It's hard for a defeated president to chase his wife

Chapter 198 Lin Piaoyu's Inexplicable Anger

No matter how Lin Wanmian does not welcome Rong Shengzu's arrival, she will not be so stupid as to have unnecessary conflicts with him.

Since he can appear in front of her at such an opportune time, and he even knows about her pregnancy, it proves that he came prepared.

From the vague hints in his words, Lin Wanmian knew better that he was a bad visitor.

Before that, Lin Wanmian could be said to have almost forgotten Rong Shengzu.

Although there had been a lot of unhappiness between them in the past, it was all over after all, and she didn't want to bear any grudges against him at all, she just wanted to have nothing to do with each other from now on, or she could accept that everyone could coexist peacefully.

But if Rong Shengzu is unwilling to do so, she should also think about how to prevent it.Otherwise, she always felt that Rong Shengzu would bring her a lot of trouble one day.

However, Lin Wanmian probably doesn't know yet, and her awareness of prevention may come too late.

When Rong Shengzu did what he said, after he finished what he wanted to say and left...

Lin Wanmian, who was left alone, fell into extreme panic. She even trembled in panic.

Just when she didn't know what to do, the door of the ward was opened again, and someone who made her feel relieved came in.

Liu Zhirou didn't notice Lin Wanmian's strangeness, she apologized as soon as she came in:

"Wanmian, I'm sorry, there was a little accident just before the entrance of the hospital, I had to let Uncle Wan stay and deal with it, and I walked here by myself, that's why... oh my God, Wanmian, what's wrong with you?"

Liu Zhirou took a closer look and realized that something was wrong with Lin Wanmian. Seeing Lin Wanmian's pale face, she hurriedly sat beside her and looked at Lin Wanmian more carefully and asked:

"Are you feeling unwell, do you want to call a doctor?"

Lin Wanmian closed her eyes, then shook her head and said breathlessly:

"Zhirou, please confirm for me first..."

Lin Wanmian said, she fumbled to get a mobile phone that Liu Zhirou had never seen before and said:

"Quickly check to see if the information on the phone has anything to do with Nalan!"


Liu Zhirou was stunned, but she followed Lin Wanmian's wishes and clicked on the paused video on the phone. It was fine if she didn't watch it, but when she saw a shocking moment, Liu Zhirou was so frightened that she covered her mouth with an exclamation!

Her instinctive real reaction made Lin Wanmian ask in a hoarse voice with trembling lips:

"Zhirou, what did you see?"

Liu Zhirou opened her mouth, she couldn't tell Lin Wanmian what she saw, but when she was trying to find an excuse to avoid it, Lin Wanmian asked again:

"It's Nalan, right?"

"How could you... No, who gave this to you, who came here?"

Liu Zhirou looked at the brand new mobile phone in her hand, it was obviously not the mobile phone of anyone in the Lin family.In other words, before she came, someone came here after Madam Lin and Mama Wu left.

"It's Rong Shengzu. He said that Nalan had a car accident in England. He also said that Aoyang knew that Nalan was dead...I...!"

As Lin Wanmian was talking, her heartbeat began to fluctuate again. She was afraid that she would believe everything Rong Shengzu said, so she shook her head violently and vetoed:
"No, I can't believe it. Unless Aoyang tells me personally, I don't believe anyone's words..."

Yes, she must be calm, she can't be led by Rong Shengzu casually, even if she wants to confirm Nalan's news, Rong Shengzu should not help her to confirm it!

When Liu Zhirou heard Rong Shengzu's name, she immediately thought of the accident just now, and she said angrily:
"It's him again. It seems that the accident I just had was also caused by him. He deliberately delayed me so that he would have time to make you unhappy. But maybe these are all faked by him to make you sad... ...!"

"No, this just shows that what he said is true. If he wasn't sure, he wouldn't have spent so much time in telling me about Nalan."

Of course she knew that Rong Shengzu would not be happy to find her, but if it was a lie that could be debunked at once, how could Rong Shengzu waste time drumming up so many so-called "evidences".

In fact, before Liu Zhirou came, Rong Shengzu had already dictated to her what happened to Nalan in England.

As for the mobile phone he left behind, it was just for her to further confirm what he said was true.

However, what was Rong Shengzu's purpose in doing this?Or is he destroying something?
Lin Wanmian concentrated on thinking, but this also caused her whole body to tense up.

Moreover, compared with the "bad news" brought by Rong Shengzu, what she cares more about is, if Murong Aoyang knew about Nalan's whereabouts long ago, why would he hide it from her?
No matter what happened to Nalan, he should know what she needs to know.He also promised that as long as he had news about Nalan, no matter what it was, he would let her know.

Although Rong Shengzu didn't say anything clearly just now, he hinted to her very vaguely that maybe she was pregnant with Murong Aoyang's child, which might cause her more pain.

If she felt resentment just because Murong Aoyang hid the news of Nalan's misfortune from her, she felt that this reason was completely untenable.

She may be a little dissatisfied, but that will not make her lose her joy for the arrival of the child, and it will not affect her firm love for Murong Aoyang.

At this time, Lin Wanmian still had complete trust in Murong Aoyang in her heart.However, she couldn't ignore the growing uneasiness in her heart, and her heart beat faster and faster...

"Zhirou, I...!"

Lin Wanmian suddenly felt very dizzy due to mental tension and the discomfort of early pregnancy, and even had a faint pain in her stomach.

Her child was very important to her at this time, and she was afraid of even the slightest discomfort.

Because Liu Zhirou was distracted from reading other so-called "evidence" on the phone, she didn't notice Lin Wanmian's discomfort for a while.

She didn't look at Lin Wanmian until she heard Lin Wanmian's weak cry, only then did she realize that beads of sweat had emerged from Lin Wanmian's temples on both sides, and her complexion changed all of a sudden.

Liu Zhirou didn't care about other things, she rang the calling bell at the head of the bed to call the nurse while helping Lin Wanmian to lie down.

The doctor quickly came to help stabilize Lin Wanmian's discomfort, but he also emphasized again that Lin Wanmian should relax and not be stimulated by anything.

That's why Liu Zhirou knew that Lin Wanmian was pregnant. Mrs. Lin only said that Lin Wanmian was a little unwell and was admitted to the hospital, but she didn't tell her that Lin Wanmian was admitted to the hospital because of the discomfort of pregnancy.

As soon as she arrived at the hospital, she didn't have time to ask Lin Wanmian what was wrong. She didn't need to ask anything at this meeting, she knew everything she needed to know.

Seeing that Lin Wanmian's situation was much more stable, Liu Zhirou felt relieved.But she felt that what Lin Wanmian needed most at this time was Murong Aoyang, so she secretly called Murong Aoyang's cell phone without telling Lin Wanmian, but Murong Aoyang did not answer her call.

Unable to contact Murong Aoyang, Liu Zhirou subconsciously pressed a set of numbers that she had already memorized in her mind, but she deleted them almost immediately, and instead sent a message to Murong Aoyang's phone.

That group of numbers that she was familiar with but didn't want to get through again was Zhang Chou's number. She just subconsciously wanted Zhang Chou to tell Murong Aoyang about Lin Wanmian's hospitalization.

However, she didn't want to hear from Zhang Chou that she used Lin Wanmian to pester him indirectly, so she gave up at the last moment!
However, the trajectory of life often leads to many different results because of people's thoughts.

At this time, Murong Aoyang did not deliberately not answer Liu Zhirou's call, but because he had no time to take care of it.

He was supposed to be reunited with his family at home today, but he never expected that the first thing Lin Piaoyu did when he was free was to ask him to meet angrily.

And I don't know what Lin Piaoyu is anxious about, she is waiting for him on the side of the suburban road leading to Murong Manor, she seems to be unable to wait for a moment to see him immediately.

Because of Lin Wanmian's relationship, no matter how much Murong Aoyang doesn't want to face Lin Piaoyu now, he has to give Lin Piaoyu the respect he deserves, that's why he came to meet her.

However, as soon as Lin Piaoyu saw him get off the car, she rushed up like crazy. If Zhang Fu hadn't stopped her, she would have wanted to spoil Murong Aoyang.

But she couldn't get close to Murong Aoyang, she continued to angrily say to him:

"Murong Aoyang, you ruined everything in the Lin family, and I also paid the price of ruin. I owe all of this to your Murong family, so I am willing to show you my down and out. But why do you still want to hurt me in the end? Daughter, why are you...?"

Lin Piaoyu's last "why" was an extremely angry cry, and her anger was also difficult for Murong Aoyang to understand. He had to let Zhang Chou who stopped her back to the side and asked Lin Piaoyu:

"Can't you accept that I'm with your daughter?"

"If I kill your sister or your mother again, will you accept it?"

"Lin Piaoyu, I warn you not to touch my bottom line again."

Murong Aoyang really wanted to calm down and communicate with Lin Piaoyu, and he could tolerate her anger.But she shouldn't threaten him with his most important family members, it will remind him of how he once hated Lin Piaoyu.

Now, he doesn't want that kind of mood to appear again, even if he can't fully respect her as an elder, at least he will try his best to make everyone live in peace.

He thought that Lin Piaoyu would object to him being with Lin Wanmian, but he didn't know that her reaction would be so strong.

Moreover, what was abnormal was that Lin Piaoyu's anger was too violent, as if he wanted to fight him to the death.

Murong Aoyang was vaguely puzzled, he wanted to try to add something more calmly, but Lin Piaoyu was cold and warned:
"Then don't touch my bottom line. You are never allowed to get close to my daughter. I will never allow you to hurt her."

In order to give her daughter a life with a clear conscience, she is willing to pay any price to atone for her sins. She will bear the mistakes she made herself.

However, she never expected that Murong Aoyang's revenge still included her daughter, and even Nalan became an innocent victim.

In the past, she once thought that even if Murong Aoyang would not take her daughter too seriously, at least she believed that he would not be cruel.

However, she was wrong, Murong Aoyang was already cruel.It's fine if she doesn't know his true face, but if she knows, how can she continue to let him play with her daughter?

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