roses and lilies

Chapter 32 The Novel "Change 1"

She wrote back and praised my novel, saying that the writing was fluent and beautiful, as if a person was telling himself a story with the sound of running water in his ear.In short, she still wanted to see it, and asked me if I had any more?I simply agreed.As long as she is happy, the godmother will be happy, and when she is happy, she will refer me to some customers. There is business every month, so of course I don’t have to worry about salary.Code words are not tiring, as long as she likes to read, I will keep coding for her.While thinking in my heart, I went to code again.

change of term

After receiving the notice from the Ministry of Labor and Manpower, Li Shunlai, the former leader of the agency, began to pack his things.Colleagues are discussing, who will take over the position of Manager Li?Manager Li has always been a humble person with deep qualifications. He worked in the Beijing branch at the age of 30 for 10 years, and then transferred to Tianjin for 5 years. He is loved and respected by his colleagues. He is cheerful and open-minded. His personality is full of humor and discord, and he is neither aggressive nor humble, so that he can calmly handle the relationship between cadres and groups, brother units and partners from all walks of life. Based on the policy of managing the enterprise based on human morality, the employees are mostly treated with positive incentives, timely praise for advanced elements, and encourage and spur colleagues who are less advanced on the basis of affirming their merits.Of course, each leader has his or her own unique management style, but such a wise and foolish positive motivation method is relatively rare. Being able to truly put yourself in the shoes of others and think for the employees in a transpositional way is also the accumulation of years of work experience. The enthusiasm of the employees.But everything is unpredictable, and often seemingly reasonable things will deviate from people's expectations in the context of society, just like the reference object in mechanics, which has its uncertainty. If the reference object changes, the absolute value of the object will Motion and relative stillness will change.The candidate for succession was announced in the afternoon, and the result was unexpected. Party secretary Cai Rende failed to realize his long-awaited party and government grab. Instead, the little-known deputy manager, Xiao Yuan, took office and presided over the overall work. Xiao Yuan was only 40 years old. At the age of 15, he likes to talk and laugh, and gets along well with his colleagues. He has a natural baby face and is quite popular. Everyone affectionately calls him "Smiling Tiger".Although young, he has served as the project manager of five or six large-scale projects successively, and has been unanimously recognized by the owner, general contractor and supervisor.He has been working on the construction site for [-] years. He has been down-to-earth and hard-working. He has already become an indispensable mainstay of the branch. Everyone thinks that he has a bright future, and he never thought that he would be mentioned so quickly.

People congratulated the new manager one after another. After all, everyone was used to calling each other brothers and sisters together, and it always felt a little awkward to change their words. Now that this happened suddenly, everyone seemed uncomfortable.Manager Yuan was very calm-minded, bought a pair of Ruan Zhonghua, gave everyone a shuttle, and sincerely expressed his opinion to everyone: "I didn't know in advance, and I didn't have any mental preparations. In the same way, don’t disrupt the normal order of production and life because of the change of industry. As long as everyone works together, the branch will have hope. Please rest assured that as long as there is food for me, you will not be starved. I will never eat meat. Let everyone eat soup. The company leaders handed over this position to me, which shows that they trust me. I will not let down the expectations of the company leaders and colleagues. The current situation of the branch is not very good, and I will not hesitate At all costs, lead everyone out of the trough and overcome the difficulties." Saying this, everyone seemed to be reassured, and their uneasy hearts gradually calmed down.

There are three fires for a new official to take office. Just as people are looking forward to the new preferential policies and welfare measures that the new manager will announce after taking office, the office is gradually getting busy. Director Bai first combined the relevant spirit and reference documents of the headquarters to present a beautiful In the column of the newspaper, the large red letters made of variety art made of sticky notes stand out on both sides of the page, forming a couplet, "If you don't work hard today, you will work hard to find a job tomorrow."The main text is full of dense regular script characters. The general content is the study document "Only the eccentric can survive" recently launched by the company. Combined with the relevant content of enterprise restructuring, it conducts an in-depth and lasting discussion on the three system reforms.The entire organization should carry out a large-scale discussion study.A notice issued by the office "requires each project site to start construction in the morning from now on, and all management personnel to attend a meeting in the office to study in the afternoon. Management personnel at all levels must combine the relevant content of the three system reforms to write speech materials." As soon as the notice came out, Colleagues started talking about it.Why is it a bit abnormal this time? In the past, when Manager Li was here, he was not allowed to hold a meeting for ten days and a half months. He always focused on finding projects and doing on-site construction. Why did the new manager ask us to hold meetings every day? ah.Hi, a leader has a leader's way of working, wait and see.

The meeting lasted for three consecutive days, and the atmosphere in the office suddenly became tense. Everyone did not dare to neglect, and wrote personal experience and speech outlines one after another. As in the past, Secretary Cai, the party committee, presided over and publicized various recent documents of the company.The secretary's voice is high-pitched and resonant, as if leading a new party member to hold an oath ceremony.The general content is mainly the three system reforms of state-owned enterprises proposed by Director Bai’s newspaper, "Leading cadres can go up and down, management personnel can enter and leave, regular employees can increase or decrease", and read the full text of "Only partial Control madness to survive" related articles.Secretary Cai spoke fluently, his tone was lively, and his frustrations were moderate, which fully mobilized everyone's enthusiasm.Every time a topic is finished, detailed explanations and examples will be given in combination with the current form of the branch company and the problems of the employees.From the big events that happened in the company, find out many similar problems currently existing in the organization, so that everyone's emotions will be drawn from the big events that are out of reach to the small things that are related to their own cherishment.Finally, he also announced to everyone the well-known change of the leadership team, and asked everyone to welcome the new manager with warm applause and give a few words to everyone.

Manager Yuan coughed twice and started to speak. First, he talked about some experience based on the secretary's speech. It can be seen that he is full of confidence in his ability and believes that he can lead the branch out of the trough. He wrote a thick book of personal experience overnight. Experience, it is very clear that the grassroots managers of the branch company should be mobilized, and everyone can deeply reflect on their position in the branch company, what they do every day, and whether they are worthy of their salary for this month , Are you thinking about your own work every day, and whether you can go deep into the site and do the labor yourself.And decided to take certain measures in the next step, and ordered the managers who did not meet the overall requirements of the branch to be laid off or wait for work.At the end of each quarter, in the form of public opinion polls, we will implement the elimination of the last place and wait for post learning.Those who have a weak sense of responsibility for work, often arrive late and leave early, use public wealth for personal gain, rely on the old to sell the old, and push the bucks should be severely punished.Manager Yuan was excited with his high-pitched voice, and he spoke for more than two hours at a stretch. The participants gradually became sleepy. Everyone listened to the leader's heartfelt words with great energy, while the security officer Lao Li was on the table, snoring loudly. Four times, the saliva almost flowed to the ground through the corner of the table.Manager Yuan slapped the table, stood up and yelled, "Old Li! Wake me up, you still don't have any organization and discipline, you have to sleep outside!" The loud voice filled the entire conference room.The people around hurriedly pushed Lao Li awake, and Lao Li stood up and rubbed his eyes, just about to explain. "Get out of here. You don't have to go to work tomorrow. You'll be on duty this month and come back next month." Manager Yuan yelled angrily, and all the participants felt the seriousness of the matter.Lao Li explained bitterly, "Manager Yuan, I was on the night shift yesterday, and I'm a little sleepy today. Just this time, isn't it a routine?" "I've already said it, don't repeat it, you get out! "As soon as these words came out, Lao Li walked out of the conference room silently with a red face.The meeting room was silent, only the high-pitched noise of Manager Yuan lingered in the narrow and crowded meeting room.

The agency has received good news, and the business has achieved results. The thermal power pipe renovation project in the commercial street and the Haihe Bridge project have won the bids successively. There has been no expenditure for three months, and this time the business work has improved. Once the project winning notice is received, one-third of the owner's progress payment will be transferred to the account.The branch office is like a terminally ill old man injected with fresh blood. The employees are full of energy at work. The director of the office, Bai, is busy with the preparations before the construction point, such as "five cards and one picture", "safety, quality banner slogan" and on-site Civilized construction regulations, etc.

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