roses and lilies

Chapter 35 The Novel "Seat"

In a silent night, I worked hard to create, for life, for business, and not to be burdened.I continued to write and write.


The spring breeze is warm, and silk fluffs are flying, floating, leisurely breaking into people's eyes, nose, and ears, as if they are testing, teasing, and teasing the bottom line of people's freshness and peace of mind. Admire the unique way of reproduction of nature.

With longing for my parents, longing for my lover, longing for my daughter, and longing for home, I walked lightly on the way home. The breeze blew, adding a bit of handsomeness and elegance to my fair face. The hair has added a bit of naturalness.Feeling the softness and thoughtfulness of the warm air from head to toe, it reminds me of my wife's bright smile, graceful figure, and smooth skin, that is, a gentle, sweet, and dream-like gesture.Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel joyful, so I sang the popular songs of the big party without beginning and end. Today is the weekend, especially the days that the working people are looking forward to. feel happy at this moment.

After a while I came to the No. 1 bus station. People are like this. When I was in a good mood, everything went smoothly. As soon as I got to the station, No. 1 bus slowly pulled up. After getting on the bus, I stuck the magnetic card on the card peeler. Hearing the sound of "da", he tore off two more tickets and walked towards the empty seat at the back of the bus. There were many people at the end of the weekend, and there were no empty seats after sitting for a while. standing in the car.After a while, the air became cloudy, and I subconsciously opened the window.Watching the beautiful scenery and beauties outside the window.Only the station voice sounded: "Zhongxin Pharmaceutical Group reminds you that Jingang Bridge is at the station. Passengers who get off the bus should change to the back door and get ready to get off. Please be careful when getting off." Then the driver stepped on the brake, my body He leaned forward involuntarily.

The benefits of advertising in today's society cannot be ignored. No, advertising is done on the bus.Just thinking about it, when the car door opened, three people came up, a young woman, an old woman and a little boy, the old man sat next to me, the young woman and the little boy sat in front of us, the little boy was about 8 or 9 At the age of [-], he was already tall among children of his age. He was dark and thin, with two big eyes embedded in this small round face like black jewels. His eyebrows were dark and heavy. He wore a protective suit on his chest. She said loudly as if there was no one else around: "Mom, next Friday, you will come to pick me up from school, let's go to the playground and eat ice cream, okay?" The young woman said: "It depends on your performance. If you are obedient, mom and grandma will get off the bus." I will take you out to play on Sunday."

If I hadn't heard the little boy call her mother, I really would not have guessed that this woman was in her 30s.She was wearing a white suit skirt and a pair of high-waisted white leather shoes, and the boy's jewel eyes were very similar to hers.The nose is straight and the mouth is wide, the eyebrows are patterned with willow leaves, and the hair is in the form of floral curls and hot shawls. In my opinion, it is only 25-[-].The boy kept joking with his mother, and the mother and child were very intimate. The mother stroked the boy's round head with her hands, and said some words of advice, "You should pay attention to the lectures in class, and do your homework on time." The little hand was placed in the mother's palm, and the other hand tried to stroke the mother's nose.And blinked and blinked at the mother's face with big jewel-like eyes, and the mother also tapped the boy's little nose with her finger.And took advantage of the opportunity to grab the boy's other little hand, and put the two big hands together to push the boy's little head with his forehead. The mother and son, head to head, eye to eye, kept having fun. I am happy, and the grandma sitting in the back is also grinning from ear to ear. The bus is full of the warmth of home. At this moment, the hearts of people in the car may have already flown home.The bus drove slowly, and the boy's mother turned around and said to the old woman: "Mom, I will leave it to you, Zhiguo, he has a rough heart, and some things are unexpected. Men are like this, even taking care of themselves." Not good, let alone take care of the children." As he spoke, he took out five hundred yuan from his pocket and handed it to the boy's grandmother, saying: "This money is for this month, don't worry, spend what you need, if it's not enough for me Tim." Then he looked out of the window and said, "I'm almost there, Mom, you have to take care of yourself, I'll leave it to you." And stroked the boy's head with his hands: "`Obviously, don't Be naughty, listen to grandma, study hard, and see you later." The boy was taken aback, and immediately grabbed the corner of the mother's clothes who was standing up, and murmured: "Mom, don't go, come with me and grandma." Go home, okay?" The young mother's face was holding back her sadness, tears were rolling in her eyes, and she said in a trembling voice, "Silly boy, my mother is off work next Friday, and I will take you out to play, be obedient." Take the boy's little hands off his clothes.Walking quickly to the back door, a middle-aged passenger immediately occupied the seat that the young mother had just left and sat next to the boy.The car was still very crowded, and there were more people standing than sitting. The boy followed his mother like a kite drawn by a string, hugged his mother tightly and said, "Mom, don't go, I don't want to let you go." You go" said the pair of small teardrops shed from the big jewel-like eyes. The young mother was even more embarrassed by the situation. She stroked the boy's hair with her hand and said, "Hey, listen to grandma and dad. I said I was in a hurry, and I take you out every week." At this time, the stop signal sounded again, and the back door of the car slowly opened, and my mother was quick to think, "Go back to your seat, your seat is occupied by someone. "Taking advantage of the time the boy turned his head, the mother took a key step and got out of the car. In fact, there is no seat left. As soon as the boy left the seat, it was taken by a middle-aged man. When the boy knew that he had been tricked, he turned his head and left Looking out of the car window, the mother had already walked a certain distance, the boy did not get out of the car, stood in front of the car door and looked at the distant mother, just muttering: "Mom, mom." The boy pulled the middle of the two back doors In the process, no matter how grandma called him from the seat to tell the boy to come over, the boy didn’t seem to hear it. At this time, the bus’s back door Gradually closed, the car started slowly, when the car passed by the mother who was walking by the side of the road again, the boy's eyes were moist, the young mother turned her head towards the boy at the back door, smiled, waved her hand gently, and still Shouting "goodbye" silently, at that moment, my mother's eyes were red.Only the boy understands that the smile on the mother's face and the cry in the heart are carried out at the same time. It is difficult for people who have not experienced this kind of complex emotion to imagine. Although the boy is young, he has experienced this emotion countless times. , the boy’s heart turned to the kite with a broken string, floating in the air, as if at a loss, it was hard for him to imagine what would happen in the future at this moment, whether it would be blown by the wind to the big tree, whether it would float into the sea, or fall into the sky. On the top of the iceberg, the boy's heart was completely cold, and his mother had been left far behind.He wiped his tears with his hands, and walked up to grandma, who had already been heartbroken, and said sadly: "My baby, I miss my mother, don't you still have grandma, come and sit on my lap."Seeing this situation, I quickly gave up my seat to Big Eyes, and asked the old man about the situation. The old man told me in detail, but I was distracted. Festival, led to the breakdown of the boy's family.The boy's mother was forced to divorce. The court considered the boy's father's family conditions to be better, so the boy was awarded to him. The mother paid the boy's maintenance fee on a monthly basis and allowed him to visit the boy once a week. In this way, the boy lived every week. I am looking forward to this day, and every week I have to bear the sadness of parting like today, the little heart, bears the ups and downs, is the boy's childhood happy, is this fair to the boy, and the boy's future will bear it again How much unknown pain, thinking of this, my heart can not be calm for a long time.

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