roses and lilies

Chapter 8 Love

First love is beautiful, and it is worth remembering and remembering.

After getting along for a period of time, Xiaoling silently accepted me, and her sense of dependence on me became stronger and stronger. When shopping, she always liked to hold hands and gently leaned against me with her body, and every time she sent her to the house. Before, when we said goodbye, I always fell into my arms, letting my hair gently skip her delicate forehead and An Ran's face.

He repeatedly told me to call or send her a text message when I got home.The image of a strong woman when we first met gradually faded, and she became more and more gentle and considerate, and more and more feminine.

I know that no matter how strong a woman is, she also has a vulnerable side, and she needs a broad shoulder to shield her from the wind and rain.

She often mentioned to me that the scene when we got along was like a movie: "In the narrow street in front of her house, I paced back and forth anxiously, looking at my watch and sending text messages, while she He sneaked around behind me, tiptoed and gently covered my eyes.

I can't forget KFC's ice cream sundae, and I can't forget that I watched her chewing with relish watching her creamy sip with big charming eyes, but I never took a bite.

I can't forget that on the high Ferris wheel, we look around and the whole world becomes so small under our noses.I can't forget climbing to the top of the mountain together, confessing to each other loudly, the wonderful notes echoing in the valley for a long time, stepping on the whole world under our feet, only the two of us are left in the Nuoda universe.

These most memorable fragments will excavate the deepest space of the soul whenever they are remembered. "

Good days are always short, hasty, and fleeting.When I saw the pale and familiar face on her corpse that day, my heart felt as if it had been crushed by a stone.

The forensic doctor covered her wet body with a white sheet, one foot was bare, and the other was wearing the white leather shoes I gave her. She rushed through the crowd of onlookers, and I threw myself at her and held her tightly in my arms. , her body was bitingly cold, her warm face and round skin were gone, and my nose was filled with the stench of sewage.

The two policemen on the left and right pulled me away forcefully, quickly transported the body into the car, and drove away far away.I stopped there stupidly, watching the crowd gradually disappear into the noisy city.

As early as a few months ago, Xiao Ling's situation was not ideal, and he worked overtime until late at night.Every time I meet her, I always feel that she is in a trance.

Staring at a place in a daze.No matter how I amuse her and coax her to be happy, she is always depressed and unhappy.

He kept muttering: "Dad, Dad"

I held her shoulders with both hands and couldn't help shaking: Lingling, Lingling, what's wrong with you, tell me quickly, what happened!She just smirks, I know, she's crazy.In this regard, I am puzzled.

I came to her company alone, and asked the colleagues around me in detail, did Lingling have any unusual behavior recently?
Most of my colleagues didn't know much about it, so I asked Lingling's closest colleague, and the result was that Lingling often went to and from their manager's office.

Lingling mentioned him more than once in front of me. The manager is about 50 years old, shrewd and capable, and exudes a mature atmosphere, just like her father. She said she likes this feeling very much.

The autopsy report of the forensic doctor came out, and the deceased died of drowning, which was a suicide, and he was pregnant with a three-month-old fetus.

After hearing this, I suddenly felt confused. I have been with Lingling for nearly half a year, and I have never done anything deviant. Where did the child in her womb come from?I suddenly realized that like a lunatic, he took a car and drove straight to Lingling Company, and broke into the manager's office. The guy was chatting with his mobile phone. Under his gentle appearance, he hid a dirty and dirty heart.

I swung my arm and punched him to the ground, his glasses fell to the ground and shattered, he was confused by the sudden attack, then I rushed forward and rode on him, swinging my fists like raindrops He hit him hard in the face.

He moaned and shouted, and I kept waving my arms until I was exhausted from the beating. His eyes were swollen to the point of bursting out, and the blood from the corners of his mouth and nose stained his chest red.

He kept pleading: "Brother, if you have something to say, if you have something to say, how did you offend brother? If you want money, I can give it to you. As much as you need, I will pay you right now."

I shouted in my mouth: "You bastard, who cares about your stinky money, you said what the hell did you do to Lingling, you said, do you know that she died, you killed her, right, you tell the truth What's going on, what did you do to her!" I asked him repeatedly while pulling his hair and shaking him.

"I paid for it, and she did it voluntarily. She said she would give me anything as long as she gave her money."

My mind suddenly appeared a few months ago, when I proposed to her, her joyful mood, followed by my worry about raising the money to buy a house, she saw my thoughts , comforted me and said: "It's nothing, there will be bread, as long as we work together, we will be very happy in the future."

I said impatiently: "It would be great if you married a rich man. Why would you suffer this pain like a poor man like me? Our unit has no expenses for three months, and no one can say what will happen in the future. The unit closed down, and I lost my job. Just leave me and marry a rich family."

She replied without hesitation: "Okay, I'll listen to you, I'm going to ask for a big money, and I want the money back to support you." His answer was so straightforward that I was very moved after hearing it, and subconsciously hugged her in arms.

I never thought that she would really do this until she was pregnant with the manager's child. She felt really sorry for me, and was afraid that she would lose me. The ambivalence and ideological struggle day and night made her spirit completely go to the bottom. On the verge of collapse.

So she chose the best way to escape. She obsessively called her father's name, jumped into the icy cold water, tears gradually drifted on the river with her body, merged with the river, and finally realized A long-cherished wish to be reunited with my father.

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