President Han's sweet pet moment

Chapter 26: After the Injustice

Are you still a primary school student?A sense of security is something that you will have if you stay there for a few years, but such a good opportunity does not come every time!Although Shu Ran blamed her, she felt sorry for her because she knew her heart well enough.
I've been miserable for a whole day, and you're still pissing me off!Yuxi stared at her aggrievedly and squeezed tears, Shuran looked helpless with her, Yuxi only acted like a baby in front of Shuran
Shu Ran lay down unseen, deliberately put her snow-white feet on her lap, lifted her head out of the sofa, and read the book backwards.

Come on, I'll try to understand every decision you make

Yuxi glanced at her, wiped away tears and looked back at the phone, the pictures of the two are very harmonious but each has their own concerns
Don't go if you don't want to, you can be anywhere with your ability, I believe in you!
Yuxi threw away the phone and fell on her with emotion!Shu Ran pushed her away sensibly, and the two looked at each other and smiled (The happiest thing is being with you! This is Yuxi's inner monologue at this moment.)
Yuxi took a day off today, and after having breakfast with Shu Ran in the morning, Shu Ran went to work, and after confirming that Lei should go out, Yu Xi came home.Sitting on the sofa for a while, I heard the doorbell after a while.Yuxi turned his head and looked in the direction of the door, thinking to himself, he couldn't be on his way to work, and turned back halfway, right? !Thinking about it again, it's not right. If it was him, he should have opened the door and walked in, so Yuxi got up with confidence.

I glanced at the monitor, isn't the one standing outside the master Chen I met last time?Yuxi opened the door
Miss Li, hello!Master Han heard that you are on vacation today, so he specially invited you to a place. He said that you will definitely like it.Master Chen stood outside the door and said respectfully
Hello!Did grandpa say where to go?After Yuxi greeted him, he asked slowly.Knowing that she is on vacation, she must not have heard about it, probably just learned about it through the camera, and if she didn't come back last night, she must have been discovered too!Did grandpa know that we had a conflict and asked me out on purpose?Yuxi thought a lot in his mind

He said, you'll know when you arrive

Okay, please wait for me, I'll go clean up and come down right away

it is good.

The car drove all the way to the suburbs for about an hour.Yuxi didn't tell Zelei that she was still angry about what happened yesterday!After getting out of the car, Yuxi looked around. This is a small village with the same houses, green everywhere, and high hills.It turns out that it is so close to the city, and there is such a quiet place
How about it?Like it?While Yuxi was looking around in a daze, Grandpa came out of the house and asked.Yuxi turned to his grandfather, seeing the simple clothes he was wearing, he was a little surprised, but also a little comfortable, the grandfather here is also a farmer's uncle!

It's beautiful, very different feeling, I haven't felt such a good day for a long time!Yuxi turned his face to the sun, feeling much better, but he still looked at Grandpa Han cautiously
Hahaha, as long as you like it!Go into the house and change your clothes, you are here to help me with my work today!Grandpa Han looked at her seriously and said, Yuxi smiled at him and led her into the house, Yuxi followed behind him very cautiously

Can you grow vegetables?
I won't.Holding the tools, Yuxi followed behind Grandpa, shaking his head in embarrassment

It's okay, grandpa will teach you
OK!Yuxi looked at his back, full of thoughts, and took a while to open his mouth.Your back is quite like my grandpa. I used to follow behind my grandpa and grandma like this when I was a child.
Are the grandparents also from the countryside?

Yes, it was also in a field like this, and I was only about 7 or 8 years old at that time.Yuxi replied with some nostalgia
How long has it been since you went back?

I haven't been back since I was 12 years old. How often does my grandfather come here?
I come here whenever I am free. When I am old, I like this kind of life of "planting vegetables, stepping on the fields, staring at the sky in a daze, listening to the sound of the stream", it is down-to-earth.

Listen to the sound of the stream flowing, be at ease.When I was young, my grandfather was fishing in the river, and she was picking up small stones on the bank, surrounded by the refreshing sound of running water. At that time, she was also carefree and innocent

It's beautiful just thinking about it
If you like it, come with grandpa

In the field, Yuxi is a real farmer, and all troubles slide down with sweat and disappear.Just like Grandpa Han, he loosened the soil, neatly tidied up a piece of land, planted seeds and vegetable seedlings, buried them, and then watered them.After finishing it, it has been more than an hour, Yuxi supported the hoe for a rest

Grandpa Han smiled when he saw it, he didn't look like a lady, but Yuxi took away 3/2 of his work.Taking out his phone, Grandpa Han took a photo and sent it to Xiaolei
grandfather!Yuxi walked over unconsciously and carefully took a look at the phone, and what she intuited told her also happened, Yuxi yelled angrily in her heart
How can you send it to him when it is so ugly!Yuxi wanted to withdraw it, but it was Grandpa's cell phone after all, she could only look at it like this out of politeness, and she shed tears

Ha ha ha ha.Master Han was amused by her expression, and he did not forget to comfort her.It's not ugly, it's ugly
But in Yuxi's ears, it's as if he didn't say it!Woo~ my image!Yuxi is crying in my heart
This vegetable has been planted, so go and play by yourself for a while.Grandpa said to Yuxi like he would treat a child, to stay and finish the finishing work by himself.Grandpa Han thought, if the Han family had a girl, their way of getting along would be about the same as they are now
Yuxi took the hoe to the stream to wash, took off his shoes and lifted the corners of his trousers, and walked on the cold water. This was nothing but happiness.When you find something interesting, you just bend down or squat down to watch the lively little tadpoles swimming around, and the little fish that suddenly come into your sight!Yuxi stretched out her hand towards the many tadpoles, and the tadpoles swam around. Yuxi looked at the two tadpoles held in her palm and smiled happily.
Xiaoxi, do you want to eat corn?Grandpa stood on the slope and shouted

think!Yuxi raised his head and answered without thinking, and put the tadpole back in his hand
Come on, let's pick it up
OKYuxi returned to the shore, put on his shoes and left the creek, and followed his grandfather to a large corn forest
Wow!Grandpa, did you plant all these?

Yes, there is Chinese cabbage next to it, see?

I see, wow!That's the richest money I've ever seen

Hahahahaha.Grandpa is praised triumphantly
While picking corn, Yuxi hummed a song unconsciously, and looked away in embarrassment at her grandpa, who laughed from the sidelines. The taste of the harvest made her feel very happy!Grandpa cut off the cabbage and handed it to her, Yuxi hugged the heavy cabbage that was hard to hug, and giggled

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