President Han's sweet pet moment

Chapter 27: Grandpa Han's Way

Is it that funny?Grandpa was also amused by the side
It's the first time I hold such a big Chinese cabbage!

Have you seen it in the supermarket?

That's different.Yuxi felt much more comfortable talking with Grandpa

Grandpa was amused again by her innocent appearance
Okay, let's go back and cook

Yuxi carried Chinese cabbage and a few corns and followed behind grandpa
Grandpa, let me cook
No, you and Aunt Li go pack the vegetables and take them home

Bring back?Do you eat vegetables here?
of course

Wow!Yuxi sighed, Grandpa also had a sense of accomplishment on his face

The lunch was made by my grandfather himself, and they were just brought back from the vegetable field. Yuxi ate the simple fried pork with chili, scrambled egg with tomato, fried Chinese cabbage, boiled corn, and sweet potato with great relish.This morning was a very different experience
After lunch, Yuxi helped Aunt Li pack the tableware and sat next to Grandpa Han. The afternoon sun was shining brightly and the sky was blue!

Xiao Xi, can you tell me about Xiao Lei? As he gets older, all topics like to revolve around him.Grandpa gently opened his mouth

Of course, what does grandpa want to hear?It was the first time she truly felt her grandfather's love for Zareth. It wasn't as exaggerated as it was when she first heard it, but it was true!Grandpa really loves him!



Grandpa suddenly asked her a question, which really made her feel a little embarrassed, as she still had only a one-sided understanding of him.For example: I have a bad temper, and I can't communicate well when I'm in a bad mood, which always makes her unable to see through.Yuxi thought for a long time, then smiled

Then let me tell you about the first time I met him.The first time I saw him was at my work place. As you know, he is always very dazzling in the crowd, and he happened to be the one I received. I was deeply attracted by him the first time I met him.There are two bodyguards beside him. I was thinking, why do people go out with bodyguards these days?

Hahahahaha.Grandpa Han also laughed, and Yuxi followed suit.

He is a workaholic, not very boring, not very romantic, but sometimes he is very careful, and occasionally I think he is quite cute.Acts very mature, but sometimes feels childish.Yuxi thinks about all kinds of things about him, trying to express his good side

She paused at this point because she couldn't think of much to say at the moment
Grandpa Han smiled when she saw her narration, and was very satisfied, and also saw her pause

Um!You know he has the habit of going to bed late, right?I don’t go to bed until 3 or 4 in the morning every day, and I often talk about him, but he just doesn’t listen.But I see that recently, he has gone back to his room early to rest. Has he changed his habit of going to bed late?Grandpa's question
Maybe he likes working too much?It's gotten better recently, grandpa, don't worry, I will tell him.Yuxi answered cautiously, going to bed late?Not insomnia?Could it be that he didn't tell the truth to Grandpa Han, maybe because he was afraid that Grandpa would be worried?Yuxi thought in his heart

That's good!He, he doesn't know how to take care of himself. I can rest assured that there is someone around me. Please help me take good care of him.

Don't worry, I will

Grandpa Han looked into the distance and pondered for a while, but he still asked
You heard everything we said that day outside?

Yuxi looked at him worriedly.heard it
So don't you have anything to say or ask?

I have something to ask, but asking doesn't seem to change the reality.Yuxi looked into the distance complicatedly, it seemed that it was not so easy to accept

So how much do you love him?

Yuxi looked back at his grandfather, a little flustered, but hid himself
Does grandpa believe it?I liked him the first time I saw him, it must be because he inherited your temperament, otherwise who would be so stupid as to like someone at a glance
Hahaha yes, you will make grandpa happy.But you think so too?His appearance and temperament are indeed very similar to mine, just like his father, uneducated, just as stubborn!
stubborn?She hadn't discovered that yet.

his father?
Did he tell you?

Grandpa nodded seriously.Although they are divorced, my request is that I must come back to accompany my children to have dinner once a year, usually at the end of the year.If you want to meet Xiaolei's parents, I'll arrange it for you. After all, marriage is a big deal, and they also have to get to know their own daughter-in-law.

It's okay, just wait until the end of the year
Are you afraid that Xiao Lei will be angry?Grandpa Han hopes to know more about her thoughts
I'm not afraid of his anger, mainly because I'm not ready yet
Or do you mind.
Yuxi paused and glanced at Grandpa.I know he has Anya in his heart, he has confessed to me, but I can wait until he likes me too!What Yuxi finds frightening is that she can now act out a scene naturally, a scene that fits the current plot, even though she doesn't want to lie

What about weddings?

it does not matter
I've wronged you, Xiaolei, this child is very stubborn, and he won't change easily what he believes in.But don't look at his cold and ruthless surface, in fact, he has a very delicate mind, and he hides a lot of things in his heart. I brought him up since he was a child, and I can almost guess what he thinks in his heart. He can hide it from others, but he can't hide it from others. hold me...

That day, Grandpa Han told many stories about Lei and gave her some advice, which really made Yuxi understand him better.In front of grandpa, Yuxi really praised him a lot, and the complaints towards him in his heart gradually faded away.

Feeling better, Yuxi prepared the meal on time at night and sat at the dining table waiting for him to come back

Zareth also returned on time, glanced at her, put down his things and sat down.It's like nothing happened yesterday

Why is this all vegetarian?Zareth looked at her with a displeased expression, thinking in his heart, how could someone who was angry yesterday suddenly be in a cheerful mood today?He suddenly remembered that photo

Vegetarian dishes are good for your health, eat more!Yuxi put an egg in his bowl.Tomato scrambled eggs are not considered a vegetarian dish, try it.Yuxi spoke nicely to him, but Zareth was very ungrateful.
Eggs are not vegetarian, but they are not meat either. Are you taking revenge on me?
What am I taking revenge on you for?Yuxi looked at him bored, I finally cooked the meal and waited for you to come back, what else do you want?If it wasn't for the partnership, would I need to endure you like this?Yuxi thought in his heart

Don't play dumb here, you are not allowed to stay at your friend's house in the future, did you hear me?

You also have to take care of this?There is no such thing as "no staying at a friend's house" in the contract!Yuxi rebutted him unconvinced.

Then I will add it to you now!Zareth won't budge

This time, Yuxi glared at him displeasedly, and didn't look at him, thinking that he should not care about him, but the chopsticks poking the bowl unconsciously increased his strength, accumulating what happened yesterday, Yuxi was thinking more and more. Unable to calm down, he simply moved the entire plate of "tomato scrambled eggs" over in a fit of anger.Although Lei secretly observed her and was surprised by her actions, he couldn't stop him. He saw her put the rice in the dish, then stir it all up, and stuffed it into her mouth with a big mouthful, "I don't even have to eat now." The way he eats" Look at him!Lei also stood up and snatched it away, Yuxi's mouth opened wider in surprise, and the reaction was delayed

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