President Han's sweet pet moment

Chapter 28: Accidental fall

You give me back the eggs!Yuxi reached out to grab him reflexively, but he shrewdly dodged
No thanks dear.Ray smiled smugly at her, took a bite and put it in his mouth, eating it deliciously
Yuxi looked at his face angrily, resisting the urge to tear him apart, let him go

Forget it, I'm going to fry the steak.Yuxi walked towards the refrigerator calmly
What happened to the two of them?The person standing in front of the computer watched the action of the two men about to fight, couldn't figure it out, and was anxious for the two

Lei put down the plate of bibimbap and rushed to the refrigerator one step ahead of her, protecting the refrigerator
Steak, I want to eat too!
Want to eat?Do it yourself.Yuxi ignored him and wanted to push him away after he finished speaking, but Lei stood in front of the refrigerator, unable to push him away, and said to her with the most disgusting expression: "Then don't eat it!"

Yuxi rolled his big eyes, getting even angrier!

Han Zelei, that brat, why didn't he treat Anya like this? !But it pissed me off to death, I really don’t know how to be blessed when I am in the blessing, brat...Grandpa Han was very angry when he saw his performance
You go away!Yuxi tried his best to push and pull him, but it was useless. Lei still blocked the refrigerator tightly.Putting Yuxi in a hurry, he didn't know where the idea came from, so he put his arms around his neck and hung the whole body on him, thinking: I don't believe that I can't pull him down!As a result...she made too sudden a movement, and without giving Lei a moment to react, she lost weight all of a sudden, and the two fell down together amidst screams

This fall, everyone watching on the surveillance camera felt pain for them!

Lei, who fell to the ground, supported her with both hands, while not forgetting to protect her, while Yuxi maintained the posture of hugging him.There was a painful expression on his face, he lowered his head to cushion, and got closer to Yuxi, so close that she didn't dare to look up at him, so she just asked softly

Are you ok?

Lei raised his head to look at her, Yuxi put down his hand guiltily.Resisting the pain from his elbow, Lei stood up and moved his hands. Yuxi also quickly stood up and grabbed his swaying hand.The people outside the camera let out a sigh of relief.
Let me see!
fine.Zareth pulls away
Let me see!Yuxi yelled impatiently, Lei had never seen her so angry before, and watched her calm down.

Yuxi raised his hand and lightly pressed his reddened spot, Lei gasped and showed a pained expression

Could it be a dislocation? !Yuxi tilted his head to look at him, and asked worriedly, Zareth just thought her actions were so funny, and wanted to laugh

No.Lei pulled back his hand, moved it again, and then continued: "It's just that when I fell, I subconsciously used my elbow to support it, and it collided with the ground. It's just a bruise at most. Are you okay?"After Lei explained, let's talk and ask Yu Xi

Yuxi shook his head.Are you sure it's just a bump?What about the other hand?Yuxi grabbed his other hand and looked at it

The red around it turns purple
it's just fine
Yuxi worriedly took his good hand, dragged him to the sofa and sat down, then went back to the kitchen and took two eggs, put them into a pot of clear water, and put them on the fire

Hey, can I fry a steak?Ray looked at her pitifully

knew.Yuxi reluctantly agreed, he was still thinking about the steak even though he was injured, but he honestly took out the steak with his hand, and went upstairs after preparing the ingredients.Lei sat on the sofa and watched TV, occasionally watching her busy.When I got down again, I had some more things in my hands, and put them on the coffee table, and then I went to pick up the eggs. Lei picked up the external medicine, looked at it, and put it back.

Taking the hard-boiled egg, Yuxi sat next to him, carefully peeled the egg, and then applied it on his purple elbow.He also looked at him worriedly, but he didn't show any expression, and smiled at himself
Are you OK?

Yuxi cast a suspicious look at him, then concentrated on dressing his wound.The people outside the camera leave at ease, the picture is very warm
After dressing the wound and applying medicine, Yuxi felt relieved to fry the steak

After eating the steak satisfactorily, I was forced to eat a lot of vegetables, of course, because I couldn't waste it.Today's Zareth is much more cheerful than he was yesterday. Even if he dropped his hand, because of the broken hand, he doesn't need to wash the dishes or tidy up today!Just sit on the couch, watch her, watch TV
He no longer mentions about the transfer, but he can't let go of the photos and make fun of them!After she finished her work, she returned to the sofa with her computer in her hand, and he sat a little closer, taking photos to compare with her

Yuxi looked at him suspiciously.

It is true that people make clothes

Yuxi glanced at him again.What are you talking to yourself?
i'm looking at a photo

Yuxi immediately thought of it, and reached out to snatch his phone, but he quickly dodged it, and the two almost bumped into each other!Yuxi withdrew his hand, and Zareth also withdrew it.
I have all backed up, and it is useless for you to snatch them.

I didn't say to delete... what?You actually backed up?Isn't it just a photo, what's so good about it?Why are you still backing up?It's too much!Yuxi put down her hands and looked at him speechlessly, the last sentence she only dared to curse in her heart

Zareth also looked at her with a smirk, and handed her the phone: Look, take it.

Yuxi took the phone, and after looking at it as a whole, he zoomed in, mainly looking at his own face.It's okay, not ugly!Yuxi returned the phone to him, and returned his gaze to his computer.Zareth thought she would be furious, but she didn't care at all, so he pressed the phone screen off in boredom

If I say, I want to use this photo as a screensaver, you don't mind, do you?After thinking about it, Zareth continued to attack unconvinced.

Sure enough, Yu Xi turned his face and looked at him questioningly, thinking about what to say but was too angry to speak.Are you really going to do this?Yuxi looked at him weakly

right.Zareth looked at her and nodded seriously.
Let me tell you this, you are the leader of a big company!Your screen saver is suitable to use those photos that can show your taste, your temperament and your image, this one is too ugly!Not suitable.After some analysis, Yuxi hoped that he would dispel this idea at the expense of himself.

Too.Zareth looked away pretending to be persuaded that he was only joking with her

Why can you work and I can't?Zareth looked at her page, and spoke again in boredom

I do not have it!Yuxi closed the computer calmly.Do you want to watch TV or play backgammon?Military chess?chess?truth or Dare?puzzle?Yuxi took out a bunch of game props, displayed them one by one in front of him, and asked his opinion?

Backgammon can also play Go, you know that?she continued to show off

When did you buy it?Zareth didn't answer her questions, he held them in his hand and looked at them, asking her
Saw it on the way home and bought it

I'd better watch TV.Zareth doesn't have much interest in these

Well, let's see.Yuxi also let him go, as long as he doesn't talk so much and can be quiet!

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