking.

Liu Zhirou was also taken aback by this, she vaguely felt that he was strange just now, and now she felt that he was even more strange, she had to question:
"May I ask you why I want to discuss with you whether I like Lunjin? I have automatically stayed away from you. If I inevitably meet like this, I will treat you as if I don't know you as you wish. Why do you insist on following him?" I'm talking, I don't even know how I provoked you again?"

Having said that, Liu Zhirou suddenly felt aggrieved, she had already tried so hard to avoid him, why did he come to be an acquaintance with her, did he know how hard she had to work to force herself to "ignore" his existence?
Zhang Chou looked at the wetness in her eyes, he had a strange feeling for no reason, this feeling made him have an urge to get close to her.

However, before he made any movements, Liu Zhirou looked up at him again and said:
"Mr. Zhang, now it's my turn to ask you. Even if we have to meet occasionally in the future, please treat me as a stranger, okay?"

He can't make her accept the possibility that he won't love her, and make her unable to bear the idea of ​​giving up on him.Not being able to give up on him was very painful for her.

Zhang Fu's seemingly expressionless face still popped out inadvertently, just as Liu Zhirou was stepping away, he suddenly reached out and put his arm around her and said:
"What if I say no?"

Liu Zhirou's arm held by him trembled stiffly, she looked back into his eyes, moved her lips, and asked:

Zhang Chou was about to blurt out something, but he answered the wrong question and said:

"I heard that you have been sad for a long time because of me, and you are also sick. Are you sure you can really accept your blind date in this situation?"

"Although this is none of your business, I can tell you that no matter how stupid I am, I still have a good eye for people. Lun Jin is a good man worth entrusting for life." It's just not her entrustment!

"Your vision is unsatisfactory!"

What's the point of view of people? Didn't it mean that it was the first blind date today, and just after meeting, she said that the other party was a good man who could be entrusted to her for life. She was sure that she didn't just find a man as a healing tool?
For some reason, Liu Zhirou, who has always been gentle, heard his criticism, she shook her arm vigorously to free herself, and then she slightly raised her voice to mock herself:
"That's right, my vision is not satisfactory, no, it's not that it's not satisfactory, it's terrible, that's why I have no vision for you. However, thanks to you, I have experience, so now my vision is so good that I look at Lun Jin."

"Then take it as I don't owe you, I wish you happiness!"

Zhang Chou didn't know why he said something against his will, and as soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and left without giving Liu Zhirou time to react.

Seeing him quickly returning to the room, Liu Zhirou's heart was relieved, but the heat in her eyes quickly gathered a layer of mist, she blinked and blinked but still couldn't stop the tears from falling.

However, she quickly wiped away her tears and walked away, but her heart was forced to be left in a place she couldn't take away.

Liu Zhirou and Zhong Lunjin's blind date was more straightforward than expected, at least in the eyes of the two elders.

It's just that they themselves are very clear that the hopes of the two elders are just fantasy, and there may be more.

Not to mention that her heart is not free yet, even if it is free, it is impossible for her and Zhong Lunjin to develop into liking each other so quickly.

As for the Lin family, everything looked peaceful, and their family was only waiting for the day when Lin Piaoyu was released from prison.As long as Lin Piaoyu returns to them, their Lin family will be reunited.

What is not perfect is of course the lack of Nalan.However, whether Nalan is safe or not, they have no choice but to wait now.

But things have to be done one by one, it's another matter if there is no news from Nalan, but when Lin Piaoyu returns, they can always do something.

However, no one knows that a storm is coming, and it is a storm that can change everyone.

This storm is sprouting right now...!
On the day when Lin Piaoyu was released from prison, Lin Wanmian woke up early in the morning with mixed feelings in her heart. She could finally pick up her mother from prison!
A year has passed in the blink of an eye!When Lin Piaoyu was imprisoned, the Lin family had no choice but to accept it.

Everything that the Lin family encountered was caused by Murong Aoyang's attack, but it was because their Lin family was so wronged that they didn't even have the position to sue.

During this process, Lin Wanmian felt that the most incredible thing was that she and Murong Aoyang fell in love.

Next, if everything goes well, the possibility that she and him will stay together day and night is no longer an imagination, but a reality full of expectations!
But for that reality to come true, she'll also need her mom's approval.

Ever since she lied about going abroad, only Mrs. Lin and Mama Wu knew the ins and outs of the incident, and they haven't told Lin Piaoyu the truth so far.

Because Nalan's disappearance was involved, if she wanted to explain the situation to Lin Piaoyu, she would have to worry about it.

Rather than making her anxious inside, it's better to wait for her to come back and tell her all the truth, so that no matter what needs to be explained and communicated, it is always more appropriate for the family to face each other!

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