roses and lilies

Chapter 92 Ideas

Registration for the Newcomer Guaranteed Amount Sales Contest has started, and only one of the three groups has registered, so everyone can guess who it is!Among the three newcomers, she is the only one who meets the requirements the most.

Qin Ye prepared meticulously in front of the computer. Sometimes she used slides to make courseware, and sometimes she used Jinling Marketing to check rates.Refer to the current bank interest rates, securities indexes in Shenzhen and Shanghai, open-end fund returns, futures market conditions, currency exchange rate indexes of various countries, capital investment such as treasury bonds, major international and domestic events, etc.Seriously designing this set of brand-new customer comprehensive financial investment plan templates.

In her view, an insurance agent is a special kind of financial planner.She is greatly influenced by Western education and hopes to introduce the concept of comprehensive financial management into the life insurance industry.Her ideal insurance agent can provide customers with a full range of financial services.

Insurance is actually a branch of the financial field. It is a must for every family, but not all. Many families simply think that insurance is omnipotent due to the influence of unprofessional insurance agents, so they do a lot.That's not true, her profession told her that insurance is insurance, providing customers with a big chunk of emergency cash at the most critical moment.It is to prepare for the unpredictable accident and disease.

China is a big agricultural country, and there is a strong sense of saving. Many people save a lot of money from their teeth, and save a lot of money so that it will come in handy in case of illness or disaster in the future.

The underestimation of inflation has led to the loss of a large amount of cash flow in vain.The sad thing is that many people still use bank deposit interest as their living expenses. What is the difference between this and sitting and eating.As prices rise, capital shrinks.After all, it is not a Swiss bank. The interest rate given by the Chinese bank is only simple interest, which is actually a form of interest that does not generate interest.Assets cannot preserve or increase in value.The interest rate given by the bank simply cannot offset the shrinkage of funds caused by inflation.It is extremely stupid to put assets in bank deposits or in insurance for excessive protection.Chinese people's traditional consciousness is difficult to change.It would be great if it could be like a foreigner's idea.

She remembered the wealth stories of Chinese old ladies and foreign old ladies.

The two old men met in heaven.The old Chinese lady asked: "Do you have any unfulfilled wishes in this world?"

The foreign old lady replied: "No, because when I left, I finally paid off the loan on the house I have lived in for 20 years!"

Then the foreign old lady asked: "What about you? What regrets do you have?"

"Oh! Don't mention it, it brings tears to my stomach! My regret is great! I have been saving for 20 years, 20 years, you know! I can finally buy a house, what a pity! I haven't lived in it for a day yet. , I’ll come here to accompany you!” said the old Chinese lady helplessly.

Every time Qin Ye thought of this story, she felt it was funny from the bottom of her heart. What made her laugh was that this story had been circulated for so long, how could there still be people who are old Chinese ladies!

In fact, there is really no need to save so much.Just save one-fifth of your salary for insurance, so that the risks of diseases and accidents will be passed on to the insurance company, and you don’t need to use your life savings to pay for those unpredictable things, which will affect the current life. quality.

The Newcomer Insured Sales Contest is in full swing.Qin Ye's speech won warm applause after wave.

"Then what about the remaining savings? As the saying goes, you can't put all your eggs in one basket. If you don't invest in your assets, you won't make any profit. The bank can only guarantee that our assets will not be lost, and the security is guaranteed. , but we can’t guarantee that our funds will not shrink, what should we do? Our concept of comprehensive financial management has come out. If insurance agents can integrate their work more professionally into the concept of how to maintain and increase the value of customers’ money, then customers will be very welcome Ours. After all, customers hope that their funds will increase, and no one wants their funds to shrink. Each of our insurance agents is a savior of customers' funds and family protection. Customers cannot do without us, customers need us Provide comprehensive financial services for them.

My point of view is that the development of insurance companies in the future should break away from the concept of pure insurance, and establish our own comprehensive financial management group like foreign countries. Employees are no longer insurance agents, but comprehensive financial consultants.Our company's organizational structure will also undergo a new transformation.The comprehensive wealth management group is divided into a corporate wealth management consulting subsidiary and a family wealth management consulting subsidiary.

The company's financial consulting company is oriented to the enterprise, giving the enterprise the pulse, offering suggestions for the production, operation, financing, and investment of the enterprise, investing in property insurance for the enterprise, and investing in group insurance for employees.There are so many things we need to do.In a small way, it is for the enterprise, and in a big way, it is to provide suggestions for the sustainable development of the national economy.The burden and responsibility on our shoulders is not light!All of you here are the backbone and mainstay of our company. We must first have confidence in the company's future development.We firmly believe that the company will continue to take off and develop.

This requires us to continuously introduce high-end talents such as actuaries, budgets, budget estimates, engineering costers, real estate appraisers, certified public accountants, certified statisticians, certified human resources specialists, and certified auditors.After careful calculation and management, the enterprise will enter a virtuous circle of development.According to a certain percentage of the profits of the enterprise, we will pay corresponding consulting fees to our financial consulting company.This is a special form of service. This kind of service does not get paid by selling physical strength, but takes wisdom and innovation as the core value concept of our enterprise.

The burden on the insurance agent is not light.After all, it is necessary to transform into a family financial advisor.This is also an improvement of the knowledge level of our existing forces, which puts forward no small requirements and challenges.

I know that many departments under our life insurance company are full of talented people. Everyone is proficient in all kinds of martial arts when they are in contact with customers. Whether it is communication or explanation of professional insurance types, they are all very good.The challenge I am referring to is slowly expanding from the perspective of insurance to finance, which involves these important areas of financial management, including securities, funds, futures, real estate, treasury bond investment, currency exchange rates, non-ferrous metals, crude oil, and even antiques, cultural entertainment, Pets and other investment fields must be involved, and strive to be profound.This requires everyone to dabble in these relevant knowledge extensively in addition to developing their business from now on, so as to reserve knowledge and wealth for the company's future transformation and prosperous development.

today!I took advantage of the opportunity of the Newcomer Insurance Amount Contest to communicate with you about the brand-new concept of future transformation and development of the insurance industry. This is also my personal immature experience.Thank you very much for your applause and affirmation.I hope that we will have more opportunities to speak freely and communicate with each other in the near future.thank you all! "

The audience thought of the warm applause!Qin Ye bowed deeply politely.He stepped off the stage steadily and sat down in his own seat.The applause was long and continuous.

The manager of the third department stood up from his seat and took the lead in applauding. He never expected that this young girl in her twenties had a lot of things in her chest. The concept of the company's future development she talked about coincided with his own ideas. And together, the truth that I only realized at my age, I have already comprehended it just after graduating from university.I am very happy to see that Sanbu and even life insurance companies have great prospects in the future.

Qinye won the champion of the company's newcomer insurance sales competition, and was awarded the title of gold five-star lecturer in an extraordinary way.This also means that in addition to showing her career, she also has to take on the most cutting-edge work of the company, passing on her deep understanding of this industry, as well as the most cutting-edge knowledge and business development skills of this industry to her colleagues.

The corner of the director's mouth moved slightly in disapproval, but he wasn't very excited, after all, it was all within his expectations.

This also broke the embarrassing situation that the three groups had no lecturers for so many years.It's really a blockbuster if it doesn't sing!Since then, our group no longer has to spend money to hire lecturers!After all, Qin Ye is the best among the many five-star lecturers!

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