roses and lilies

Chapter 34 The Novel "If It Feels Right, It's Right"

Xiaoya really likes what I write, and I can see that she still has a lot of interest in me from her feedback on each novel.In fact, I am also forced by life. It would be great if my godmother could always introduce clients to me.Writing novels to coax girls is much better than running business and knocking on doors, at least not tired!I thought about starting my idea again.

it feels right

He is handsome, passionate and talented.She is generous and beautiful, slim and affectionate.On a drizzle night, they met each other. Both of them had several unforgettable relationship experiences, and they never had any illusions about love. They met one after another habitually like passers-by, and the blind date and meeting were successful. The rate is very low, and the reason is very simple: there is a lack of a procedure, that is, the process of expressing affection, eyes are the windows of the soul, without this step, the success rate will naturally be lower.

In this meeting, they are also not satisfied with any fantasies. Both of them work in public institutions, are very stable, and their family background is very prosperous. If they were not in the right family, they would not be destined to meet together.At first, both of them were silent, which added a bit of mystery to the already peaceful environment.It was so quiet that it felt awkward.

He said, "How many times have you met me?" She was a little stunned for a moment, she never expected that a boy would ask such a question, she has met N boys, but no one has ever asked such a question.If she hadn't been in a good mood today, it's very likely that she would turn around and leave.But today she bought a lottery ticket and won 500 yuan, so she was in a good mood.The main thing is that she is curious.It seems that this boy's emotional experience is quite bumpy. From this sentence, it can be felt that the boy has lost confidence a little bit.She didn't rush to answer him, thought for a moment, and kicked the question back. "What about you?" The boy answered decisively, "You are No. 20." The girl thought to herself, my number is quite auspicious.She likes watching football very much, and she knows that in a team, No. 20 is a super substitute among the core players.She couldn't help laughing at the thought.He smiled and asked: "What's your mobile phone number? It seems that you are in a bad mood today, how about I ask you out sometime?" The boy froze for a moment and said, "You haven't answered my question yet!" The girl laughed He said, "I'll tell you when we meet next time!" The boy took out a pen, took the girl's slender hand, and clearly wrote a series of numbers on it in artistic style.After finishing writing, he turned and left.

The boys that the girl has come into contact with in the past have been chasing desperately from the very beginning, and the girl is at a loss for what to do. The more they chase the girl, the faster they run, just like an ordinary person competing with a world champion, standing on the same page At the starting line, ordinary people will definitely lose, but if you put a mad dog behind the ordinary people's runway and chase him, it may not run slower than the world champion.Girls are already tired of this feeling of being chased. Children born in the 80s like excitement, like unconventional thinking, and don’t like to follow procedures. She fantasizes that it must be very good for girls to take the initiative to chase boys. .She just likes stimulation, she wants to try it, the feeling of chasing people.So she swung her horse and whipped her horse - and started chasing.

A great man once said, who she couldn't remember, "Boys chase girls 20 percent of the time, and girls chase boys 80 percent of the time." She looked at herself in the mirror Dress up, spray the Parisian perfume that my mother brought from France from head to toe, and look at myself in the mirror so beautiful, not worse than Hong Kong's popular movie stars.She bought a large bouquet of blue enchantresses, 19 flowers in total. She couldn't remember exactly what they represented, and bought a special box of fragrant dark chocolate.

She inquired about the boy's work unit, and with the boy's colleagues about the boy's work and rest time, it was at noon that day, that is, a week after they met for the first time, she took flowers and chocolates and walked The small and exquisite catwalk came to the boy's office, which is an office loft-style office space that can accommodate 20 people. The male colleagues opened their eyes wide, staring at this young girl who fell from the sky, step by step from themselves. passing by.She saw him, the boy was working hard overtime, not paying attention to the changes in the surrounding environment.The girl came to the boy, put flowers and chocolates in front of the boy, and jokingly said: "Honey, how are you?" All the colleagues around gave envious expressions to the boy.That expression seemed to imply a layer of meaning: "This kid is lucky."

The boy only felt a scent of flowers mixed with the smell of perfume. He looked up and was stunned, his already big eyes widened. He stood up and shouted at the girl: "Who told you to come to my unit?" Yes, do you know that this suddenly made me lose face, you know?" The girl's joyful expression became numb, and tears rolled from her eyes after a while, and finally dripped in pairs. Falling.She threw the flowers and chocolates on the boy, turned and ran out the door.Tears were falling and swaying in the air, she was really sad.The boy realized that he had let down the girl's heart, so he chased him out of the gate, grabbed the girl's hand, and hugged her thin body in his arms. Beating, buried his head in the boy's arms very deeply.Crystal tears also flowed from the boy's eyes. The tears hit the girl's head, flowed onto the girl's face, and dripped into the girl's heart.The boy asked in a low voice: "How many times have you met me?" The girl choked back: "You are the Nth boy I have seen, but you are the only boy I fell in love with. Because I love you If it feels right, then it’s right.”

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