roses and lilies

Chapter 33 The Novel "Change 2"

change of term


The opening ceremony of the Haihe Bridge project was held as scheduled. Mr. Xiao, the company's second-in-command, came to inspect. Accompanied by Manager Yuan, Mr. Xiao inspected the construction site. Manager Yuan explained to Mr. Xiao in detail, showing a proud look from time to time. Mr. Xiao While patting Manager Yuan on the shoulder, he said earnestly: "Young people work hard and have a bright future. The development of Tianjin Branch will depend on you in the future. The headquarters has very high hopes for you. This time I am here to inspect Here are some projects in Tianjin. In addition, I have some good news for you. Your application for deputy director level has been approved by the company. The red-headed documents will arrive in two days. I hope you can use the application for these new projects in Tianjin Good weather, in Tianjin's vast construction market, give full play to your ingenuity, live up to the trust of the company leaders in you, and lead the branch out of the trough to create greater glories." Manager Yuan was happy, and said again and again: "Yuan will definitely I will work hard to improve the benefits of Tianjin and never let down the trust of the company leaders in me.

The branch office ushered in double happiness. Director Bai specially bought two [-]-head earth reds, and hung one on the left and right sides of the gate of the agency, so that the boys could light them from both sides at the same time. The sound of firecrackers was deafening and piercing the sky.Colleagues are immersed in a sea of ​​joy.

The office is usually very calm, and the most lively scene is the scene of everyone sitting around the dining table drinking. Drinking pays attention to the atmosphere, drink more and drink less, what you want is a happy one. It seems reasonable and reasonable to pour it into the belly of the guest. No one with 10 years and 8 years of drinking age can't do this kind of fire control. Director Bai is a competent wine commander of the agency. When he mentions Director Bai, There is no colleague in the agency who does not pick on Thumbs up, both internally and externally, he is a good hand, greets and sends, writes and draws, inside and outside, and handles everything big and small.This time Mr. Xiao comes, he will try his best to pay the compensation.Manager Yuan wanted to book a table in the restaurant, but Mr. Xiao stopped him. Mr. Xiao hoped to have a good drink with the employees in the staff canteen, listen to the voices of the employees, and let the employees give more valuable opinions.Manager Yuan couldn't persuade him repeatedly, so he agreed.

The hour hand points to 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and the smell of delicious food is constantly wafting from the kitchen. The master chef is sweating profusely shaking the frying spoon, and the administrative section chief brings the fried dishes to the round table in the restaurant. Small plates, fruit and vegetable dishes of different colors form a unique scenery with beautiful color, fragrance and beauty. "Clang, clang..." The master knocked on the heating pipe in the kitchen with the back of his knife. After hearing the signal, everyone came out of the office and dormitory one after another, took their dishes and chopsticks and rushed to the restaurant. It is the first place, but today is a bit special.

Manager Yuan looked at the dishes on the table with a happy face, and said, "Come on! Mr. Xiao, you are a guest and the leader of the company. If you come to our shabby house, you should sit down and have a glass of water and wine. Serve some simple tea and light meals, as the landlord of Liao Biao and my branch company, please take a seat! Please take a seat!" After listening to Mr. Xiao, he politely declined and said: "Manager Yuan, just because you are the host and I am the guest, how can I be too noisy? The reason is that the guest should do as he pleases!" Director Bai was afraid of Manager Yuan's embarrassment, so he half-jokingly said: "Mr. Just sit down, come, I'll fill it up for you, and pour the nine-star baijiu that has been open for a long time into the cup in front of Mr. Xiao. Feeling, after Mr. Xiao sat down, he asked everyone to sit down.

At this time Director Bai stood up from his seat, holding a glass filled with white wine in his right hand, and waved his left hand, which meant to let everyone be quiet, but he didn't know which one was sitting in his heart. The wine market is like a battlefield, and soon this The invisible battle at the dinner table is about to start, but there are still smiles on the surface, looking for candidates for each other, and colleagues who usually get along and can't get along will be seen at the wine table. "For this first cup, let's respect Mr. Xiao together, and thank him for taking time out of his busy schedule to come to the branch to inspect and guide the work. Mr. Xiao, you can do whatever you want, and I will do half of it. As for everyone? It depends on what you can do. Let's go." After saying that, everyone raised their glasses and stood up, ready to clink their glasses.Mr. Xiao was very calm, and an expert could tell at a glance that he was a veteran of the alcohol battlefield. Seeing him stand up slowly, he raised his wine glass with a smile on his face, and said, "Thank you, Manager Yuan and everyone here for your kind invitation and hospitality. Our branch is a united group. It is very hard for everyone to go out. With such a strong team leader as a strong backing, I believe that everyone sitting here will work harder to create a better future for the branch. The great brilliance has played a role in fueling the company's efforts to create an output value of 12 billion this year, and I hope that everyone sitting here can find a feeling of home in the branch, happy every day, and everything goes well! Just now Director Bai asked me to do whatever I want, I I feel a little inappropriate, everyone is so kind to me, Xiao, how can you be casual, how about this, I will come halfway, everyone sitting here please feel free, Xiao is not talented, let's do it first as a respect." He said and poured the wine glass Sticking to his lips, he raised his neck, and half the glass was already downed. After drinking, he calmed down, calmed down, clasped the cup with both hands and said humbly: "Everyone, please." Everyone praised, Mr. Xiao, he is good at drinking, Seeing is better than hearing it!After drinking, everyone sat down one after another.

"Mr. Xiao, eat your vegetables!" Director Bai hurriedly put a peeled prawn baby into Mr. Xiao's bowl and said tactfully: "I suggest that everyone still follow the old rules. Combine." Before Director Bai finished speaking, everyone agreed, and Mr. Xiao didn't say anything, just do as the Romans do.

"For this second cup, we would like to respect our Manager Yuan. Since its establishment in 95, the branch has made gratifying progress in terms of contracting tasks, construction operations, efficiency savings, and logistics support. It is obvious to all of you. After taking over, Manager Yuan took a long-term view, worked day and night, and racked his brains to coordinate the internal and external relations. Tian has shown extraordinary acumen and talent. This kind of excellent talent is indispensable for the branch. Hey, there is no point in talking too much, so let's talk about everything, everyone I would like to offer a cup to Manager Yuan to express my deep affection." Director Bai's words were very timely, he not only praised Manager Gao in front of the company's leaders, but also promoted the operation of the whole scene without losing the opportunity.

Manager Yuan said again and again, "Where, where, without the full support and encouragement of a good leader like Mr. Xiao, and without the help and cooperation of everyone sitting here, the branch will not be where it is today, the branch and even the company's glory and success." Everyone sitting here is inseparable from hard work and hard work, this cup should be my respect to everyone, I have done it, and everyone can do whatever they want." After speaking, he poured down more than half of the cup in one go, and the scene became lively for a while.

Upon seeing this, Director Bai picked up the wine bottle and came to Manager Yuan and said, "Manager, it's rare for Mr. Xiao to come here once, so I'm going to have a good time today." Zi Youru poured soy sauce into the wok, for fear that the vegetables would be salty.

Mr. Xiao glanced at it out of the corner of his eye, and said in his heart: "This director Bai, seeing that people are not fat, has a lot of tricks, and when he sees people ordering dishes, he should try to pour as little as possible for his manager. "On the protracted war", let me wait and see what happens, and see how it develops in a while?" Although he thought so, he didn't know what to do in his heart. When he was on someone else's territory, even if everyone offered a toast to himself, he finally fell down. It's not me.

The three tours have passed, and the free battle kicked off. Everyone came up with their usual routines. Those with a heavy drinker started a standard gear battle, and those with a small drinker mostly defended passively. Several key figures.Mr. Xiao had a great time drinking, he was not in a hurry, he came and went, he advanced and retreated, relaxed and slow, and chatted with Manager Yuan from time to time, looking so easy and suave.Director Bai took out a red panda and opened the seal, threw a box to Mr. Xiao, Manager Gao, and Secretary Cai, and opened another box, took out three sticks and handed them to the three leaders. He picked up a lighter and lit it for the leaders. At this time, some colleagues shouted in a low voice: "Old Bai, it's time to distribute business cigarettes to us."

Director Bai threw one to everyone present with a happy face.I also casually pulled out a cigarette from the pack and lit it.Taking a deep breath, he said: "There is no distinction between tobacco and alcohol, everyone has fun and has fun."

When Director Bai was young, his alcohol capacity was acceptable, at least he had to be able to drink half a catty, and his alcohol capacity in the branch company was ranked among the top five. He is a retired person, and he has to take medicines to maintain his old problems of high blood pressure and coronary heart disease. Even if he has that amount, he dare not drink too much. Picking up the wine glass, he said sincerely: "Mr. Xiao, seeing that you can enjoy yourself so much, those of us who are engaged in publicity and reception work feel very relieved. From your words and sentences, we can also deeply understand your love for these things. For the full understanding and concern of the construction workers in other cities, on behalf of our boss Yuan and all the staff of the branch, I would like to express my gratitude to you again. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to go deep into the grassroots and communicate with everyone. I will finish this glass of wine, you Feel free, on this occasion today, I improvised a little poem to cheer everyone up.

"Director Bai is the 'pen' of the branch company. I have read the articles you published in the Chemical Industry News many times. I feel that the writing is fresh and solid. It is wonderful to read carefully and catchy. I have never met him before, but now I am lucky enough to meet him, and I feel like we will never meet again. Come on, I will do it too."The two drink to each other. After drinking, the cups face each other to show their sincerity.Director Bai chanted through the wine:

"Extensively united to condense popularity,
Scientific positioning balances itself and others.

Based on survival tree ambition,
Seek development forever.

The dragon's head spreads the flag widely,
The sound of firecrackers shocked the world.

Heroes from all over the world drink cups and gather together,
The fruitful soul will never die. "

"Good poem! Good poem!" Everyone nodded in praise.

"Everyone, I'm showing my ugliness, I'm showing my ugliness"

"Wonderful, wonderful, this poem not only has a neat antithesis and a strong charm, but also incorporates the company's policy goals for this year: 'extensive alliances, scientific positioning, survival based on survival, and development' into it, and it vividly analyzes the aspirations of construction workers , the treasure land of the branch office is really hidden dragons and crouching tigers."

Manager Yuan's face flushed slightly, and he looked so radiant. Director Bai walked around the dining table, pouring wine for everyone. President approached, "You've worked hard, leader." President Xiao looked at his cup and said, "Old Bai, it's because of your hard work, we all sit and drink, and you take care of us, I want to toast you! "

"Where, where, the leader has won the award. As long as everyone drinks happily, I will be happy too. Come on, Mr. Xiao, I will fill it up for you again."

Mr. Xiao thought in his heart, how could I bear it if the wine was poured like this, the speed of pouring the wine was too fast, and I poured it 5 times in a while, thinking in his heart, he said in his mouth: "Everyone treats me like this. I understand my affection, but I have a limited amount of alcohol. It is obviously impossible to have a good drink with everyone present. There is still some in the cup. I will have a drink with Director Bai first. Then I will change it to a small cup to respect all present. How are you guys?" Just as Director Bai was about to retort, Manager Yuan made a disc and said, "Since Mr. Xiao said so, then that's fine. The amount of drinking is secondary, and the friendship between everyone is the main thing." !

Seeing that everyone was drinking to their heart's content, Manager Yuan felt that this kind of scene was the most ideal. If someone really got drunk and spoiled the scenery, things would be the opposite. Thinking of this, he gave Director Bai a wink at the right time, Director Bai understood and said to everyone: "Everyone is very happy today. Mr. Xiao went deep into the employees, understood the people's sentiments, and gave us a lot of valuable advice. For this, we sincerely thank you. Today's time It’s not too early, we finally raised our wine glasses again and toasted Mr. Xiao, come on, everyone is done.” Hearing Director Bai’s words, everyone stood up and clinked glasses together, Mr. Xiao quickly stood up: “Say, thank you Everyone, thank you all."

Manager Yuan walked out of the cafeteria, shrugged his shoulders, and looked at the night sky in the sky. Suddenly, a bright light flashed across the sky, and his heart couldn't help trembling. He thought, another meteor has fallen!

Xiaoya was very surprised after reading the novel.I didn't expect that you could also write articles in the officialdom. She felt that I had a certain talent.I couldn't help but humbly say: "My articles are so-so, they are all written by Zou." The result is that she still wants to read them.So I thought about it and prepared to write it. I really felt that my talent was exhausted.

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