The supervisor's sacrifice was quite big. Zhu Yun originally belonged to one of the supervisor's top customers, regardless of financial strength or recognition of insurance, there is nothing to say.

In terms of performance, if all the protection gaps of this family are covered, a lot of insurance policies will be issued.The premium commission is only calculated at 30%, and the commission amount is also considerable.

Not to mention that the amount of commission for each type of insurance is also different. Customers deposit once a year, and they will get the corresponding commission every year.In such a calculation, the supervisor is really at a loss.Could the supervisor be that stupid?Leave the money and don't make it.Of course not, she definitely had her own ideas in doing so.

Her far-sighted, grass-snake-gray-line, floating vision is really admirable.

Zhu Yun's job has been settled, and she has obtained the qualifications to work as an agent. She can first make up the security gap for herself and her husband, and get performance, commission and guaranteed salary.So many insurance policies and achievements can solve the urgent needs of the three groups, and the three groups have also injected fresh blood.Three birds with one stone is perfect.

Perhaps more than that, the supervisor seems to be playing a big game of chess.Careful layout, ingenious conception and full understanding of her chess pieces all enable her to strategize and win thousands of miles with confidence.

The third addition is indeed something special.Her arrival put a lot of pressure on the master.It also let everyone finally understand the intention and strategy of this wise man.

A high-achieving student majoring in finance at the National People's Congress, a gold medal CFP financial planner, a well-proportioned professional suit, and a standard Mandarin like a broadcaster.Whether it is professionalism or cultural temperament, it can be said that it is rare among the salesmen in the entire three departments.

Qinye, a poetic and elegant name, lives up to its name, and the young leaves are green and fragrant, refreshing.She gives people the feeling that is called a comfortable.Straight and soft curves, retro curly lob, romantic and full of natural beauty, casual and professional women's demeanor, very feminine.Intellectual borderless diamond glasses, dignified and decent, light lipstick is crystal clear, and beautiful lip line is full of luster.Medium build, ironed Zhanye suit skirt, silk stockings, Belle high-heeled shiny leather women's shoes.Everyone even wondered if the company's regional manager came down to check and guide the work.

She politely looked around at the colleagues in the three groups with her soft eyes, and smiled slightly, "Let me introduce myself to everyone. My name is Qin Ye, and I am a lively and cheerful girl. I am very honored to meet you today." , we will be colleagues in the future. I hope you will support me a lot and encourage me as a newcomer. There are so many things in everyone that I can learn from and learn from! I will try my best to do my job well. I hope you will mention more in the future. Valuable opinions. I will definitely accept them with an open mind. Thank you everyone!"

Different from the previous two newcomers, although Qin Ye is only 22 years old, her maturity and sophistication are unmatched by her peers.The supervisor looked at her appreciatively, and kept nodding.

Qinye didn't feel unfamiliar at all, just like a family member who had gone away and returned. The warmth and joy came from the heart and silently infected the colleagues in the three groups.There is no need for the supervisor to introduce them one by one.

Inside the door to see the door, the layman to watch the fun.This time, the supervisor turned the tide like a timely rescue and saved the three groups.

It embodies the profound skill of this calm and experienced Zhi Duoxing.The performance of the three groups has returned to the top three from the bottom three.The young department manager looked at the confident old supervisor in surprise.It's hard to find other words to describe it besides admiration.People want to achieve performance in such a short period of time, and they need to increase staff and increase staff, and they are so united inside and outside the group.It can be seen that the role of veterans in this department cannot be ignored.

Can't help but regret that I shouldn't talk to others.Prematurely define the three groups.He is also worthy of himself. This silent reply shows his dissatisfaction with his wrong views.No wonder Director Zhang was so calm and composed at the time.This couldn't be more clear, people think it's a bit superfluous to talk about so many mobilization achievements.

He also paid special attention to the three new additions to the three groups, the first two were nothing special, but the young girl who came last was a bit unusual.

The third department is the largest department among these departments in the marketing area, and there are more than [-] supervisors who have joined the team alone.Although the three groups are not the best performers, they are at least the most stable and have always maintained the top three positions.However, the performance champion and runner-up group always take turns to sit on the bank. Their performance is extremely unstable. Often they are the performance champion this month, and they will be ranked last in the next month.It is difficult to fight the country, and it is even more difficult to defend the country.It is not something ordinary executives can do to maintain a far lead in performance.He began to admire the three groups.

He vaguely felt that Supervisor Zhang was about to play a big game of chess, and the rook in this big game was the unusual and otherworldly little girl Qin Ye. His professional sensitivity made him realize that this little girl was by no means the one who was playing the game. The insurance company hangs around for a few months, and after paying out the insurance for their own reasons, they just walk away.Her ambition is not small!Anyone with a discerning eye can't see it!With a bachelor's degree in finance from the National People's University and a gold medal financial planner, can she succumb to this insurance company with mixed eyes and interests first? How can she be willing to be a small salesperson?
The ideas of the master and the manager coincided with each other.She can guess the supervisor's mind.This time, the supervisor made a big move to solve the urgent need of the third department, and she probably didn't do it deliberately.Piggybacking is not an exaggeration.Her focus is actually on the overall situation.

She had already seen that the team members were not very successful.It was out of necessity.In her heart, she still regards experience as more important, and she still hopes to promote her successor from the existing members.The ideal is full, but the reality is so cruel.

She once had high hopes for herself, and she wanted to hand over three sets of these plates to herself after retirement.However, my son let me involve too much energy, and I am ugly and have a bad temperament. Although I work hard, I always feel that I am lacking in talent and spirituality.

Although Xiaoying's performance is good, she lacks motivation and has everything she needs.It is impossible to devote all my mind to the business of the three groups, and the supervisor is really worried about handing the three groups over to her.

Not to mention Xiaohong, who was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, has never experienced any hardships, let alone suffered any crimes. Although she is a kind person, it is really difficult to take on such a big responsibility.

I don't need to say too much, I don't do my job every day, my sisters and sisters are surrounded by a large group, caring for this like a flower guardian, and thinking about that.Who do you think you are!Jia Baoyu!In fact, it's just a stupid nympho.How can I take over.If you don't get dismissed early by the company, you don't necessarily have to be grateful for the light of a little beauty!

Big brother Li even plays chess every day without doing business. If he does some business, he will be complacent, and he will not be able to keep it sooner or later.

Zhu Yun is also a master who does not lack money. The purpose of coming here is nothing more than a rich woman who is bored at home and comes here to entertain herself. I am content.

But Qin Ye is different, her temperament, eloquence, education, and cultural accomplishment are all excellent, and her calm and sophisticated level is considered to be a great weapon.As soon as he joined the department, the supervisor gave instructions personally.Let her handle everything with confidence.During the exhibition, the supervisor spoke at the front, and she was earnestly learning by the side, slowly accumulating experience.

There is a small stove on there, and the voices of praise and encouragement are endless here.

The master's keen eyes saw the clue.Thinking about it makes me feel very uncomfortable.Perseveringly, a counselor depends on people to make things happen!Everything is the best arrangement.

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